The latest in a long line of alternative life hacks? Husband-rationing. Yep, in an interview with The Sunday Times Style, the actress and health warrior admitted she and new squeeze, director and producer, Brad Falchuk still don’t live together.
Instead, the Hollywood couple, who met through mutual pal, Robert Downey Jr, spend four days at her sprawling New York estate and the rest apart. A decision helped reached by her intimacy teacher, Michaela Boehm, who encouraged her to invest in a little “polarity” to keep her relationship fresh.
“All of my married friends say that the way we live sounds ideal and we shouldn’t change a thing,” she argues.
You’ve got to love Gwynnie. This is a woman who will try anything once (be it vaginal steaming, goat milk cleanses or tactical yawning). Her methods may not always be the most conventional (she set the internet alight when she ‘consciously uncoupled from ex-husband, Chris Martin, who she still holidays with, and she settled a lawsuit last year after her wellness empire, GOOP, encouraged women to insert jade eggs into their hoohas, to help with period cramps and bladder problems). But, no-one could argue she’s behind the times when it comes to her New Age approach.
The news has raised a few eyebrows, but, could she could she be onto something? Four solid days of domestic bliss together, then three off to recharge, pant-wash and catch-up with solo projects? Doesn’t sound like a bad arrangement to me. Regardless, no-one knows what works for Paltrow and her family better than herself.
Crucially, she doesn’t care what anyone else thinks – notable, since Paltrow has endured more than her fair share of criticism and ridicule for having the audacity to think differently. “Haters are irrelevant to me,” she admits. “It’s like Brene Brown says: I’m not making this work for people who aren’t in the arena. Haters don’t mean anything to me because they are not my people. ”
In fact, she’s realised there’s something powerful in growing older and caring less: “You’re no longer fertile, you’re no longer A/B testing all your behaviour and all your stuff out there in the world because you’re done, you don’t give a f***, you’re like, ‘This is me. ’
She’s got a point. For her (and others), there’s method in her madness and, while it might not be for everyone, it’s not supposed to be.