September 9, 2024


Coconut is a large round fruit of the coconut palm with a solid brushed shell, a thin brown skin, white flesh, eaten fresh or dried, flaked or grated form.

Coconut, plant of the family of Palm (Areca) and the only species of the genus Cocos.

One of the features of these trees is that they readily live in close proximity to sea water, but does not need it. This is due to the ease with which the shallow roots of the trees absorb moisture from abundantly irrigated soil on the sea coast.

The rind of the coconut is not damaged in salt water. This means that fallen in to the sea walnut can be made in the open sea and after long wanderings aground on some distant shore, where after some time will be born of a young palm tree.

Coconuts during transport often prick, so the milk pours out of them and they rot. So if you see on the coconut, though a little crack – do not buy. In a good coconut have to splash the milk, it’s good to hear.

The flesh of the coconut should not only easy to separate from the shell, but from skorlupki layer (between the white and the shell). If not, then the nut shot green. The flesh should be soft. It is typically used in the form of small chips.

The use of coconut in cooking

Use the coconut in fruit salads, desserts, cakes, soups and sometimes in main dishes.

Coconut oil is a fatty vegetable oil obtained from copra. Manufactured by hot pressing of freshly dried coconut pulp. It is used mainly in soap making, for the manufacture of cosmetics, for the preparation of cooling toppings at the waffle cakes and in the production of margarine.

With the popularity of Asian cuisine coconut pulp has recently been used in European recipes.

On top of the coconut there are 3 recesses in the form of an isosceles triangle. First, you need to pierce (with a screwdriver, narrow knife, scissors) the hole closest to the top. From one nut can be drained to two-thirds of the glass.

Further useful hammer ? holding the coconut in one hand turning it must, tap on the so-called Golden section of a coconut (about a third from the end with black eyes), and it is along this line rather unexpectedly announced a crack is a line to natural fault. Enough to stick her knife and a little pressure, as the coconut itself will crack. Although if you open a coconut from the supermarket, and he is not the first freshness, the presence of the hammer will again come in handy.

Coconut is considered to be high-calorie food with high fat content. 100 g coconut contains 354 kcal. The energy value of coconut oil – 862 kcal per 100 g. However, coconut milk is only 19 kcal. Excessive consumption of coconuts can cause excess weight gain.

The beneficial properties of coconuts

Coconut contains many medicinal substances, natural oils and antioxidants.

Coconut contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E, C, folate and fiber.

The flesh of the coconut improves digestion and eyesight, restores power, improves immunity, prevents the emergence of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Coconut has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial activity.

Coconut milk has a pleasant smell and sweet taste, it is very good for the skin and contains about 27% fat, 6% carbohydrate and 4% protein. The lotion is perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, restores elasticity to aging and sluggish skin. Especially successfully it can be used to treat acne and allergic rashes, to soothe and dry irritated skin.

Coconut oil consists of triglycerides and related medium chain saturated fatty acids, thus absorbs very quickly, moisturizes great and makes the skin velvety. In particular, lauric acid has a negative effect on various pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses. Also, coconut oil contains capric acid (7% of the fatty-acid composition), which stimulates microbial activity. Coconut oil is easily digested and does not put a strain on the liver. It’s good for your stomach and promotes healthy intestinal flora.

The use of coconut oil is that it is not deposited in the body, and immediately converted into energy.
Perfect for athletes who train intensively

Not surprisingly, inhabitants of tropical countries consider coconut a “gift from heaven”.

Coconut is contraindicated for people with a tendency to excess weight and diarrhea.

Coconuts are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, as well as for overactive thyroid as they affect the work of this body.

Coconut is a large round fruit of a coconut palm with a fleecy hard shell, a thin brown skin, a white flesh that is eaten fresh or dried, in the form of flakes or in grated form.

Kakos, a plant of the Palm family (Arek) and the only species of the genus Cocos.

One of the characteristics of these trees is that they willingly live in close proximity to sea water, although they do not need it at all. This is due to the ease with which shallow roots of palm trees absorb moisture from the abundantly irrigated soil on the seashore.

Coconut rind is not damaged in salt water. This means that a nut that has fallen into the sea waves can be brought to the open sea and after long wanderings it is thrown out on some distant shore, where after a while a young palm tree will appear.

How to choose a coconut?

Coconuts are often pricked during transportation, so the milk is poured out of them and they rot themselves. So if you see on the coconut at least a small treshchinu – do not buy. In a good coconut milk must always splash, it’s well audible.

The pulp of coconut should not only be separated from the shell, but also from the shell layer (between the white and the shell itself). If not – then shot off the green. And the flesh should be soft. Usually it is used in the form of a small ststuzhki.

Using Coconut in Cooking

Use coconuts in fruit salads, desserts, pies, soups and sometimes in main dishes.

Coconut oil is a fatty vegetable oil derived from copra. It is made by hot pressing of fresh dried pulp of coconut. It is used mainly in soap making, for the manufacture of cosmetics, for the preparation of refilling fillings in cakes and wafer in the production of margarine.

With the popularity of Asian cuisine, the coconut pulp is most recently used in European recipes.

How to open a coconut

At the top of each coconut there are 3 grooves in the shape of an isosceles triangle. First you need to pierce (with a screwdriver, a narrow knife, scissors) that hole that is closest to the top. From one nut can be filtered to two thirds of a glass.

Further the hammer will be useful ? keeping a coconut in one hand it is necessary turning it to tap on the so-called golden section of a coconut (about third from the end with black eyes), and on this line the crack will appear quite unexpectedly – this is a line of a natural break. It is enough to stick the knife”s edge into it and press just a little, like the coconut itself will split. Although if you open a coconut from a supermarket, and it is not the first freshness, the presence of a hammer will come in handy again.

Calorie content of coconut

Coconut is considered a high-calorie product because of the high content of fats. In 100 g of coconut contains 354 kcal. The energy value of coconut oil is 862 kcal per 100 g. However, in coconut milk there are only 19 kcal. Excessive use of coconuts can cause excess weight.

Nutrition information in 100 grams:

Proteins, Fats gr, gr Carbohydrates, Zola gr, gr Water gr Calories, kcal
33. 5 3. 4 6. 2 2 11. 5 354
Palm tree with coconuts

Useful properties of coconuts

Coconut contains many medicinal substances, natural oils and antioxidants.

Coconut contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E, C, folate and fiber.

The pulp of coconut improves digestion and vision, restores strength, increases immunity, prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

Coconut has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect.

Coconut milk has a pleasant smell and sweet taste, it is very useful for the skin and contains about 27% fat, 6% carbohydrates and 4% protein. Milk perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, restores the elasticity of aging and sluggish skin. Especially successfully with its help you can treat acne and allergic rashes, soothe and dry the inflamed skin.

Coconut oil consists of medium chain triglycerides and saturated fatty acids, so it absorbs very quickly, moisturizes and gives the skin velvety. In particular, lauric acid adversely affects a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, yeasts, fungi and viruses. Also in coconut oil contains capric acid (7% of fatty acid composition), which stimulates antimicrobial activity. Coconut oil is easily digested and does not give a load on the liver. It is useful for your stomach and promotes a healthy intestinal flora.

The benefit of coconut oil lies in the fact that it is not deposited in the body, but immediately turns into energy.

Excellent for athletes who train intensively

Not surprisingly, the inhabitants of tropical countries, the coconut consider “a gift from heaven. ”

Coconut shaving

Dangerous properties of coconuts

Coconut is contraindicated in people with a tendency to excess weight and diarrhea.

Coconuts are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, as well as hyperthyroidism, as they affect the work of this organ.

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