November 2, 2024

Feeling of wine

Man has known wine for millennia, and all this time the popular grape drink has both opponents and supporters. But before the holidays, when wine is present in one way or another on almost every table, it is especially important to remember that it contains a glass with a ruby ​​drink.

How useful is the wine, whether the beneficial properties outweigh the harmful properties or vice versa, as well as the rules of wine consumption during the holidays, the SHE correspondent recognized the specialists.

Many years of medical research, conducted by meticulousdoctors – wine lovers, has now proved to the whole world its benefits. First of all, for the heart and blood vessels – in black grapes contain bioflavonoids – natural plant substances that have a mass of useful properties.

Taste to life

They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce inflammation, protect against tumors, prevent allergies and the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

The wine is useful even for the nervous system, as Elena Garagulya, a dietician at the Delf center explained, the red dry, aged in oak barrels, contains such necessary elements as magnesium, manganese, copper, iron. And magnesium is the most important element necessary for relaxation of muscles and blood vessels – this provides the anti-stress effect of wine.

Natural fermentation of grape juice leads to the accumulation in the product of a number of trace elements, organic acids, which have a beneficial effect on the process of digestion. Therefore, wine was used as a product from time to time, helping to digest large amounts of food. Substances contained in wine, stimulate the digestive glands and help to carry feasts more easily.

Two sides of the coin

By the way, quality wine is even more useful than grape juice: “In grape juice, as in the grapes, most of the useful compounds are in an insoluble form. In the process of wine fermentation, such complex compounds break up into simpler forms and are better absorbed, “says nutritionist Olga Poznyak of the Siberian Federal Center for Healthy Nutrition, making an important reservation immediately.

Absolutely all the positive properties of wine literally cross out with excessive use because of the toxic effect on the body of large doses of alcohol and the products of its decay.

Doctors even counted a safe amount of wine: according to the Institute of Therapy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the total amount of alcohol consumed per day, which does not harm a healthy adult organism, in terms of pure alcohol, is 16 g (130 g unattached wine) for women and 24 g for men (about 200 g of wine). It will be superfluous to remind you that the use of wine is not recommended if you suffer from headaches, depression, if you have increased acidity of gastric juice or dislocations with kidneys and liver.

Narcologist of the Orient Luxury Center Stanislav Grahovsky refers to wine more than critical: according to him, one of the most important beneficial properties of wine – the help of hematopoiesis – is explained by the fact that when consuming wine, a large number of red blood cells perishes: they stick together with each other, forming clots . To push them forward, the pressure in the veins increases, as a result, most of the red blood cells in this “crush” die, and due to the massive deaths of blood cells, the body has to work out new ones under stress.

In addition, the increased pressure in the veins, as is known, provokes their expansion. So with wine you need to be careful with ladies with treacherous asterisks on their feet.

White starts and loses

In addition, not every wine is equally useful. The content of biologically active substances in wine depends on the type of grapes and on the technology of its production. So, the content of flavonoids in red wine is about 20 times higher than their content in white. In addition, recent research by German scientists has shown that white wine destroys the enamel of the teeth more: the acids it contains affect the enamel, causing microcracks in it, and they are formed more than from the red wine. Hygienist-dentist clinic “Dental-Service” Tatyana Kolomeets recalls that wine, like any other products containing acid, affect enamel, especially sensitive.

In general, from a medical point of view, dry red and rosé wines are considered useful, they contain a lot of specific organic compounds useful for health. White, all sweet and semisweet wines are “poorer”. But champagne from the point of view of nutritionists – the product is completely useless.

“The composition of sparkling wines includes carbon dioxide, due to what these drinks irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and dramatically expand the vessels of the brain, simultaneously causing severe intoxication. I note that effervescent drinks, traditionally called champagne in Russia, have nothing to do with wine, they are produced by yeast fermentation of wine materials.

It is not a useful drink, the person causes a headache, abdominal pain, rapid and severe intoxication, especially when mixed with another wine drink,

– Mikhail Denisov, professor at the medical faculty of the Novosibirsk State University, sums up one more big problem of the Russian alcohol market: the quality of wines very often leaves much to be desired, and it is logical that there is no use in expecting such wines.

Celebration of Science

Finally, a few practical recommendations.

• Fortified or dessert (strong, semi-sweet and sweet) wines, as well as various tinctures, liquors and liqueurs – are more “harmful” to the figure and to the body as a whole, since they contain not only a large amount of carbohydrates, but also added alcohol. Therefore, those who monitor their health and weight, it is better to stop the choice of dry wines. “1 g of proteins and carbohydrates gives us 4 kcal, fat is 9 kcal, and alcohol is 7 kcal,” says Oksana Bragina, a nutritionist at the SRI of SB RAMS, advising those who are fighting for centimeters not to get drunk with wine.

• Cheese is an ideal appetizer for wine, not only for taste. “As a product rich in animal protein, cheese provides the intake of an amino acid such as methionine – it protects the liver and helps it to cope with toxic substances more easily,” Olga Poznyak shares.

• Any fruit, cheese, olives, various dishes from baked meat, slightly salted sea fish and all foods rich in dietary fiber harmoniously match the red dry wine – they accelerate the removal of harmful metabolic products from the body. It can be vegetables, fresh herbs and fruits, fresh as well as dishes from them. But with fat dishes, wine does not combine: such food in combination with wine, especially sweet, excessively loads the pancreas, and after the holidays it can rebel.

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