Welcome to weekly horoscope. Every Monday, our astrologist Emma Howarth forecasts the week ahead for every star sign. Emma, who runs Mystical Thinking, will be writing intuitive weekly horoscopes with a straight-talking, relatable and forward-thinking vibe to help guide your week.
20 March–19 April
Fiery Aries isn’t afraid of the spotlight so you’re still basking in the glow of 13 October’s full moon in your sign, which totally empowered you. As comfortable as you are being singled out for attention, while the sun remains in relationship-focussed Libra, you might find it pays to redirect some of the glory towards those who helped you get here.
Indeed, partnerships of all kinds are firmly in focus as this week plays out. If you’re ready to take a business or romantic relationship to the next level, you might just find yourself on a fast track to your heart’s desire. Get set to seize the moment but reign in your competitive side if you don’t want to finish the week with a fight.
- Offset this week’s go-go-go energy with CBD oil in your tea, your cocktails and your skincare.
- Behind every great Aries…
20 April–20 May
For stubborn bulls struggling with work/life balance, this week presents an opportunity to focus on health, wellbeing and wardrobe decluttering while Libra season is still in swing. Down that kombucha, streamline the bathroom cabinets and, most importantly, breathe. You’ll need all the good vibes to get through the To Do List life is set to throw at you this week. There won’t be much time left for romance but with the nights drawing in – and cuffing season looming – single Taureans might find themselves envying their coupled-up friends. But now is not the time to settle for less than you deserve in the love stakes. The coming weeks (ahead of 12 November’s Taurus full moon) are key to unlocking the next magical stage of your life – turn your focus inwards for now.
- You might love the finer things in life but it’s nature that soothes your soul. Try forest bathing, hug a tree or just head to the park for lunch.
- Aligned is the new hustle.
21 May–20 June
You’ve been on fire in the romance department recently, Gemini, with good times, flirtation and plenty of fun on the cards thanks to the sun and passionate Mars in your fifth house. The me-me-me energy of 13 October’s Aries full moon lingers at the start of this week but by 17 and 18 October you may find yourself questioning friendships or romance and getting real about what’s working (or not) at work. There may be jealousy at play or big decisions required. The end of the week could see you pressing pause on the party vibes to say goodbye to a friend or lover who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Let them go, Gemini, and if drama ensues ride it out knowing that everything will be just as it should be by Halloween.
- Chat-happy Gemini is the queen of communication but sometimes it pays to zone out. A crystal sound bath will speed you straight to the Zen Zone.
- Geminis just wanna have fun.
21 June–22 July
For caring, empathetic Cancer, putting other people’s needs first is second nature but this week’s energy is all about YOU. More specifically – thanks to 13 October’s full moon shining bright on your ambitions – it’s about your glittering career. If you’ve been working hard on a side hustle, gearing up for a promotion or trying to work smarter not harder of late, this could be the week where it all comes good. Really good! We’re talking popping champagne corks, awards, accolades… maybe even name-in-neon-lights here, Cancer. Elsewhere, your home life and family relationships remain in focus but watch out for time and energy drains. You are a loyal partner and devoted friend but do you always have to be the one that picks up the pieces when things go awry?
- The moon is your ruler so you’ll be feeling the effects of this week’s waning moon energy. Write a list of everything you no longer want in your life and burn it to ash.
- Put yourself first for once.
23 July–22 August
Summer might be over but fun-loving, gregarious Leos are still ruled by the sun. Your friends might be ready to hunker down with a boxset until next spring but you’re still firing on all cylinders thanks to the sun hanging out in your third house of communication and intellect. Yep, you’ve got all the bright ideas right now, Leo, and with partnerships on the agenda you might just stumble upon someone who can help make your vision a reality this week. Now is not the time to play small mighty lion… if you’ve found yourself bogged down with power struggles or mind-numbing office politics in recent months, Pluto’s direct motion (which started on 3 October) should give you the kick you need to move things forward this week.
- There’s greatness in gratitude, Leo. Write down three things you’re thankful for every day this week and watch the good times roll.
- No one puts Leo in the corner.
23 August–22 September
Feel like you’re still recovering from last month’s manic Virgo organisation fest? Well, this week life will begin to flow once more. You still have papers to file, boxes to tick and order to maintain (#virgolife) to get set for your ruling planet Mercury’s retrograde later this month, but you’ll feel less anxious and more ready for some fun as the week goes on. Good luck on the cash front also looks likely this week. If you’ve been trying to get your foot on the property ladder, wishing for a windfall or hoping an investment will come good, balls may start rolling very soon. In fact your bank balance might have already received a boost thanks to 13 October’s full moon in Aries. If you feel a splurge is due this weekend, go for it… just don’t spend it all at once.
- Kick information overload to the kerb with a hunk of negativity neutralising smoky quartz on your desk.
