February 10, 2025

Highest ranking Fire Chief takes on lowest ranking duties to serve his town

There are a ton of words we could use to describe how we feel about all the amazing first responders out there. Courageous, dedicated, selfless, heroes…

But I can’t think of any that carry as much meaning, as much impact, or as much truth as these two words.


When our communities are in need of help, these brave men and women are always there to answer the call, and in Rialto, California, this Fire Chief is the first in line.

Last Saturday, the Fire Department in Rialto, a town of about 110,000 people located in San Bernadino County, had a severe staffing shortage. With a number of local fires going on and no available EMT, it looked as though they would have to shut down their ambulance unit.

That’s when Fire Chief Sean Grayson (pictured on the right) stepped up.

The man with the highest rank in the Fire Department cancelled his family plans, suited up and went in to work the ambulance, the job with the lowest rank. He said he would not let the citizens of Rialto be without an ambulance for 24 hours. Now that’s how to be a leader!

While working his shift, he performed all the regular duties that an EMT would. He did EMS inventory, washed rigs, ran multiple medical aids, and performed CPR.

He even cleaned the dishes!

Fire Cheif Sean Grayson, we could all learn a lot from you. Salute to the real superheroes in this world!

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