Grapes (lat. Vitis) is a plant which belongs to the Department of the angiosperms, dicotyledonous class, order vynogradivskyi, Vinogradova family, genus grapes. Fruits of the vine represent clusters of sweet berries.
The vine is vines. In the first year after germination the seeds of grapes yield small shoots. The fruit of the grapes begins to bring only 4 years after planting the seed. Such a long period is necessary because the Bush is formed by a gradual circumcision to the minimum number of shoots.
Flowers grapes are small, gathered in a complex brush or broom. The fruit of the vine has a different shape and color due to the different varieties: the color can be light-salads, crowded, pinkish-purple, blue, almost black. Form they can resemble small beads, balls or ovals.
Distinguish seedless grapes (seedless) and grapes with seeds. In the aggregate fruit of plants form a bunch. The length of the bunch of grapes is small – up to 10 cm, medium 10 to 20 cm, large – over 25 cm.
Choosing the grapes, you need to keep in mind that brown dots and pigmentation on it does not mean that it is of poor quality. You need to follow only those berries that were not damaged. In recent grapes on the surface of the skin is whitish patina. Grape varieties with thick skins and firm flesh, and with loose brush preserved better. While dark-colored is older than light.
Now there are more than 8000 grape varieties.
The most well-known varieties:
- Muscat – a group of grape varieties with a strong characteristic (“nutmeg”) aroma of berries, reminiscent of musk.
- Riesling – white grape and the wine made from it.
- Feteasca – technical kind of grapes and wine from this variety.
- Isabella, an American grape, berries black, with mucous pulp and peculiar smell, ripen late, are consumed fresh; used in winemaking. Recently, in connection with a high content of methanol in wines produced from this variety, are illegal in commercial winemaking in the United States and the Euro countriessoyfor.
To taste the grape varieties are divided into four groups:
- Ordinary taste. Is a combination of sweet and acid, in different proportions, without any other distinctive features. Among the grape varieties with an ordinary taste sometimes isolated group of varieties with a neutral taste, which is often called “simple”.
- Muscat taste. The taste and aroma of more or less clearly pronounced shade of nutmeg.
- Nightshade taste. There is a grassy flavor reminiscent of the taste of the berries of nightshade.
Isabelly taste. Felt more or less strongly pronounced characteristic taste, somewhat reminiscent of strawberry, pineapple or blackcurrant. This inherent taste for berries of all the varieties of American species Vitis labrusca L. , a typical representative of which is a widespread cultivar Isabella (hence the name “isabelly”). Varieties with isabelina taste often have a lining of the pulp.
Caloric content of grapes is 65 kcal per 100 grams of product.
Grapes are an excellent restorative and tonic. In fruits of grapes contain sugar, cellulose, organic acids, ascorbic acid, vitamin b, pectin substances, trace elements, enzymes. It is established that the grape has a stimulating effect on the bone marrow. It improves the function of the hematopoietic organs. Grapes – good source of potassium.
A glass of grape juice contains the daily requirement of b vitamins. Grapes contain a fairly large amount of vitamin C that is absorbed particularly well, because each grape has an impressive dose of vitamin P, which helps the body absorb and retain vitamin C.
Grapes and grape juice are recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by decreased secretion of gastric juice. Grapes are very useful in acute inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, bronchial asthma and pleurisy. Grape berries or juice – is an effective means of treatment of many diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Red grapes, because it contained a large number of antioxidants-polyphenols-flavonoids: anthocyanins, tannins, catechins, anthocyanidins, resveratrol, dihydroquercetin, normalizes heart rate, arterial blood pressure, improves blood and increases hemoglobin level. Normalizes liver, helps to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, increases overall body tone and helps to quickly recover after stress and physical stress.
Grapes in cooking
Many Housewives grapes used in the preparation of various salads, jellies, syrups, jams, it is dried to obtain raisins, added to baked goods, they decorate desserts, light snacks , etc.