September 16, 2024


Carambola is an evergreen, slow-growing tree 5 m high with drooping branches and thick, much-branched rounded crown or shrub.

The leaves are soft, dark green, smooth above and covered with whitish pubescence below. Leaves sensitive to light and gather together for the night.

The flowers are small pink or purple-red.

The carambola fruit is fleshy, crispy and juicy, slightly spicy, with a massive ribbed nodules, ranging in size from hen’s egg to a large orange. Ripe amber-yellow or Golden-yellow color. In form they are unusual – like the ribbed airship. On cross-section – pittorica star, hence one of the names in English – starfruit(star fruit), i. e. the fruit is the star, the star fruit , also called the tropical stars. The skin of carambola is edible. The flesh is juicy, slightly spicy. There are two kinds of fruit: sweet and sour and sweet. Taste some of the fruit resembles the taste of plum, Apple and grapes at the same time, other – gooseberry-scented plums. In the tropics, carambola is more appreciated with acidic fruits.

The strong taste of juicy pulp cannons reminds of a harmonious combination of green gooseberry, Apple and cucumber. Taste some varieties like the taste of the fruits of plums, apples and grapes at the same time, other – gooseberry-scented plums. In the tropics, carambola is more appreciated with acidic fruits. The aroma is strongest when the cannon is slightly boiled in syrup until soft.

Carambola seeds ovoid, flattened, pale brown, up to 1. 2 cm in length.

Low calorie, diet product, 100 g of which contains only 31 calories. Carambola is shown to eat people who are overweight.

Useful properties of carambola

The carambola fruits contain organic acids ( represented mainly oxalic), calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium. Vitamin complex represented by the carambola vitamin C, beta-Carotinum, vitamins B1, B2, B5, provitamin A. On the healing properties of carambola little is known. In folk medicine in Asia for medicinal purposes use the leaves and flowers.

In India the fruits are used as a styptic, including hemorrhoids, juice or dried fruits are used against fever. Canned candied fruits are used to reduce the level of bile, anti-diarrheal, as well as to relieve hangover.

In Brazil as a diuretic and in the treatment of eczema. A decoction of fruits and leaves is used as an antiemetic. The leaves are attached to the temples, relieve headaches, as crushed leaves and shoots help chickenpox and ringworm. Flowers are used as anthelmintic. The roots of carambola, sugar are the antidote in case of poisoning. In the leaves, stems and roots of plants was discovered glutaminova acid. A decoction of the crushed seeds of the fruit of carambola acts as lactiferous tool and easily intoxicating. The powdered seeds of the fruit of carambola is used as a sedative for colic and asthma.

Carambola perfectly quenches thirst and decreases blood pressure, acts as an excellent laxative, improves the body’s defenses (vitamin C), and with the magnesium removes from the tissues the extra fluid. Very useful for vitamin deficiency. Carambola juice is much more efficient than pickle, relieves hangover. In addition, it is possible to whiten dentures. For this you need to hold them in a glass of juice for a few hours. If the juice is too strong, it is necessary to plant a quarter of it with distilled water. Carambola helps with headaches, fever and colic.

Canned candied fruits karambuli are used against diarrhea, as well as to relieve hangover.

Dangerous properties of carambola

The presence of large amounts of oxalic acid in acidic varieties of the carambola requires caution when consuming them for food suffering from enterocolitis, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer in the acute stage.

The use of acidic fruits in large quantities may lead to disorders in the body salt metabolism and renal pathology.

Known cases of individual intolerance of carambola.

Carambola is an evergreen, slow-growing tree to 5 m high with drooping branches and a dense, strongly-branched round crown or shrub.

Leaflets soft, dark green, smooth from above and covered with whitish pubescence from below. Leaflets are sensitive to light and gather together at night.

Flowers are small pink or purplish red.

Fruits of carambola are fleshy, crunchy and juicy, slightly spicy, with massive ribbed outgrowths, the size of a chicken egg to a large orange. Ripe fruits are amber-yellow or golden-yellow in color. In form they are unusual – like a ribbed airship. On the cross-section – a tortuous star, hence one of the names in English – starfruit (star fruit), i. e. Star Fruit, star fruit, star fruit another name – tropical stars. Of edible Peel carambola. The pulp is juicy, slightly spicy. There are two varieties of fruits: sweet and sour. The taste of some fruits it resembles the taste of plums, apples and grapes at the same time, others – gooseberry with the smell of plum. In the tropics is more appreciated with sour carambola fruits.

To taste, the juicy strong flesh of the carambola is reminiscent of a harmonious combination of green gooseberry, apple and cucumber. The taste of some varieties it resembles the taste of fruits of plums, apples and grapes at the same time, others – gooseberry with the smell of plum. In the tropics is more appreciated with sour carambola fruits. The aroma is the strongest, when the cannon is slightly boiled in syrup until soft.

The seeds of the carambola are ovoid, oblate, light brown, up to 1. 2 cm in length.

Caloric content of carambola

Low-calorie, dietary product, in 100 g of which contains only 31 kcal. Carambola is indicated for consumption by people who are overweight.

Nutrition information in 100 grams:
Proteins, Fats gr, gr Carbohydrates, Zola gr, gr Water gr Calories, kcal
1. 1 0. 3 0. 5 3. 9 91 31

Useful properties of carambola

Of carambola Fruits contain organic acids (mainly represented by oxalic acid), calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium. The vitamin complex of carambola is represented by vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B5, provitamin A. Little is known about the medicinal properties of carambola. In folk medicine of Asia for therapeutic purposes, use its leaves and flowers.

In India, fruits are used as a hemostatic, including hemorrhoids, juice or dried fruit is used against fever. Preserved candied fruits are used to reduce the level of bile, against diarrhea, as well as to remove the hangover syndrome.

In Brazil, as a diuretic and in the treatment of the specimen. Decoction of fruits and leaves is used as an antiemetic. Leaves attached to the temples to relieve the headache, and crushed leaves and shoots help with chicken pox and ringworm. Flowers are used as anthelmintic. The roots of carambola with sugar are an antidote for poisoning. Glutamic acid was found in the leaves, stems and roots of the plant. Broth from the crushed seeds of the fruit of carambola acts as a milk product and easily intoxicating. Powdered seeds of carambola fruit are used as a sedative for colic and asthma.

Carambola perfectly quenches thirst and lowers arterial pressure, acts as an excellent laxative, increases the body ‘ s defenses (due to vitamin C), and thanks to magnesium removes excess fluid from the tissues. Very useful for beriberi. Juice of carambola is much more effective than regular brine, removes hangover. In addition, it can be used to whiten dentures. To do this, you need to hold them in a glass of juice for several hours. If the juice is too strong, you must dilute it to a quarter with distilled water. Carambola helps with headache, fever and colic.

Preserved candied fruits of carambali are used against diarrhea, as well as for removing hangover syndrome.

Dangerous properties of carambola

The presence of a large amount of oxalic acid in acid varieties of carambola requires caution when consuming them for food suffering from enterocolitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage.

The use of acidic fruits in large quantities can lead to a violation in the body of salt metabolism and the development of renal pathology.

There are cases of individual intolerance to carambola.

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