- Money talks.
23 September–22 October
Been burning the candle at both ends, lovely Libra? Your sign’s season might be all about balance but dynamic Mars has been upping the chaos factor to frantic (and the birthday partying hasn’t helped, either). Fortunately the 13 October full moon in Aries had your back, turning your attention away from external pressures and back towards your personal life. In fact, things could get particularly intense where love is concerned this week. If you’re single and looking you could find the romantic chemistry you’ve been waiting for soon. For paired up Libras, things are looking equally seductive, but there’s some shady tension at play, too. Is your relationship as equal as you’d like it to be? If the answer’s no, try not to let your fear of being alone cloud your judgement. It might be make or break time, Libra.
- Don’t let bad vibes get you down this week – smoke them out with some space clearing, ethically sourced, palo santo.
- Love is all you need.
23 October–21 November
If last week felt full of confrontation and derailed good intentions (blame demanding, energetic Mars), this week is here to get you back on track. The Aries full moon (13 October) shone bright in your house of healthy habits urging you to clean up your act. About time, too: both Christmas and Scorpio birthday season are just around the corner so you need to be on form. Now is a great time to get back to barre class or level up your self-care with yoga, meditation or a chilled out massage. Love planet Venus is still in your sign, allowing you to make connections with serious depth this week. If you’ve been waiting for a sign that the time is right to utter the L-word or want to take things to the next stage in a romance, this might just be it.
- Tarot and oracle cards are great tools for intuitive Scorpio souls. Seek out a tarot reader or try reading a spread with your own cards this weekend.
- Hit the healthy living reset button.
22 November–21 December
If you’re too busy gazing into your lover’s eyes to pay attention to this horoscope, we feel you, Sagittarius. The 13 October full moon shone bright in your fifth house of love and pleasure and no one is blaming you for basking in the afterglow. This month’s connections aren’t all of the carnal variety, though. Libra season has been all about friends, colleagues and comrades for Sagittarius so far. You may have found yourself getting into the swing of things at college or university, networking like crazy at work or widening your social circle thanks to an exciting new acquaintance. More sedate times are coming but right now your social butterfly status is all part of the bigger picture. Pick up that dress from the dry-cleaners… it’s time to RSVP ‘Yes’ to a few more invitations.
- Keep your energy in check this week with a luxurious ritual bath. Go large on the swanky oils and flower petals then visualise negative vibes swirling down the drain when you pull the plug.
- Definitely! Love to! See you there!
22 December–19 January
Libra season is heaven for industrious Capricorns. There’s nothing you like more than having your hard work and achievements recognised and with the sun illuminating your house of career and status that’s exactly what’s happening. The 13 October full moon might have thrown a domestic drama or two your way but elsewhere the stars are aligned in favour of the success you crave. If you’ve been thinking about moving house or making a big life change things might start to happen for you later this week. Meanwhile, Pluto direct (as of 3 October) is giving you the opportunity to shine brighter than ever, following its retrograde in your sign. Take a chance, Capricorn. You’ve always been ambitious, but right now you have the power to move mountains.
- Slip a garnet tumblestone (Capricorn’s power crystal) into your bra to up the magic factor on this week’s ambitious energy.
- The spotlight is yours.
20 January–17 February
If you’re reading this by an infinity pool overlooking the Indian Ocean then it’s safe to say Libra season has already worked its magic on you, Aquarius. Your ninth house of travel is calling for action right now so if you haven’t already packed your bags, now might be the time to stick a pin in a map, book a flight or make a weekend escape plan. If love is on your mind, the knock on effect of 13 October’s full moon might see you finding the words to tell someone how you really feel. Aquarians love to play it cool but now is not the time to stay incognito. Finally, if you’ve been thinking about learning a new skill or signing up for a course, you’ll find both the inclination and motivation easy to come by this week.
- If you can’t escape to far-flung shores the next best thing you can do is unplug your phone. Ignore social media this week and try IRL on for size.
- Passport, money, tickets, check!
18 February–19 March
Head in the clouds fish will surprise everyone this week when they ramp things up in the career department without a jot of Piscean flakiness. Creatively and financially, you fish have got it going on right now, thanks to 13 October’s auspicious Aries full moon. Things are on point in the love department too, especially towards the end of the weekend when Venus gets some attention from your planetary ruler Neptune – book a romantic day off on 21 October to take full advantage of the good vibes. The recent Pluto retrograde (don’t worry, it went direct on 3 October) was tough on sensitive fish who can’t help but question their dreams and life choices, but this week sees you feeling sure of yourself again. You are exactly where you need to be Pisces. Try to enjoy it.
- Trust your intuition this week, Pisces. If something feels off it’s because it is off. You’ve got this.
- Not such a flaky fish after all.