Repetitive cold symptoms may be signs of seasonal allergies. What we eat, where we live, breathe, what water we drink, certainly affects our body. Affects seriously, causing unexpected pathological reactions of the body. Such as, for example, seasonal allergies to plant pollen. Disappointing observations of doctors – every year the number of allergies increases.
Tell us, which allergens are typical for our area?
Plants that cause an allergic reaction can be divided into three groups: trees that blossom in May-June, meadow grasses – their effect falls on June-July and weeds, pollinated in July-August. I will not list the list, it’s very long, it’s birch, and alder, and hazel, and so on. But the poplar, by the way, is not an allergen by itself. Simply, its fluff collects and carries the pollen of other, allergenic to humans plants.
How is the allergy acquired?
Often this is a hereditary conditioned predisposition to some kind of allergy. But it often happens without the participation of genes, experts write it off to the environment, to what we eat. Processed products, synthetic additives, environmental pollution – all this leads to an allergy of the body, which begins to react pathologically.
Most often, the allergy manifests itself in childhood or adolescence. It rarely happens that an adult suddenly develops pollinosis (seasonal allergy). On the contrary, by the age of 40 the manifestations are dying out, the involution of the immune system occurs.
What are the symptoms most often treated?
With mucosal reactions. It can be rhinitis – when running from the nose, conjunctivitis – when itches and inflamed eyes. Pollen bronchial asthma is also common. Less likely to be treated with skin rashes.
How to diagnose an allergy?
If the allergy is manifested for the first time, then most people do not attach importance to it and are treated for a cold. When the symptoms occur repeatedly, then they begin to think and draw parallels with seasonality. Although often people at the same time of the year suffer obvious allergy symptoms, but persistently continue to go to the therapist, who treats them from cold and colds, heals for a long time and to no avail. But the disease is very seriously poisons life – eyes are unmercifully swollen from the nose flowing. Do not wait, noticing the repetition of symptoms, contact an allergist.
How to behave during the flowering period?
Try to spend less time on the street, less often to ventilate the room, as often as possible to do a wet cleaning and take a bath. Pollen settles on the mucous membrane, so when coming home, it is necessary to gargle, wash the pharynx. Be sure to regularly wash your hair – they settle and accumulate pollen. If possible, it is better to put an air conditioner in the room. If there are even more opportunities, leave for another time for pollination. Wormwood, for example, blooming in our country, does not grow in the south.
How is the allergy treated?
Effective allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). Washed it is that the patient is determined by the spectrum of allergens, of which a mixture is made, which is injected daily. These small doses block receptors, and when the season of pollination begins, the body no longer reacts so violently to the pollen. Therapy can be conducted annually, four years in a row. To be treated it is necessary to begin in the autumn, in September-October and to finish for a month-one and a half before the beginning of pollination. Although it is almost impossible to cure completely allergy, the relief after ASIT is very noticeable. Now, in the pollination season, you can only alleviate the symptoms. Prescribed anti-allergenic antihistamines, drops in the nose and eyes, with bronchial asthma – inhalers.
What is the prevention of allergies?
Prevention of allergies begins during pregnancy. The future mother should use medicinal treatment for a minimum, use antibiotics. You need to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle. After the birth of the child, monitor its lure, do not give up to a year or two of cow’s milk – the casein contained in it, a strong allergen. As in childhood, and in adulthood it is important not to self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor to avoid unnecessary expenditure of money and, most importantly, deterioration of health.