November 4, 2024


Blueberry – a small shrub up to 1 meter with grey smooth curved branches.

Leaves up to 3 cm Flowers are small, five-toothed, white or pinkish. The fruit is blue with a bluish bloom, juicy edible berry up to a length of 1. 2 cm

Sometimes blueberries are called pianica or goebbel for the fact that she was allegedly drunk and driving the pain in the head. But in fact the perpetrator of these phenomena Ledum, often growing next to blueberries.

Berries are harvested for use in cheese and processed form. They make jam, and also used for making wine.

Diet and low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains 39 calories. Blueberries are shown to people suffering from obesity.

Useful properties of blueberries

Blueberry is a source of vitamins and valuable medicinal plant. It is difficult to collect without damaging, and even more difficult to maintain. In the North, blueberries are traditionally kept in birch bark boxes, Bay, fish oil and buried in the moss. Basically, the blueberries are eaten fresh, because the fresh berries of the concentration of nutrients is highest.

Blueberries have a number of unique properties: protect from exposure to radioactive radiation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalizes heart function, maintain the health of the intestine and pancreas, slow down the aging of nerve cells, and hence of the brain. In addition, the blueberry has antiscorbutic, diuretic, anti-sclerotic, cardiotonic, hypotensive and anti-inflammatory action. Effective in atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, kapilliarotoxicos, rheumatism, sore throat and other diseases, connected with insufficiency of blood capillaries.

Blueberries recommended for diabetics, as they promote tissue regeneration, increase the effect of drugs that lower the blood sugar level and increase metabolism. Dry blueberries sometimes brewed as protivogistaminnoe (1 scoop of berries to brew for 15 minutes in a Cup of boiling water).
The blueberry leaves contain the same nutrients, but in a slightly smaller number. In folk medicine, a decoction of the branches with leaves drink in diseases of the heart, a decoction of the leaves as a mild laxative.

With regular use of berries relieve eye strain and help restore vision.

Blueberry juice given in fever, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to enhance the production of gastric juice. Blueberries are recommended for people working in harmful conditions, because pectin is able to bind and excrete radioactive metals.

Discovered that blueberries contain a significant amount of fillohinon (vitamin K1), which takes part in the coagulation of blood. And the berries of highbush blueberry useful especially for elderly people to maintain (activation) of vitality.

There is evidence that blueberries prevents the formation of cancer cells because it contains a large number of highly active antioxidants.

Keep the berries at a temperature from 0 to +4°C for up to 2 weeks; at -15°C and below throughout the year. It is important to tightly close the containers with berries to providestorage of foreign odours.

Blueberries are low in calories (61 calories/100g wet weight), and is a dietary product.

Blueberry consists of :
88% water,
8% of sugar,
1% protein,
1. 6% of organic acids (benzoic, citric, malic, oxalic, acetic),
1. 2% of the fiber and
0,5% tannin, coloring and pectic substances (those substances, the withdrawal of heavy radioactive elements – strontium and cobalt).

Contains: carotene, provitamin a, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, and all the b vitamins, vitamins K, P and PP (which provides elasticity of the skin capillaries and reduces the risk of varicose veins). The berries of blueberry are 6 essential amino acids. Small (compared to other berries) the iron content of blueberries kompensiruet the almost complete digestibility.

The content of vitamins in the berries blueberries (per 100 g wet weight of berries)

Vitamin B1 0. 02 mg
Vitamin B2 0. 02 mg
Vitamin PP 0. 3 mg
Vitamin C 16 mg
Vitamin a is 0. 29 mg
Calcium 16 mg
Phosphorus 13 mg
Iron 0. 8 mg

It is important to consume blueberries in moderation since it noted the high content of antioxidants, which in large quantities can disrupt muscle function, so as prevent entry of oxygen to the muscle.

To use blueberry with caution needed for pregnant and nursing women because it contains substances that cause toxicity and allergies in children.

Blueberries are also contraindicated in biliary dyskinesia, as its excessive use in this case may lead to worsening of the disease.

Blueberry is a small shrub up to 1 meter high with smooth gray curved branches.

Leaves up to 3 cm long. Flowers are small, five-toothed, white or pinkish. Fruits – blue with a blue bloom, juicy edible berries up to 1. 2 cm long.

