It’s the season of Reese Witherspoon sequels, y’all. After news of Legally Blonde 3, it seemed like we’d gotten everything we wanted and more. . . that is, until Josh Lucas planted the idea of a Sweet Home Alabama sequel in our brains.
The 47-year-old actor stopped by The Talk on July 17 and revealed he’s ready to bring the nostalgic 2002 movie back to the big screen and find out where the characters have been the last 16 years.
“I would do it in a second,” he said. “Are they still together? Are they divorced? Do they want to be back together? I mean, there’s so many different ideas that I think, you know, we all know life is long and complex, and they had an interesting relationship to begin with, the two characters. ”
Lucas isn’t alone in his desire to bring back the iconic rom-com, either. During a 2016 Facebook Live, Witherspoon revealed she’d be game for a sequel too.
“If Disney wants to make a sequel, they can just call me,” she said. “I would happily make Sweet Home Alabama 2. ”
Granted, Witherspoon’s pretty busy these days, what with filming Big Little Lies, her company (Hello Sunshine), and her clothing line (Draper James).
“Obviously, Reese is developing this sort of extraordinary other career and is obviously a pretty busy person,” Lucas acknowledged in an interview with Access Live. So while Lucas has said he reached out to her, there’s no official film in the works. That’s OK – for now we’ll just hope lightning strikes twice and we get the sequel of our dreams.