February 13, 2025

Experts have refuted the five most popular myths about epilation

If we compare the situation with last year, then advertising and discussions of hair removal became less.

It is possible that people are simply accustomed to epilation and perceive the disposal of hair (even in places where they were previously mandatory) by the same procedure as brushing your teeth.

But the more habitual the procedure, the more myths it accumulates. From what warn and that lies in wait for users of this or that method of hair removal, the correspondent of SE recognized.

Myth one: the methods of 100% getting rid of hair are found.

“Electro-, photo- and laser hair removal destroy the hair follicle,” explains Irina Sergeeva, dermatologist at the medical center “Zdravitsa”. – With a regular procedure, the number of active follicles is significantly reduced and after 6-10 procedures usually lead to an almost complete cessation of hair growth in the area of ​​exposure. ”

It sounds reasonable, but not everyone who passed the full course, achieved a “complete cessation of growth. ”Why do some women have hair that does not disappear? Because the follicle can be destroyed only in the state of anagen, or the stage of growth, but the cycles even in neighboring hair are not synchronous and in a certain period of time all the hair is in different stages of development.

To guess if hair is growing now or not, it’s impossible to eyeball, that’s why they conduct the procedures at an interval, during which approximately all of them will visit the stage of growth. However, to find everyone at the right stage and destroy is often, but not always.

In addition, you need to know what to choose and in what cases from modern developments should be discarded: “These techniques are not applied to the skin in the field of pigment spots,” explains Irina Sergeeva. – Photoepilation is more suitable for dark hair and light skin, laser hair removal – for almost all types of hair, as the impact on the hair follicle is more selective and directed. ”

Myth two: after shaving grow thicker and thicker hair.

Despite the prospects of new methods, the overwhelming majority still uses the proven method of shaving. Photoepilation is good, but the road is far away, and the razor costs a penny and is always at hand. But if shaving was the ideal method, then cosmeticians would not be engaged in searching for new ways to get rid of hair.

Those who began to shave light and rare hair on their legs in adolescence are familiar with a feeling of profound regret about what they did-if those thin ones were almost invisible, then now growing thick and black, it’s impossible to stand on the skin. Does frequent shaving lead to a change in the quality and quantity of hair?

“Increasing the number of hair does not cause shaving, since the number of hair follicles is genetically laid down,” refutes the myth of Irina Sergeyeva and explains why it all seems that they have become thicker. “Due to the fact that the hair does not collapse, but cuts over the surface of the skin, after shaving continues the growth of a thick spinous hair, and not thin, as after epilation, accompanied by the destruction of the hair shaft. ”

Myth three: getting rid of hair with wax and electro-epilator leads to varicose veins.

Hair removal with the help of vegetable sticky viscous substances – wax, sugar, honey – is one of the oldest and proven methods, in popularity second only to shaving. From its pluses – a long effect, thinning hair. Of the minuses – soreness, the availability of skills, often – high cost. Well, medical warnings, of course. One of the most well-known contraindications, indicated in the instructions for the use of mechanical methods of hair removal, is varicose veins.

Not only wax, but also electro-epilators are supplied with clearly prescribed prohibition. However, his doctors do not confirm the evidence:

“At the moment there are no international studies that would unequivocally confirm or disprove the effect of epilation on the occurrence or progression of varicose veins,” says phlebologist of the Center for New Medical Technologies Ksenia Sevostyanova. – Therefore, there are no recommendations on this issue either. To date, the symptoms of varicose veins are not officially a contraindication to the use of hair removal, both wax and hardware. ”It turns out, that in itself removal of hair does not affect a condition of veins. In addition, the instructions do not say what stage of the disease is involved – and in fact, you see, sticking out the swollen vein is unlikely anyone will come to mind epilate wax.

Myth Four: Brazilian hair removal negatively affects women’s health.

It’s no secret that many, even those who themselves pull hair from the roots, are concerned about the interference in nature. If the hair is created and exist, is it not dangerous to get rid of them? As for the Brazilian hair removal, which is especially controversial, then, according to the observations of the gynecologist of the medical center “Zdravitsa” Alla Teplitskaya, hair removal in the bikini zone, even full, does not affect the condition of the mucosa, and from the point of sexual health, hair removal is safe.

“Total hair removal does not affect the body, because the hair does not perform important physiological functions,” her dermatologist Irina Sergeeva is sure. – For example, people with total alopecia (hair loss on the scalp, face and other parts of the body) do not face special problems, except sensations of a cosmetic defect. ” However, the fact that permanent depilation provokes ingrowth of hair,

Myth Five: Depilatory cream is the safest way to get rid of hair.

After the first application of the cream, the hair falls off so softly and lightly that there is a feeling that the simplest and most pleasant method is finally found. But the more often you apply this cream, the more sharply you feel a poisonous smell, and, quite probably, you collide with problems arising from application.

“Chemical epilation, in particular, creams, are not well tolerated by sensitive skin, in addition, there is a risk of developing allergic reactions,” explains Irina Sergeyeva, a dermatologist. “Contact irritation and the development of prolonged reddening of the skin at the site of frequent procedures are possible. ”

If to summarize, then there is no ideal way to get rid of nature’s imposed hair. As well, it happens with everything that tries to interfere with the natural course of things. Therefore, choosing the methods of epilation, be guided by your own feelings, the quality of the skin and hair, the wallet and the availability of free time. And do not listen to anyone’s categorical statements.

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