September 16, 2024


This plant is the people affectionately known as a beautiful bride. This is due to the fact that cherry also wears a festive white robe and turns into a miracle. With this tree, tie a lot, for example the return of cold weather, spring. This is due to the fact that these periods coincide with the times of its flowering.

It refers to the genus of small trees or shrubs, which belong to the family Rosaceae. Its trunk completely covered with bark dark gray, on which there are rusty-brown spots. The leaves of wild cherry obovate. All the leaves are obovate, with one difference: the young leaves Golden-green color, and the old dimmer. The flowers, though small, but very fragrant. They are white and gathered in a very beautiful brush.

Cherry is an orderly forest. It is not a coincidence. From the flowers and leaves have a special aroma, so it has a phytoncide properties. This made the tree special, as it gave him the ability to kill insects and germs.

There were approximately 20 species, distributed in North America and East Asia. Grow these trees in fertile soils that have excessive moisture or running in mountainous terrain on scree or rocky mountains.

The cherry is everyone’s favourite and not once glorified pet, which, despite all the laudatory ode, I try not to let them near the garden plots. Many people mistakenly believe this tree is a magnet for pests. There is a perception that cherry is their incubator and it is therefore dangerous for the garden. But this delusion is absolutely not true. Cherries are very useful because it cleans the air around her and kills pathogens. The tree mercilessly even for mosquitoes and ticks.

When choosing a cherry pay special attention to her appearance. The berries should be smooth and in any case they should not be damage or dents. The fruit is black in color, therefore in case of detection of any discrepancy can be sure that the berries are bad to eat they should not be.

Fresh cherries can be stored for about a month, but only at low temperature. In this case, it is sorted and gently lay into a container, alternating berries with leaves.

Second, perhaps the most common method is drying. For this you can use a special dryer or the sun. It should be noted that in the case of the use of dryers should be carefully monitor the process and prevent burning.

Speaking about the use of cherry in cooking, not to mention that most often use fresh berries. However, to prepare some of the dishes are perfect and dried cherries. Enjoys considerable withmilletm bird cherry flour and syrup. All these products are used for making pies, breads, compotes, cordials, jellies, liquors and many other drinks that will refresh. Always remember that the fruit of this shrub is in any case can not be used for conservation. In simple language harvest compote for the winter of cherry should not be. These berries have a special feature: their taste can become more tender, however they should be within ten hours to hold in the basket.

The berries of the wild cherry are used for a long time, evidenced by the results of many archaeological excavations.

The common culture is the common wild cherry and several American types: Virgin and late.

Compared to other berries cherries has a low calorie content. In 100 g of raw wild cherry 100 kcal. Moderate consumption of the product will not lead to obesity and problems with overweight.

Useful properties of wild cherry

Cherry consists of coloring, pectin, tannins, organic acids and sugars.

Its leaves, bark, flowers and seeds have glycoside amygdalin, which in turn can break down to release prussic acid.

The leaves and fruits was discovered essential oil, Vinokurova acid, resin, gum, flavonoid, ascorbic acid and trimethylamine.

Cherry has antibacterial and astringent properties, so it is considered quite effective for diarrhea of any origin and other intestinal infections. For this purpose, fresh fruits, and teas or infusions.

In folk medicine used the bark of wild cherry, from which is prepared a decoction used as a diuretic. A decoction is used for many cardiac and renal diseases. It should be noted that it is an effective remedy for colds and fever because it is a diaphoretic. He is also a remedy for gastrointestinal spasms.

Tincture, made on the basis of a wild cherry, used for rinsing the patient’s eyes purulent conjunctivitis. It is used in stomatitis, sore throat as a means for rinsing throat and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Tincture is medicine fighting with various female reproductive infections.

Even in the middle ages used the bark of wild cherry. It tones and soothes stomach pain. In folk medicine, decoction from the bark to treat rheumatism and ease the symptoms of fever.

It is not recommended to use the fruits of wild cherry, of which extracted the bone. This is because it can cause poisoning. It is also impossible to brew crushed berries, because the consequences are the same.

Should not be put in the house bouquets of twigs of wild cherry, because it can poison our body. Due to the fact that this culture highlights volatile, and they are in the process of splitting emit hydrocyanic acid, which is harmful to living organisms.

