Brazilian walnut (lat. Bertholletia) is one of the largest tree nuts. The fruit of the tree of bertholetia have a round or oval shape with a hard woody shell. The size of the fruit reach 10 to 15 cm in diameter and 1-2 kg in weight. Inside the nut contains from 8 to 24 cores with a thin leathery skin and delicious pulp inside. After pollination, the kernel matured for 14 months. They are going to use.
For the first time Brazil nuts were discovered in tropical forests in the 16th century Spanish and Portuguese explorers.
On the export of Brazil nuts harvested exclusively in the wild territories of Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, on the Islands of Sri Lanka, Trinidat and Tobago (those Islands whose environmental conditions have a basis for Daniel Defoe for his legendary island of Robinson Crusoe). Special plantations of the walnut is sufficiently small. When cultivation decreases the yield of the trees. This is due to the lack of pollination for cultivated lands of bumblebees and other large bees. The first crop trees begin to produce only 12 years later, but in the period of active platonos for the season from one tree may yield more than 200 kg of nuts.
When you purchase in the store, not shelled Brazil nuts should shake the nut, if the kernels rattle inside, so they have dried up and old. Already cleaned from the hard shell and leathery peel the nuts should be tight, quite heavy and crunchy. These nuts should be stored in a cool place in a tightly closed container. Long-term storage without packaging can lead to the absorption of nuts unpleasant odors.
They are used in cheeseand fried. Also nut produce a delicate oil, used not only in cooking but also for the production of decorative paints, cosmetics and as a lubricant for precision mechanisms and hours.
Brazil nut is very nutritious and high in calories. Its energy value – 656 kcal per 100 g dried nuts. You need to use it in moderation, so as not to trigger obesity.
Useful properties of Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts are quite useful for the whole organism. They contain vitamins (C, E, D, b group), minerals (magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, iron, copper, selenium), amino acids and fatty acids (omega 3 and 6).
Like other nuts, Brazil nuts have lots of fiber, protein and contain no bad cholesterol. In a small number of prescribers nutritionists for weight loss, building muscle and replace fat grades of meat. This effect is achieved due to the presence in their composition of methionine, which is able to break down fats and generate the necessary for the life energy, preserve youth and to promote the removal of free radicals.
Selenium in Brazil nuts contains in such numbers that eating one nut a day to get the daily dose of this useful mineral. He is involved in the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases of the breast, lung, prostate and intestines, has anti-tumor properties.
Mineral and fat composition of nuts protects heart muscle, lowers blood pressure, normalizes blood clotting and improves functioning of the thyroid gland.
Brazil nuts have a positive effect on the nervous system, relieving depression, improve resistance to stress, immunity, normalize the production of all the necessary hormones to improve reproductive function, both women and men.
Brazilian nut oil relieves skin irritation, inflammation, promotes healing minor cuts and wounds. Nutrients of nut makes the skin supple, elastic, activates the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation. Oil positively affect the condition of nails and hair. Using masks you can have for five treatments to see a significant improvement in their condition.
Nuts are used for baking, sweet desserts, salads, main dishes, snacks, soups and sauces.
In the mineral composition of Brazil nut includes quite dangerous trace elements barium and radium, so excessive consumption of nuts leads to the accumulation of these trace elements in the body. Also in the leathery shell was revealed quite a high level of aflatoxins, which can cause the development of liver cancer.
Brazil nuts can cause allergies, so if some people have symptoms of allergic reactions to peanuts, pistachios and cashews, Brazil nuts, too, will have to give. Scientists also found a direct relationship between Allergy to mango and Brazil nuts.
The Brazilian nut (Bertholletia Latin) is one of the largest tree nuts. The fruits of the birch leaf tree have a round or oval shape with a hard woody shell. The fruits reach sizes of 10-15 cm in diameter and 1-2 kg by weight. Inside the nut contains from 8 to 24 cores with a thin leathery skin and delicious flesh inside. After pollination, the nucleus ripens within 14 months. They are in use.
For the first time, Brazil nuts were found in the tropical forests in the 16th century. Spanish and Portuguese researchers.
The Brazilian walnut is exported exclusively to the wild territories of Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, the islands of Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago (the same islands, the natural conditions of which were based on Daniel Defoe for his legendary island of Robinson Crusoe). Special plantations for walnut cultivation are quite small. During cultivation, the yield of trees significantly decreases. This is due to the shortage of bumble bees and other large bees for pollination on developed lands. The first harvest of trees begins to give only after 12 years, but in the period of active bearing fruit for a season from one tree it is possible to collect more than 200 kg of nuts.
How to choose
When buying unshaved Brazil nuts in a store, you should shake a nut, if the cores inside rattles, then they have already dried up and become old. The nuts already peeled from the hard shell and leathery skin must be dense, sufficiently heavy and crunchy. Such nuts should be stored in a cool place in tightly closed containers. Prolonged storage without packaging can lead to getting nuts unpleasant odors.
They are consumed both in raw and fried form. Also from the nuts, the most delicate oil is produced, which is used not only in cooking, but also for the production of artistic paints, cosmetics and as a lubricant for ultra-precise mechanisms and watches.
Caloric content of Brazil nuts
Brazil nut is a very nutritious and high-calorie product. Its energy value is 656 kcal per 100 g of dried nuts. Use it in moderate amounts, so as not to provoke obesity.
Nutrition information in 100 grams:
Proteins, Fats gr, gr Carbohydrates, Zola gr, gr Water gr Calories, kcal
14. 3 66. 4 4. 8 3. 5 3. 5 655
Useful properties of Brazil nuts
Composition and availability of nutrients
Brazil nuts are quite useful for the work of the whole organism. They contain vitamins (C, E, D, B group), minerals (magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, iron, copper, selenium), amino acids and fatty acids (omega 3 and 6).
Useful and medicinal properties
Like other nuts, Brazil nuts have a lot of fiber, protein and do not contain bad cholesterol. In a small number, they are appointed nutritionists to reduce weight, build muscle and as a substitute for fatty meat. This effect is achieved due to the presence in their composition of methionine, which is able to break down fats and generate energy necessary for life, to preserve youth and to promote the removal of free radicals.
The Selenium in the Brazil nut is contained in such quantity that eating one nut a day can get a daily dose of this useful mineral. It is he who is involved in the prevention and treatment of breast, lung, prostate and intestinal cancer, has antitumor properties.
The mineral-fat composition of nuts protects the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure, normalizes blood coagulability and improves thyroid function.
Brazil nuts favorably affect the nervous system, relieving depression, increase resistance to stress, immunity, normalize the production of all the necessary hormones to improve reproductive functions, both in women and men.
In cosmetology
Brazil nut oil removes irritation from the skin inflammation, promotes the healing of small cuts and wounds. Nut nutrients make the skin supple, elastic, activates regeneration and rejuvenation processes. Oil also positively affects the condition of nails and hair. Using it as part of masks, you can see a significant improvement in their condition within five procedures.
In cooking
Nuts are used for baking, sweet desserts, salads, main courses, snacks, soups and sauces.
Dangerous properties of Brazil nuts
The mineral composition of the Brazil nut contains quite dangerous microelements of barium and radium, so excessive nut consumption leads to the accumulation of these trace elements in the body. Also in the skiny shell, a fairly high level of aflatoxins was found, which can cause the development of liver cancer.
Brazil nuts can cause allergies, so if some people have allergic reactions to peanuts, pistachios and cashews, Brazilian nuts then will also have to be abandoned. Scientists also found a direct relationship between mango allergies and Brazil nuts.