Who among you likes cleaning? I dare say that there are not many of them. It’s one thing – pokoldovat in the kitchen and cook something unparalleled, and quite another – to wash dirty stains from pots and plates.
There is one more unpleasant pattern – the disorder multiplies very quickly – if you close your eyes for a long time and leave everything for later, empty spaces are instantly filled with some things, cleaning of which, of course, is postponed for the weekend.
There comes a long-awaited Saturday, but instead of rest you are armed with a mop-vacuum cleaner and go to war with the chaos that reigned in your house all week. The presence of a man and a small child can speed up the spread of disorder – sometimes it seems that with their socks and toys they try to mark the territory, only the first does it in hard-to-reach places, and the second – wherever it gets.
The most terrible thing in this situation is the arrival of relatives or friends without warning.
Those very relatives from childhood inspired us that it was purely not where they cleaned up, but where they did not litter. But as far as this golden rule is realized, not everyone knows. Someone washes the floor every day and prepares a three-course dinner, and someone in the morning rushes around the apartment, trying to find the missing things. More often, inaccuracy is rooted in general disorganization – at work, in personal life, etc.
In addition, such a person is inclined to postpone business for tomorrow – and delaying only adds a non-existent complexity. Hands immediately drop or there are other very important matters. The way out of this difficult situation was found by FlyLady.
“Join and throw off the burden of domestic problems from your shoulders! You will learn to treat homework with a smile.
Working around the house will bring you joy, “she writes charmingly. “You’ll never be ashamed of your home and feel guilty. ”Your heart will be filled with joy, and the house with tranquility and comfort. ”After reading these magic words, my heart immediately filled with joy, and I wanted to become a “flayushka. ”By the way, FLY stands for Finally Lovig Yourself (finally loved itself).
Help: FlyLady is an American Marla Scilly. In 1999 she came up with a system that helps women maintain cleanliness in the house. At the moment, there are 380 thousand women in the Flying Lady community. The address of the original English-language site is www. flylady. net. The Russian-language resource is www. flylady.ru. Community of reactive housewives in LiveJournal – .
Step 1. Lace up the boots and clean the sink
The first thing that FlyLady required of me is to replace my comfortable fur slippers with lace-up shoes. Ostensibly harder to throw them off to lie down on the sofa to rest. For lack of desire and shoes, I politely declined and proceeded to the sink. Having completed this point, you are really overwhelmed with a sense of pride and self-confidence. The appearance of a radiant shell symbolizes the entry into a new life, without dirt and unwashed dishes left until the morning.
The shining shell is a kind of fetish. The purification procedure, painted on points, must be repeated every evening. According to Fly-guru, this is a reflection of self-love.
Step 2. Create a menu and take a bath
Despite my desire to comprehend everything at once, FlyLady advises to move with small steps (baby steps), so that cleaning and organization of the economy become a habit. The newly-made Lady is offered to clean the apartment of garbage, as well as plan in advance the affairs of the house and the menu. In addition, the program includes the accounting of finance, the allocation of time to indulge yourself in love and other ideas for family life. All “routines” (everyday affairs) are divided into morning (fill the bed, take a shower) and evening (clean up, take a bath). But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that you will forget about the general cleaning: the cleaning of the apartment is paid only 15 minutes a day – the Destiny Lady protects your strength and nerves.
Step 3. On Monday – a vacuum cleaner, and on Thursday – products
Having mastered the basic actions, it is recommended to go to weekly routines. Each day is assigned its own action: for example, on Monday you vacuum, on Wednesday you rest, and on Thursday you buy products.
Thus, “spilling out” the responsibilities of the day, you can not worry that one day a lot of things will pile on you. I will add from myself that this part, in contrast to the scrubbing of the shell, apart from the emotional one, carries within itself a rational component. A week later, I clearly understood what day I was doing, and was amazed at the huge amount of free time.
Step 4. Time for the “zone”!
Once the “routine” becomes an integral part of your life, and you completely clean your house of junk (this may take months! ), The Flying Marla recommends breaking your apartment into “zones”. Each month you divide the house into sectors and within a week clean only there – and again no more than 15 minutes a day. Thus, you can clear the most littered corners, and your apartment will get cleaner and cleaner every day. For the most disorganized reminders are provided – reminders: your e-mail address is received daily by the instructions from the Chief Flayushka, about where and how long it takes to clean.
On the FlyLady website, you can find the rules for compiling the Audit Journal, where all information that is usually forgotten, advice on the distribution of finances and other household tricks are entered. This system can really help those who are unable to organize their home life. At the same time, this orderliness can quickly get bored with creative, unpredictable personalities. If you feel that the ritual with the shell is getting on your nerves, try to rebuild the system for yourself – choose what you think is reasonable and useful. After all, you can buy food not on Friday, but on Sunday, and instead of sinks to shine polish shoes.