Summer will be, and there will be sandals. And the toenails again will break and crack from the unaccustomed freedom and arrogant attacks of sand, dust, beaches and streets.
Or yellow from the bright lacquer, which is so pulling to apply, while all the nails can be seen. To avoid such problems, beauty salons offer for the time of open shoes to do so-called strengthening of nails – coating them with gel, which is used for building. The correspondent of SE made the procedure and shared impressions.
Strengthening the nails on the legs is not an extension in the usual sense of the word. Extend to the claws of the nails on the legs no one will. It’s about protection. True, if there is a deformity of the nail, then with the help of the gel its shape can be restored.
The procedure for strengthening the nails is shown to all those who have uneven, brittle toenails. Especially it is appropriate in the summer, when nails, usually in peace and protected by pantyhose, socks and closed shoes, are one on one with nature. In order not to injure their tender essence, it is better not to put experiments on survival, but to hide them under reliable cover. Naturally, I had a question: is it not harmful, because the nail “does not breathe”?
The answer was simple: the nail platinum is fed not from the air, but through the blood vessels under the nail bed.
In addition to strengthening and protection, this procedure is suitable for those who have problems with ingrowth – according to the master, the cover, as it were, stretches the nail, helping it grow in the right direction.
Such an average procedure costs 2000 rubles, but you can find it for 1500. However, I was lucky even more: I found that it is possible to strengthen the nails and for 1200 – in a new place, in the image laboratory “Persona”, while the “test -drive “and there are attractive welcome-prices. Salon tempted not only the price – I was curious to visit the place (even in the network process), which, “when everything was just beginning,” in the capital had a reputation as the most stylish workshop, boldly engaged in creativity.
Time for the procedure should be allocated at least an hour, to register better in advance – to the masters of the pedicure turn. The office is furnished in a laconic urban style, a black leather armchair in which, above the ground, the client sits, similar to a high-tech throne. If the feet are in a normal state, the strengthening can be done without a preliminary pedicure, but the nails themselves still need to be put in order: to shape, peep, push and remove the cuticle, and process the nail roller. The master is very pleased with himself: he does not bother with unnecessary conversations, asks about the sensations, tells why she did this or that manipulation.
After the nail plate is degreased, the first layer of gel is applied to it, and then the foot should immediately be hidden in the light of the lamp, under which polymerization takes place. While one leg is illuminated,gel is applied to the nails of the other. Strengthening, I decided to combine with the French manicure. Since the length of the nails was sufficient to do without build-up, the master became a brush to draw white stripes directly on the white strips of my nails and immediately after drawing to send my foot under the light of the lamp. The hand of the master did not flinch, and the strips turned out perfectly smooth – this skill always enthralled me.
Suddenly, a nail on the little finger emerged from the nothingness – with a white strip, he was usually too small to take it seriously, he became visually more and acquired the appearance of a full-fledged nail.
On top of the drawing the master again applied a layer of gel and again sent her legs under the lamp. Now they stayed there longer, so that the gel finally froze and pinned to the nail.
After processing the nail roller, the master applied a shiny coating to the nail. By the way, the gel can be painted with any color enamel – it is easily removed by the usual means for removing varnish. The French does not disappear at the same time. The coating grows together with the nail, so that after about a month the bare uncut nail will look out at the base. Since the layer of gel is not thick, such an untidy visible difference, as happens with the fingernails grown on the hands, there will be no legs, but one way or another the nail that appears must be treated.
There are two options: either adjustment – strengthening the gel of the segment that appeared, or cutting the reinforcement. According to the master, because, again, that the gel layer is not thick, the cutting procedure does not bring much harm to the nail. Both methods cost 500 rubles.
Strengthening with decoration cost me 1350 rubles – the French jacket costs 150. Check how the new nails interact with sand and water, while the weather did not allow. The way my nails look, I’m happy, and most importantly – the constant concern that the nails in open shoes should look perfect, has passed – the “eternal” pedicure removes this problem.