In any case it is impossible to inhale the scent of wild cherry pregnant, and they are forbidden to take drugs cherry. Women who are planning to become mother should refrain from these drugs and fragrances.

Absolutely all parts of the wild cherry contain alkaloids – poisonous substances, therefore they cannot be used in official medicine.

This plant in the people affectionately called the beautiful bride. This is due to the fact that bird cherry also wears a festive white robe and turns into a real miracle. Many things are connected with this tree, for example, the return of cold weather, spring. This is due to the fact that these periods coincide with the time of its flowering.

It refers to the genus of low trees or shrubs that belong to the family of Rosaceae. Its trunk is completely covered with a crust of dark gray color, on which rusty-brown spots meet. Leaves in bird-cherry are obovate. All leaves are obovate, but with one difference: young leaves are golden green, and the old ones are duller. Flowers, though small, but very fragrant. They are white and collected in a very beautiful brush.

The bird cherry is the medic of the forest. And this is not an accident. Flowers and leaves have a special aroma, and therefore has a phytoncide property. This made the tree special, since it gave him the ability to kill insects and microbes.

Approximately 20 species have been counted, which are common in North America and East Asia. These trees grow in fertile soils that have excess flowing moistening, or in mountainous terrain on screes or rocky mountains.

Bird cherry is beloved and not once glorified by a favorite, which, despite all the laudatory odes, try not to let it close to the garden plots. Many mistakenly consider this tree a kind of magnet for pests. There is an opinion that bird cherry is an incubator for them and that is why it is so dangerous for the garden. But this error is absolutely untrue. Bird cherry is very useful, because it purifies the air around itself and at the same time kills pathogenic microorganisms. The tree is ruthless even for mosquitoes and ticks.

How to choose

When choosing a bird cherry, pay special attention to its appearance. The berries should be even and in no case should they be damaged or dented. Fruits are black, so if you find any discrepancy, you can be sure that the berries are bad and should not be eaten.

How to store

Fresh bird cherry can be stored for about a month, but only at a lower temperature. In this case, it is sorted and neatly put into a container, alternating berries with leaves.
The second, perhaps, the most common way is drying. For this you can use a special dryer or the sun. It should be noted that in the case of using dryers, you should closely monitor the process and prevent burning.

In cooking

Speaking about the use of bird cherries in cooking, it should be noted that the most commonly used fresh berries. However, for cooking some dishes, a dried bird cherry is also suitable. Flour and Cherry syrup are in high demand. All these products are used to make pies, bread, compotes, liqueurs, kissels, tinctures and many other drinks that must be refreshed. Always remember that the fruits of this shrub can in no case be used for conservation. In simple terms, it is not necessary to prepare compote for winter from bird cherry. These berries have a special feature: their taste can become more tender, but for this they should be kept in a basket for ten hours.

Reflection in culture

Cherry berries are used for a long time, as evidenced by the results of many archaeological excavations.

The most common culture is the common bird cherry and several American species: Virginia and late.

Caloric content of bird cherry

In comparison with other berries, bird cherry has a low calorie content. In 100 g of raw wild bird cherry 100 kcal. Moderate consumption of the product will not lead to obesity and problems with excess weight.

Useful properties of bird cherry

Composition and availability of nutrients

Bird cherry consists of coloring, pectin, tannins, as well as organic acids and sugar.
In its leaves, bark, flowers and seeds there is glycoside amygdalin, which, in turn, is able to split and liberate hydrocyanic acid.

In the foliage and fruits, essential oil, phenocarboxylic acid, resin, gum, flavonoid, ascorbic acid and trimethylamine were found.

Useful and medicinal properties

Bird cherry has an antibacterial and astringent property, therefore it is considered quite effective in diarrhea of any origin and other intestinal infections. To do this, use both fresh fruits, and decoctions or infusions.

In folk medicine, the cherry bark is used, from which the broths are used, used as a diuretic. The broth is used for many heart and kidney diseases. It should be noted that this is an effective tool for fighting colds and fever because it is a diaphoretic. It is also a remedy for fighting gastrointestinal spasms.

Tincture made on the basis of bird cherry, used to wash the eyes of the patient with purulent conjunctivitis. It is also used for stomatitis, angina as a means for rinsing the mountains

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