September 16, 2024


Drink Cola (“Coca-Cola”, “Pepsi-Cola” and others) invented in the USA type of carbonated sugary drinks, often containing caffeine. The name comes from the Kola nuts originally used by the manufacturers of drinks as a caffeine source.

Dr. John stith Pemberton, a chemist from Atlanta (Georgia, USA), prepared in 1886, the syrup is a caramel color, which is attributed to the “Jacobs” – the largest in the city pharmacy. The first portions of syrup were sold at five cents a glass.

Soon the sellers of drugstores began mixing the syrup with soda water – and it is not known whether it occurred accidentally or intentionally. The fact, however, is that it originated as a drink Coca-Cola. Near Coca-Cola had a number of other varieties, such as Pepsi-Cola (Pepsi-Cola, USA) or produced since 1931 in Germany, Afri-Cola (Afri-Cola).

Cola in most countries of the world is considered a typically American drink. Consumption of this drink (especially Coca-Cola) is often a reflection of the commitment of the Western way of life. In India, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola from 1970 to 1993 was banned.

Initially the main components of coke was rich in caffeine containing Kola nut and cocaine the Coca Bush. The last in 1903 was removed from the formulation, when it became a well-known danger of cocaine, and to date from the plant of Coca Cola in the composition remained only a name.

Cola is high in calories.

Calorie Cola is 42 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of Cola

One glass of Cola contains up to 6 teaspoons of sugar. The typical flavor of today’s Cola gets from the addition of vanillin, cimtogo oil, oil of cloves and lemon.

Contraindications and harms of Cola

Coke usually do silnogazirovannoy. Highly drinks is not advised to persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is a well known fact. Do not abuse such drinks, particularly coke, for the reason that excessive intake of phosphoric acid contained in them can cause calcium deficiency.

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