February 12, 2025

Green tea

That green tea has healing properties, known since ancient times and for centuries used it as a means for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

About the benefits of green tea talk and write a lot, and people wonder: is it really so useful? And all you can drink?

Modern scientists also recognize the healing properties, and is also recommended to use green tea for medicinal purposes, but should know how and when to do it, and what kind of tea to choose from.

The useful part of green tea

The usefulness of green tea depends on its composition, and the composition is very rich. Hard to believe, but green tea contains several hundreds of chemical substances and organic compounds and vitamins it has almost everything that are known to science. Details on the composition of green tea would have long, but some of the components it is worth to say.

Curative effect of the contained alkaloids. One of them is the well – known caffeine, which gives us courage and makes us energetic, but he is considered to be harmful: affects nervous and cardiovascular system, increases bone fragility, etc. luckily, green tea contains no caffeine, and theine, which acts much softer: it is rapidly excreted from the body, and not exciting, and invigorating – stimulates mental and physical performance.

Other stuff – tannin, not only gives the tea a taste, but also has healing properties: it destroys some germs, strengthens blood vessels, improves digestion, and can even neutralize the effects of radiation – displays the body of certain radioactive elements, preventing dangerous diseases.

In a quality green tea lot catechins – substances belonging to the group of flavonoids and have strong antioxidant properties. These substances contribute to the preservation of youth and beauty, protect the heart and blood vessels, prevents the development of diabetes and osteoporosis. Thanks to catechins by drinking green tea improves metabolism and normalizes weight, and their antimicrobial properties allow the use of green tea, even in the treatment of dysentery.

The major substance of green tea is a vitamin P – body it is necessary for normal life and work. In General, vitamin e is a group of substances of plant bioflavonoids that protect us from free radicals, prevent inflammation, allergic reactions, development of cancer, strengthen the immune system, heart and blood vessels. The most well-known property of vitamin e is its ability to strengthen the capillaries to make them elastic and healthy.

Other vitamins in green tea too much, and when brewed the infusion becomes most of them. For example, vitamin C in green tea more than black, almost 10 times.
Plant proteins make up 25% of green tea is equates it to bean crops for nutritional value. Amino acids in green tea at the moment, found 17, and one of them – glutamic acid, very important for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

There are also a lot of minerals, while the deficit of necessary substances is important; there are organic acids, the composition of which is also complicated – all this makes green tea a very useful and diet drinks.

Many of the compounds of tea are still not fully understood, and its composition changes all the time. Tea leaves scientists called the chemical laboratory, as they have some substances constantly become other, and this continues to happen and in the process of their processing.

Another amazing property of green tea – when brewed, it releases in solution more nutrients, and harmful dissolved to a lesser extent. For this we need to learn how to choose and brew tea, and then it will be delicious and healthful.

The harm to the green tea

What harm can cause to our body green tea, if it is misused? If you drink it too often and in large chunks, you can provoke the development of various diseases of the kidneys – can even be formed stones, and liver. The job of the liver is disturbed due to the accumulation of polyphenols, which in reasonable amounts of great benefit, and in excessive – can cause poisoning, so drink green tea liters should not be.

Useful properties of green tea

Advantages of green tea are much more than cons, if you drink it in moderation, regularly and properly. Drinking green tea improves eyesight and the nervous system: the person starts to respond faster to the world, more active and faster thinking, can concentrate on work for a long time.
green tea

The pores of the skin from drinking green tea dilate, and perspiration increases. Cosmetologists believe that in this way the skin is better cleansed and soothed, decreasing its tendency to inflammation and irritation – that’s why green tea is often included in the composition of cosmetic products. It removes waste, toxins, heavy metals, improves circulation, reduces fatigue and slows down ageing.

Fat cells on the inner walls of blood vessels regular intake of green tea formed much slower, and therefore less likely to develop atherosclerosis and hypertension, and increases life expectancy.

Mask with green tea

With green tea you can make homemade masks for face and body, toners and other skin care products. But to raise the tone of the skin by using the tea bath is enough to take it once a week. Green leaf tea (6 tablespoons) brewed with boiling water (0. 5 liters), insist, filtered and poured into bath. You can add rose petals or Jasmine, and essential oil of these plants. This bath not only tones, but also stimulates the renewal of skin cells of the entire body.

How to choose green tea

When selecting green tea should pay attention to the bright packaging and beautiful names – to the quality of tea is irrelevant. Best place to buy tea in special tea shops, weight – so you can see what you are buying. If this is not possible, try to buy loose leaf tea because the tea bags are frequently stacked the waste produced during processing of tea leaves, and impurities leaves of other plants.
Only light green tea can be considered a quality – if it is dark, dirty-green, don’t buy it. This tea was either dry, or even improperly stored and spoiled. The best tea is the pistachio color with a Golden hue.

Contraindications and restrictions for green tea

With all the utility and healing properties of green tea, there are people who can drink it only in small amounts, or not drink at all. In diseases of the cardiovascular system and hypotension is best to drink less green tea – it can disrupt heart rhythm or excessive lowering of blood pressure. Ulcerative disease of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer, it can cause heartburn, cramping and pain.

Women nursing babies at the breast, slobozhany you can drink green tea in small quantities and only in the daytime. If you drink green tea in the evening, and then to feed the child, then he and mom can have bad sleep at night. Even perfectly healthy adults can’t sleep and feel agitated if I drink at night a Cup of green tea, brewed strong.

Gout green tea is better not to drink at all, because it is rich in purine bases.

Among women involved in sports or fitness, today there is a fashion to drink green tea instead of water. To do this in any case should not be, and not only because the body needs clean water, but also because it threatens poisoning.

These limitations and contraindications does not mean that we should abandon green tea – it really is very useful.

By the way, when it is brewed in different ways to different effect: after 2 minutes, the brew will turn out a titillating drink that in 5 minutes he will have a calming effect, and after 6 minutes will be just tea.

And that’s a long time to infuse green tea is not necessary, otherwise instead of good, you can get harm.

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