A couple of centuries ago horse riding was available to both the peasant woman and the noblewoman. Yes, and free time with the lady of that era, then, perhaps, was more than a modern woman, whose horse was long ago replaced by an “iron brother. ”
However, the historical memory makes itself felt – more and more girls dream of being a dashing rider. Ability to sit in the saddle today is a beneficial advantage for the status, posture and well-being.
As in the conditions of the city, even for a short while to be an Amazon, the correspondent of SE explained.
Sculptural forms
Horse riding is a wonderful workout for the whole body: the synthesis of cardio, which burns fat, and the power load that gives muscle tone. And training of a special kind: riding a horse, we do not make active movements, but we get the motor impulse from the animal, in the end, those muscles that do not work in normal life are involved. But for energy costs, the hour of equitation is equated to 3,600 half-squats and 200 exercises per press.
Horse riding has the best effect on the shape of the feet (despite the joking expression on the rider’s legs). The most “gets” the leading muscles, which even with special simulators load is not easy. Throughout the walk you will have to hug the back of the horse tightly, while working buttocks, calves, and feet. The muscles of the body and the press are also actively connected – they make the abdomen flat, and the back straight, because slouching, you will not sit on a horse!
However, if you want to polish the figure, you’ll have to sweat here too: instructors recommend practicing at least a couple of times a week.
In conditions of a full working day and standard remoteness of the stables from the center it is not easy. Therefore, the ideal option is to supplement the weekend trip with a visit at the pool week or combine riding with stretching exercises (yoga or pilates) and in the morning do minimal gymnastics so that you do not have to suffer from pain in the most unexpected parts of the body after sitting on a horse. Horse riding develops a vestibular apparatus and a sense of balance. But if you have problems with this, you can also prepare in the hall – in this case exercises on unstable platforms are useful.
And last but not least, for an urban person: horse riding is the best way to relieve stress and fatigue. Energy therapists believe that horses have a special healing aura that helps restore the inner balance of a person. Believe it or not – your right, but it is known that it is with the help of hippotherapy today that even seriously ill children and people with mobility impairments are treated. And communication with the horse – one of the smartest animals – and even in the open air is beneficial already in itself.
It is possible or not
Horse riding, if in general you are healthy, your gynecologist will also approve: “All shaking movements improve the blood flow in the pelvic region, which is very useful for women, except for those who have different tumors (fibroids, tumors) or inflammatory diseases” , – comments the doctor-gynecologist of the medical center “Avicenna” Lyubov Treyvish.
By the way, some metropolitan centers offer to heal a woman from frigidity with the help of horse riding. It may be too loud statements, but you can not underestimate the effect of the massage. Tell this to your husband when you are going to visit four-legged graces.
A little more about contraindications: the doctor orthopedist-traumatologist Denis Evmenov notes that skating will be useful for people with back pain, but only after consulting a doctor, because they can be provoked by a variety of reasons. So, if the pain is caused by a severe degree of osteochondrosis or displacement of the intervertebral discs, then this may even be an absolute contraindication.
Therefore, the general rule: if you have a chronic disease, before going to the racetrack visit a profile doctor and consult him. During the remission of the disease, it is possible that skating will be useful, during the period of exacerbation – is absolutely contraindicated.
Friendship with horses, most likely, will not work if there are problems with bleeding, inflammation or discomfort with self-control: the instructor for horse riding of the KSK Akademgorodok, Dina Yaroslavtseva, notes that people who can not control themselves when injured by the horse behave unpredictably suffer from injuries : it is because of the panic and the inability to perceive the words of the instructor they may suffer. Fear is the main obstacle in learning to skate, – so say all the interviewed instructors.
Labor corns
Fear of animals and impatience are the enemies of successful sitting in the saddle. When asked how long it takes to learn how to stay in the saddle, the instructors respond with a smile – one is enough for a month, others suffer for months. If there is a desire – you will learn – here is a general summary. Much depends on how quickly you can get along with the animal. As the coaches say, many drop out because they can not find a common language with the horse, and this is the key to successful skiing.
But the pain in unaccustomed parts of the body after training – a phenomenon almost one hundred percent. Eliminated by the wedge method: “If after training you have muscle aches, I recommend that as a trainer come and sit on the horse the next day. If you endure another week – everything can happen again, because in the skating muscle involved, which we do not use in life, “- says Dina Yaroslavtseva.
Many, however, from skating scares the price – it is not an expensive pleasure. The hour of skiing in the clubs of the city (the main places are the KSK Akademgorodok, the equestrian club “Sosnovy Bor”, the Sports School for equestrian sport at the Station) will cost you an average of 400 rubles.
Uninhabited trotter will not be given to you, you will not ride at a gallop, not in the Siberian expanses, and in a levade – a fenced area. And at first – no more than half an hour.
If your imagination draws a dashing rider in high boots and a jockey-cap, then you are only partially right. Everything is more prosaic and complicated at the same time. So, most likely, you will need tight, tight tight trousers. But not jeans – they strongly rub. Clothes should be without internal seams. And on the sneakers have to rent leggings – special overhead leather bootlegs, – so as not to wipe your feet to the blood. The best option – a long demi-season boots, afterwards – special. In general, the choice of clothing should be approached very carefully – all too often beginners rub themselves all that is possible, and then end up in pain, forgetting about the pleasure received.
But also to rush to buy special equipment in the first months is not worth it: first, you can change your mind, and secondly, according to experts, to mount a horse in full equipment, it will take at least 8,000 rubles.
If you are still attracted by the grace of the Amazon, be prepared for the difficulties, and also prepare for answers to the question “where did you get such a posh posture? ”.