December 7, 2024

Face with a scar

You can argue a long time about what best decorates a woman: modesty, diamonds, a good companion or the right make-up. Undoubtedly one thing is – bad skin is able to cross out the effect of any of the ornaments, whereas evenly clean skin needs almost no make-up, perfectly shades with diamonds and attracts the satellites like a magnet.

Alas, not every girl can boast of such skin: most of them complain about fat content, enlarged pores, gray complexion, inflammation and redness. And with these complaints are sent to the cosmetic cleaning, of the dozens of options today, in the first place still remains mechanical. The effectiveness of the most popular procedure in the struggle for an ideal skin was checked by a correspondent of SHE.

The correspondent of SHE gave her face to the hands of a beautician and appreciated the effectiveness of cleansing

Reference:Facial cleansing is the most common cosmetic procedure, indications for use are porous skin, comedones, acne, reduced tone. Contraindications: pustular head skin disease, eczema, herpes. The main stage of cleaning is extracting comedones, and depending on the method, cleaning can be mechanical, ultrasonic, using fruit acids, galvanic current, etc. Mechanical cleaning is the most thorough and deep. The average cost of mechanical cleaning in the salons of Novosibirsk is 800 rubles.

Clinic selection:The algorithm for cleaning is almost always the same: cleanse the face, open the pores, remove the comedones, soothe and moisturize the skin. Depending on the type of skin, the beautician (and this should be necessarily a doctor) can choose cosmetics and the technology itself, as well as add some procedures. One of the most effective ways to combat fatty skin and inflammation today is cryomassage – a massage using cold nitrogen. Nitrogen “cauterizes” inflammation and promotes their rapid healing, as well as increases the overall tone of the skin.

Reference:Cryomassage – massage using liquid nitrogen, cooled to minus 196 degrees. This technique causes vasoconstriction with subsequent expansion of not only active, but also reserve capillaries, which increases the flow of blood in the tissues, helps exfoliate the surface layers of the epidermis and the nucleation of young healthy cells. Indications for use: excessive fat release, acne, puffiness, decreased skin tone. Contraindications: acute pustular inflammation, herpes.

In the city clinics cryomassage as a supplement to cleaning offers only a few salons – this is due to the complicated technology of storage of liquid nitrogen. Therefore, to obtain the best effect, mechanical cleaning with the use of cryomassage in the “Insight” clinic was chosen.

Cost:850 rubles.

Preparation:The first stage of cleansing is always a make-up remover, even if there are no cosmetic products on the skin. With the help of a special tonic, the remains of make-up are removed from the face, as well as dust and excess sebum. After that the skin is considered disinfected and ready for warming up or steaming. The thermal effect is necessary for the pores to open properly and to start extracting comedones. According to the cosmetologist, pairing the face with steam (vaporizer) is suitable for dry skin, whereas fatty and combination may respond better to the use of masks and warming lotions.

With the help of a cotton pad on the face, lotion was applied, while the skin was plucked, as in a good Siberian frost. A few minutes later, the sensations changed to pleasant warmth, the face turned very red, and to enhance the heat effect, a transparent film, similar to food, was covered from above.

Five minutes of hot grilled chicken sensation in vacuum packing – and the skin is ready for immediate cleaning.

The main stage:Despite the fact that doctors unanimously insist on the danger of this occupation, every girl tried to get rid of black spots at home at least once. The professional approach differs from domestic amateur performance not only by careful disinfection and steaming of the face. In the cosmetology room, the fingers of the doctor are wrapped with napkins, and the effect occurs with the help of their side surface, and not the nails. But despite the fact that the pores were opened and the nails were not involved in the process, the procedure seemed a little painful, especially in the nose and chin. True, it lasted only 10 minutes.

Final procedures:After the purge itself, it was the turn of the nail program – cryomassage, designed to calm and reassure the skin, and reduce inflammation. On a wooden stick with notches a cotton swab is fixed, a cryoapplicator is obtained (cosmetologists call it “reed”). This “reed” is dipped in a thermos bottle with liquid nitrogen, and then a massage is performed with intermittent rotational movements along the facial massage lines. Feelings can be compared to stroking a cool fluffy rabbit foot, cotton wool is not felt at all. That the nitrogen did not evaporate, not having had time to reach the person, the cosmetician operated very quickly. At the end of the procedure, the skin “required the continuation of the banquet” – a very pleasant sensation is delivered by cryomassage.

The final stage of cleansing was a soothing anti-inflammatory mask of white clay.

The beautician applied it in a thick layer with a brush and left the office for five minutes – either out of a sense of tact to allow a nap under pleasant music, or frightened of the patient’s appearance.

And to be frightened was that: narrowing the pore mask began to dry out and literally pull together the face, while itself covered with small cracks. Although after removing it with a wet sponge, a pleasant sensation of freshness remained on the skin, and not a dryness.

A glance in the mirror showed that, despite the slight redness in the places of removal of comedones, in general the skin looks clean and refreshed. After cleaning for some time, it is not recommended to use powder and foundation, but since the event took place at the beginning of the working day, the beautician applied to the face a tonal remedy based on red clay that does not clog the pores in order not to frighten passers-by.

Summary:The redness completely subsided a couple of hours after cleansing, by the evening there were only a few small spots in the places where before clearing there were obvious inflammations. On the advice of the doctor, they were treated with a tonic with a little alcohol. Two days later the skin began to flake slightly, but the beautician warned about this and recommended using a soothing mask, but not a scrub. Of course, for one procedure the skin did not cease to be prone to fat, but the first two days of haze after washing it lasted longer than usual. The main results were a significant reduction in inflammation, a healthy complexion and a fresh look of the skin. And as a result – some savings on voice-frequency media.

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