The durian is such a disgusting smell that it is unlikely to be allowed in a public place. However, if you overcome the disgust or just close your nose and taste the juicy pulp, you will immediately understand where the notion of the king of fruits.
From the variety of durian fruit just became the owner of a popular characteristics. It is not that all this is absolutely true. The durian is so “pleasant aroma” that it is impossible to go into hotels, lifts, shops, taxis and many other public places. Some of them even have a sign in the form of a durian with a red diagonal line. This means that the entrance of fruit is strictly prohibited. This is because the smell is very strong and even after a long time after consuming it in food flavor remains and, most important, it does not disappear and is not killed, cosmetics. This is the main reason due to which it cannot be stored for long periods. There are many adjectives used to describe the smell of this fruit.
In spite of that it is considered the king of fruits. You will be able to see this after I tasted the pulp, which has a truly divine taste. Thais argue that it can be compared with a delightful cream of milk and eggs. If you want to get an unforgettable experience, be sure to try durian.
The name originates from the Malay word for thorn – duri, and the suffix an, which means spiny fruit. His birthplace is India, Indonesia, Ceylon, Thailand, the Philippines and Indochina. There is a perception that the best durian grows on a plantation near Bangkok.
This fruit has quite large fruit that can reach 30 cm and weigh up to 8 pounds. They are covered with skin, which adorn the spines. Inside is somewhat oblong chambers, and in them delicate yellowish-white delicious pulp.
Durian is an evergreen tree – a giant, growing up to 40 meters in height. He has shiny and leathery leaves that are slightly pointed and are arranged alternately. The upper part of the leaf is smooth, while the opposite is covered with scales. Blooms this amazing fruit is only a few hours: Golden brown, white or Golden flowers have a heavy, sour odor. They open at dusk and dawn fall. The main period of fruit ripening is early spring and ends in late summer.
The purchase of durian should not trust the seller and do it yourself. Special attention to this sale will require in-season because that’s when the shelves are often found bad durians. When pressed, the fruit was slightly soft. Overripe fruit is very soft, and immature does not give in to pressure.
The maturity of this product, you can determine the condition of the spines. If they move the fruit quality and ripened, but if they move at all, he still needs to lie down.
Pay attention to the smell of durian. If he has a very strong flavor, it is very likely that inside of it will be snotty – overripe.
One should not draw conclusions on the color of the fruit, because the colors of the different varieties differ greatly.
It is best to immediately eat durian in food, but in some situations it is possible to resort to storage. It should be noted that this fruit can not be placed in the refrigerator. At room temperature the product can be stored for 5 days, but no more. Never hold the durian with other fruits.
The seeds of this amazing fruit for centuries used in cooking. Mostly they are used as condiments. These fruits have a strong pungent smell that resembles a mix of cheese, rotten onions, and turpentine. Despite this the pulp is quite a pleasant taste, so it is eaten as a delicious dessert.
Most often, the durian is used for the preparation of dairy cocktails, chips, ice cream and dried fruit. Sometimes it is fried just like potatoes. It should be noted that it blends perfectly with coffee.
The Chinese have treasured durian is pretty expensive treat for the kids. Buy it only for the holidays. On this day, the whole family needs to sit down and eat the whole fruit in one sitting. For Malays eating durian is a real ritual that can be compared to meditation. In all the countries of Asia, which grows durian, it is considered a medicinal plant. This fruit has long been credited with rejuvenating powers.
There is a legend in which there is a speech about the king, who was in love with a charming girl, but she didn’t reciprocate his feelings. Because of this, the Lord turned to the mage who gave him the fruit. The king gave to try received the fruits of the girl and she immediately fell in love with him. The ruler was so pleased that he forgot about the MAG and not thanking him. The magician was so angry that he cursed those wonderful fruits. When the Bishop came for the new love he found it but only spiky and pungent fruit. King has mastered anger, and he threw it on the ground. He was very surprised when found within “love a lot”, and therefore gave him a new name, namely “durian”.
In cheese or frozen calorie content of durian is 145 kcal per 100 g of product. This fruit has a relatively low fat content and high content of carbohydrates. Its excessive use can lead to extra pounds.
This fruit is very rich in protein, fat, mi, vitamins and carbohydrates. It is important to know that it does not contain cholesterol. The pulp contains vitamin C, Niacin, carotene, folic acid, Riboflavin, calcium, iron, Niacin and phosphorus.
It also contains indole. It should be noted that only in him is an organic sulfur.
Useful and healing properties
Durian is a unique fruit because it contained organic sulfur. It is the cause of its distinctive and very pleasant aroma. This is the only fruit with gray in a world that is fit for human consumption.
Odor – characteristic sign of the presence in the fruit of indole. It should be noted that very dilute indole has a completely opposite flavour of Jasmine. It is very useful because it has antibacterial properties.
At the beginning of the last century in many pharmacies were sold pills “Dur-India”, the main component of which was the durian and the very rare Indian bow. The last is very rich in vitamin E. If in a few months, regularly using this drug, then the body will do the concentrated vital energy, which will make it more strong and tireless. These pills have a positive effect on the human spirit, making it younger and clearer.
