Hawthorn is a genus of deciduous shrubs and small trees that added to the family Pink. The plant, which can reach 300 years, is widely distributed in Eurasia, mainly in the territory between 30° and 60° North latitude.
Undemanding shrub found in light forests, forest edges and clearings. Hawthorn is an excellent honey plant. Fruits (berries) of the plant, popularly known as the “cock spur”, “lady” and “glad”, can be eaten. On the territory of our country found 15 species.
Since ancient times traditional healers emphasized the properties of the Hawthorn. In Chinese medicine, the berries have been used as a therapeutic agent several thousand years ago. In Russia of flowers and fruits unique Bush medicine men also has long been brewed healing potions to treat various ailments. During the reign of the great reformer Peter the medicinal properties of Hawthorn are officially recognized, introduced the plant in a special register and began to grow in established state order “Apothecary gardens. ”
Hawthorn grows in rare dry forests, mainly deciduous, forest edges, along river floodplains. Sometimes you can find a few of the growing number of hawthorn bushes in the open field.
There are many species of hawthorn. According to some sources, there are about a thousand. Only in Russia there are more than forty species, most famous including the hawthorn blood – red, and is often used for medicinal purposes.
For the preparation of drugs used not only hawthorn, but the flowers and bark.
Collection and procurement of raw materials
For harvesting flowers you need to choose a dry Sunny weather in late spring or early summer. Dried flowers are recommended in the shadows. Mature hawthorn fruit is harvested in the fall, when it crumbles the leaves and the fruits are especially visible on the naked branches.
The collected materials are spread on tin trays in a thin layer and put in protoplennoy, but not very hot oven. From time to time the fruit mix, removing burnt and dried pour into bags or plywood boxes.
Properly dried raw material can be stored for up to eight years without losing its medicinal properties.
Medicinal and useful properties of hawthorn
On medical and healthy properties of hawthorn fruit is little inferior to the hips. In their part 4 to the Therapeutic properties боярышника11% sugar, mainly fructose, so they can be eaten, and diabetes, as well as the complex of biologically active substances – triterpene acids (oleinovoi, ursolic and kategova), choline and acetylcholine, quercetin, tannins, phytosterols, tartaric and citric acids, vitamins A, C, R.
The content of vitamins reaches: vitamin C – 31-108 mg%, vitamin R – 330-680 mg%, carotene 2. 4 mg%. Quite a lot of pectin, which upon processing forms a jelly, but also removes from the body salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances.
Medicinal and useful properties of hawthorn known since ancient times. For example, in ancient writings you can find mention of the fact that the hawthorn was very popular and found application in the treatment of several ailments, particularly when disruption of the heart.
In fruits and flowers discovered the following biologically active substances:
- bioflavonoids (plant polyphenolic compounds);
- tanning substances;
- quercetin;
- pectin;
- hyperoside;
- vitexin;
- sugar (fructose);
- organic acid;
- vitamins β-carotene (provitamin A), C, E and K;
- trace elements (potassium, zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc).
The berries and flowers of Hawthorn are characterized by a wide range of useful properties. Made on the basis of their herbal remedies are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, to stabilize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the digestive system, as well as to improve the activities of the nervous system. They allow you to fight the effects of emotional stress and stress, providing a calming (sedative) effect and normalizing sleep. Hawthorn helps in diarrhea and dysentery.
Bioflavonoids, which give the fruit a bright color, increase the elasticity of blood vessel walls and have a strong antioxidant effect. Quercetin neutralize the negative impact of free radicals on a cellular level, to improve cerebral (brain) blood circulation, reduces the risk of benign and malignant tumors and cataracts.
Hyperoside stimulates carbohydrate metabolism and promotes the oxygen intake of potassium in the myocardium, increasing contractility. Vitexin dilates blood vessels, allowing normal oxygenation of the myocardium, which improves metabolism in heart muscle.
Chlorogenic acid is characterized by anti-sclerotic activity; in addition, it prevents the stagnation of bile and increases the functional activity of the kidneys and liver. Ursolic has anti-inflammatory and reparative (wound healing) properties. For coffee acid peculiar to pronounced antiseptic (antibacterial) properties. Oleanolic has a positive effect on the blood supply of the Central nervous system.
The level of ascorbic acid content Hawthorn can compete with rose hips and to the presence in its composition useful for the view of beta-carotene with carrots. Available in the fruit sorbitol is useful for people with diabetes.
Hawthorn drugs improve myocardial contractility and increase cardiac output while reducing the frequency of contractions. Under the influence of these herbal remedies is significantly improved coronary and cerebral blood flow that can prevent the development of heart attacks and ischemic strokes. Hawthorn is useful when vascular spasm, atrial fibrillation, coagulation disorders and elevated levels of cholesterol.
Water infusions and alcoholic tinctures of Hawthorn is indicated for gastritis on a background of low or high acidity of the stomach, flatulence and various digestive disorders.
Products are safe, and therefore can be administered even to treat the child. Restorative effect of Hawthorn helps to improve immunity, to restore forces and to accelerate the healing process after the transferred diseases. Sedation allows you to cope with the effects of nervous tension and sleep disorders. Infusions and decoctions from the flowers of plants help to get rid of a headache, dizziness and shortness of breath.
Please note: In the drugstores you can buy dried fruit and flowers and Hawthorn extract, ready-made hawthorn tincture and lozenges.
Indications for the use of funds on the basis of this medicinal plant are:
- arrhythmia;
- angina;
- tachycardia;
- Show full list “
Important: If high pressure is more effective preparations of the flowers.
When poisoning is very good at helping tea which consists of dried Hawthorn berries, rose hips, flowers of tansy, as well as the roots of elecampane and Scutellaria baicalensis. Healing drink allows you to quickly excrete toxic compounds.
Recipe water infusion of hawthorn is recommended for nervousness and high blood pressure
4 parts dried Hawthorn berries take 4 part herb Leonurus 1 part chamomile flowers. 1 tbsp. spoon collection pour 200 ml boiling water and infuse for 2 hours in a thermos or tightly wrapped towel capacity, then cool and strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
Recipe of tea from Hawthorn fruit from arrhythmia and angina
To fall asleep in a thermos for 20-30 whole berries of Hawthorn and a handful of rose hips. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover tightly and leave overnight. Take 1/3 Cup 3-4 times a day an hour before meals.
Recipe of tincture of Hawthorn flowers, pokazannaya hypertension and angina
4 tbsp of the substrate to take 40 ml of 40% solution of ethyl alcohol or vodka. Capacity to leave in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, during which time the infusion should be periodically stir. The finished product strain. Take 25-30 drops 1 hour before eating, after throwing the water.
Recipe medicinal infusions for the prevention and therapy of varicose veins
In the evening take 3 parts of dry Hawthorn flowers, and 4 parts herb St. John’s wort and motherwort plant. 1 tablespoon collection brew 200 ml of boiling water and leave overnight (preferably in a thermos). Drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meal.
Recipe: “Male” infusion to improve the potency
Take 1 part of dry Hawthorn flowers and grass, peppermint, 2 parts of the grass Veronica drug and 3 parts of witch hazel and willow herb (fireweed). Pour 1 tbsp. spoon collection 200 ml of boiling water and infuse for half an hour. Drink a third Cup before eating.