Sometimes blueberries are called drunkards or gonobobels because they allegedly intoxicate and drive pain into the head. But actually the culprit of these phenomena is Ledum, often growing next to blueberries.

Berries are collected for consumption in raw and processed form. They make jam, and also use them for making wine.

Calories of blueberries

Dietary and low-calorie product, in 100 g of which contains 39 kcal. Blueberries are shown to people suffering from obesity.

Nutrition information in 100 grams:

Proteins, Fats gr, gr Carbohydrates, Zola gr, gr Water gr Calories, kcal
1 0. 5 6. 6 0. 3 87. 7 39
Useful properties of blueberries

Blueberries serve as a source of vitamins and a valuable medicinal plant. It is difficult to assemble without damaging it, and it is even more difficult to save. In the North, blueberries are traditionally stored in birch bark boxes, filling with fish oil and buried in moss. Basically, the blueberries are eaten fresh, because it is in fresh berries that the concentration of nutrients is the highest.

Blueberry berries have a number of unique properties: they protect against the effects of radioactive radiation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, normalize the work of the heart, maintain the health of the intestine and pancreas, slow the aging of nerve cells, and hence – the brain. In addition, blueberries have antiscorbutic, choleretic, anti-sclerotic, cardiotonic, hypotensive and anti-inflammatory effects. Effective in atherosclerosis, hypertension, capillarotoxicosis, rheumatism, angina and other diseases associated with insufficiency of the blood capillaries.

Berries of blueberries are recommended for diabetics, as they contribute to the restoration of tissues, enhance the effect of drugs that lower blood sugar levels, and increase metabolism. Dry berries of blueberries are sometimes brewed as antidiarrhoea (1 cup of berries brew 15 minutes in a glass of boiling water).
Blueberry leaves also contain useful substances, but a little less in. In folk medicine, a decoction of branches with leaves is drunk in diseases of the heart, a decoction of leaves as a mild laxative.

With regular use of berries relieve eye strain and contribute to the restoration of vision.

Blueberry juice is given with fever, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also to enhance the secretion of gastric juice. Blueberry berries are recommended for people working in harmful conditions, as pectin substances are able to bind and remove radioactive metals from the body.

It was found that blueberry contains a significant amount of phyllochionin (vitamin K1), which takes part in the coagulation system of the blood. As well As blueberry berries are highly useful especially for older people to maintain (activate) vitality.

There is evidence that blueberry prevents the formation of cancer cells, because it contains a large number of highly active antioxidants.

The berries are stored at a temperature of 0 to + 4 ° C to 2 weeks; At -15 ° C and below-throughout the year. It is important to tightly close the containers with berries to protect against foreign odors.

Blueberries are low in calories (61 cal / 100g wet weight) and are a dietary product.

Blueberry consists of:

88% water,
8% of sugar,
1% of proteins,
1. 6% of organic acids (benzoic, citric, malic, oxalic, acetic),
1. 2% fiber and
0. 5% tannic, coloring and pectin substances (these substances produce heavy radioactive elements – strontium and cobalt).

Contains: carotene, provitamin A, ascorbic acid, total flavonoids, all B vitamins, vitamins K, R and PP (which provides elasticity of the skin capillaries and reduces the risk of varicose veins). In blueberry berries there are 6 essential amino acids. A small (in comparison with other berries) iron content in blueberry is compensated for by its almost complete digestibility.

The content of vitamins in blueberries of a tall (in terms of 100 g of raw weight of berries)

Vitamin B1 0. 02 mg
Vitamin B2 0. 02 mg
Vitamin PP 0. 3 mg
Vitamin C: 16 mg
Vitamin A 0. 29 mg
Calcium 16 mg
Phosphorus 13 mg
Iron 0. 8 mg

Dangerous properties of blueberry

It is important to consume blueberries in moderate amounts, as it shows an increased content of antioxidants, which in large numbers can disrupt muscular functions, as they prevent the flow of oxygen into the muscles.

It is necessary to consume blueberry carefully for pregnant and lactating women, since it contains substances that cause intoxication and allergy in the child.

Also blueberry is contraindicated in dyskinesia of bile ducts, as its excessive use in this case can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

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