The durian has the remarkable property – it can increase the potency.
The pulp of this amazing fruit is a vermifuge. The roots and leaves of durian are used for preparing a decoction, which subsequently will be used as an antipyretic. People suffering from fever, is applied to the head the juice from the leaves of this plant. To relieve skin inflammation use a decoction of the leaves and fruits of durian. When jaundice should take a therapeutic bath from the leaves of this exotic fruit. The ash of this plant is used in the postpartum period.
It should be noted that durian is the absolute leader among all fruits for nutrient content, organic sulfur antioxidants, fatty acids, protein, amino acids and vitamins. That there is only one bioactive sulfur therapeutic properties which simply are unspeakable.
Dangerous properties of durian
The consumption of this exotic fruit is forbidden for people with high blood pressure. It is contraindicated to eat during pregnancy. Nursing mothers should also refrain from eating this fruit.
In any case, it cannot be combined with alcohol because it can cause poisoning and a whole host of complications.
Durian is contraindicated in individual intolerance.
Durian has such an abominable smell that you are unlikely to be allowed into a public place with him. However, if you overcome the disgust or just close your nose and taste the juicy pulp, you will immediately understand where the concept of the king of fruit came from.
Of the whole variety of fruits, durian became the only owner of such a popular characteristic. Few people imagine that all this is an absolute truth. Durian has such a “pleasant aroma” that you can not go into hotels, elevators, shops, taxis and many other public places. On some of them there is even a special sign in the form of a durian crossed out by a red line. This means that the entrance with fruit is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that the smell is very persistent and even after a long time after eating it the food remains and, most importantly, it does not erode and is not killed by cosmetic means. This is the main reason why it can not be stored for long. In the world there are many epithets that are used to describe the smell of this fruit.
Despite everything, he is considered the king of fruit. You can see for yourself after you taste the flesh, which has a truly divine taste. Thais say that it can be compared with a delicious cream of milk and eggs. If there is a desire to get unforgettable sensations, then certainly try the durian.
The name originates from the Malay word for the thorn, duri, and also the suffix an, which in translation means prickly fruit. His homeland is India, Indonesia, Ceylon, Thailand, the Philippines and Indochina. There is an opinion that the best durian grows on a plantation near to Bangkok.
This fruit has rather large fruits, which can reach 30 cm and weigh up to 8 kilograms. They are completely covered with a peel, which is “decorated” with spines. Inside there are several oblong chambers, and in them gentle yellowish-white masses tasty.
Durian is an evergreen tree – a giant growing to 40 meters in height. He has shiny and leathery leaves, which are slightly pointed and located next. The upper part of the leaves is smooth, while the opposite part is covered with scales. This wonderful fruit blossoms only a few hours: golden brown, white or golden flowers have a heavy sour smell. They open in the twilight, and fall by the dawn. The main period of fruit ripening is the beginning of spring, and ends at the end of summer.
How to choose
Purchase durian should not be trusted by the seller, and do everything yourself. Particular attention to this purchase will require off-season, because it is then on the shelves there are often bad durians. When pressing, the fruit should be slightly soft. The ripened fruit is very soft, and the unripe fruit does not give in at all.
The maturity of this product can be determined by the condition of thorns. If they shift, then the qualitative and fruits are mature, but if they are immobile, then it must still lie down.
Pay attention to the smell of durian. If it has a very strong flavor, then it is very likely that inside of it will be snotty – overripe.
Do not draw conclusions about the color of the fruit, because the colors of different varieties are very different.
How to store
It is best to immediately use durian for food, but in a different situation, you can resort to storage. It should be noted that this fruit can not be placed in the refrigerator. At room temperature this product can be stored for 5 days, but not more. Do not keep durian with other fruits.
In cooking
Seeds of this amazing fruit has been used for many centuries in cooking. They are mainly used as a seasoning. These fruits have a strong pungent smell, which it resembles a mixture of cheese, rotten onions, and turpentine. Despite this, the pulp has a rather pleasant taste, therefore it is eaten as a tasty dessert.
Most often, durian is used for making milk cocktails, chips, ice cream and dried fruits. Sometimes it is fried just like potatoes. It should be noted that it is perfectly combined with coffee.
Reflection in culture
The Chinese are very appreciated and durian is a pretty expensive treat for children. Buy it only for the holidays. On this day the whole family should sit down and eat the whole fruit in one sitting. For the Malays, eating durian is a real ritual that can be compared to meditation. In absolutely all Asian countries, where durian grows, it is considered a medicinal plant. These fruits have long been credited with rejuvenating power.
There is a legend about a king who was in love with a charming girl, but she did not reciprocate with his feelings. Because of this, the lord turned to the magician, who gave him the fruit. The king gave the fruit to try the girl and she immediately fell in love with him. The ruler was so glad that he forgot about the magician, and did not thank him. The magician was so angry that he cursed these wonderful fruits. When Vladyka came for a new fruit of love he did not find him but only a spiny and disgusting smell