December 7, 2024

Herbivores against predators

We know from childhood that in winter, to be healthy, you need to eat onions, garlic and meat. Someone, in defiance of parental covenants, has been blown away by the blizzard into minus 32, the main Siberian food fuel – meat.

Suicide is called their constituent majority of carnivores, but vegetarians in this regard have their own point of view. And even its, first in Novosibirsk, vegetarian cafe at the Center of Vedic culture.

Supporters of this type of food with experience more than 7 years – the chairman of the Center of Vedic Culture Vilayat Babaev and the expert on ayurvedic medicine, the chairman of the board of the Siberian Ayurvedic Institute Natalia Mogilevskaya, told the correspondent of SHE about what it is like to be a vegetarian in Siberia.

Interview with vegetarians about how to live without meat in harsh climatic conditions

Reference:Vedic culture is a culture based on the Vedas (a collection of the most ancient scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit). Ayurveda is a traditional system of Indian Vedic medicine, based on vegetarianism.

Among nutritionists, there is an opinion that eating meat in Siberia is harmful …

Natalia Mogilevskaya (NM):It is not entirely true that the essential amino acids as constituents of protein are only in meat. Many necessary elements for our nutrition can be synthesized within us, but for this we need some experience of vegetarianism. The body is very smart. When the supply of these amino acids with meat ceases, the body after some time is reconstructed and the type of digestion originally inherent in man from nature is renewed.

So you think that initially all people are vegetarians by nature?

NM:Of course. And to that there is evidence. First, in all herbivores and in humans, saliva is alkaline, it contains the enzyme amylase, which promotes the splitting of carbohydrates, vegetable food, already in the oral cavity. And in the saliva of predators, the pH is acidic, and protein food begins to be digested in the oral cavity. In addition, our molars are arranged in such a way that we grind the food in the same way as the herbivores. And our fangs are very stained. This is a rudiment. We can not do what the predators do by them.

Another factor is the level of acidity in the stomach. At us and animals-herbivores it in times is less, than at predators. Initially, nature does not provide for the human body conditions for digesting crude animal protein foods.

Why, then, do you think people began to eat meat?

NM:Apparently, at some time there was a physical need for survival, when there was not enough vegetation. And then it remained as a habit, which was fixed at the level of the mind. A person is very easily attached to some things.

The third fact of physiological difference is the length of the intestine. The predator has a much shorter intestine than those who eat plant food. Meat, in the process of its cleavage, can be rotted by proteins if it is retained in the intestine for longer than necessary. And a man has a long intestine, a little shorter than a herbivore. If we eat meat, the products of its decay can act toxicly on the intestines. There are statistics: in countries where the consumption of meat is high per capita, oncological problems with the large intestine are much more common.

I know that there are soy vegetarian cutlets and sausages. Where can they be bought?

Vilayat Babaev (VB):In Moscow, there is a factory “Malika”, specializing only in the production of vegetarian products: cutlets, cheeses, sausages, cakes, cakes. Recently we began to cooperate with them, we bring their products here. People are given an alternative: instead of killing unfortunate animals, you can eat healthy vegetarian sausage.

At the price in what ratio are these foods meat-containing?

VB: Akilogram of smoked vegetarian sausage costs about 180 rubles.

Familiar vegetarians ate such products and always praised: “Such a wonderful taste, almost like meat. ”But if you think that meat is a corpse, why do you so diligently recreate this taste and rejoice in the match?

VB:Such a sensible question! Here’s what you answer to this?

NM:In order to purify at the level of the body and at the level of the mind and stop wanting it, some people need a transitional stage, when the mind, as usual, still asks for these tastes.

How did you feel when you switched to vegetarianism? Was there a feeling of weakness, anemia?

NM:No, it was not. At first I gained weight a little, a kilogram of one and a half, and then everything returned to normal. I can say that we have become less sick with colds. But I, of course, still use Ayurvedic knowledge in this regard.

Familiar vegetarians said that in the winter they often found it difficult to keep warm and had to eat a lot – for example, a frying pan or half a bowl of soup to eat …

NM:Ayurvedic knowledge also helps here. Potatoes and any carbohydrates are sweet taste. A sweet taste is cooling and has anabolic effect – it helps to set body weight and cooling.

Then what vegetarian dishes contribute to warming?

NM:Ginger – thanks to his keen taste, he will also promote warming. Sour food, as well as lemon, orange. Cereals and legumes can be considered as rich. No wonder they say “they ate a little cereal! ”, And not “ate little meat” when they mean a weak person.

Among non-vegetarians it is believed that being a vegetarian is expensive.

VB:I absolutely disagree. A kilogram of turkey peas replaces 5 kg of meat in terms of protein content, and costs only 70-80 rubles. for kg, kilogram peas mash as well. Cheeses can be made by buying milk. Making cheese is not difficult.

NM:I clearly noticed that vegetarianism is cheaper. I, the truth, for a long time any more I do not look, how many there is a meat, but, in my opinion, it costs more expensively, than all rest. And the same fruits, vegetables – non-vegetarians also buy them.

Let’s take a closer look at the Siberian vegetarian menu for the whole day.

NM:I do not really get away from classical dishes. The only difference is the addition of spices. For breakfast – porridge on milk with water. I add raisins, ginger, cardamom and cinnamon. You can take the cottage cheese. For lunch, soup. Periodically I make an ordinary soup – borsch, soup, soup with cereal, only on vegetable broth. From the vegetarian I cook soup from mash peas. There is an opinion that legumes are heavily digested and cause unpleasant effects in the intestines. Asafoetida seasoning reduces all gassing in the intestines, helps absorb beans and generally improves the digestive fire, that is, increases digestive activity. From masha protein is able to assimilate by 40%, in contrast to steak, from which only 25%. For dinner – for example, buckwheat, stewed and cooked with Adyghe cheese and carrots. From vegetables I usually take potatoes, cabbage, aubergines, zucchini, pumpkin, turnips,Bulgarian pepper, asparagus. Nothing supernatural. And fruits – any.

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