September 9, 2024


BlackBerry is a perennial shrub of the genus Rubus, belonging to the family Rosaceae. A common plant in Northern and temperate latitudes of the Eurasian continent, in coniferous and mixed forests, in valleys of rivers in forest-steppe zone.

Garden blackberries are almost there, so the lovers of this berry have to rely on the favour of nature and to expect good harvest this wild berries.

The plant blooms in mid-June and blooms all summer. On the same plant at the same time there are flowers, unripe and ripe berries. BlackBerry is much more fruitful than the wild raspberry. In the midst of the summer of esona plant the branches bend under the weight of ripe bunches with large berries.

Experienced beekeepers know that the blooming of the blackberries – a good honey plant. The BlackBerry lacks a bit of sweetness, so they will appeal to fans of “sour”.

BlackBerry is low-calorie and dietary products as well as in cheese form it contains only 31 calories. Frozen BlackBerry has a higher carbohydrate content and its caloric value is 64 kcal per 100 g of product. The energy value of canned blackberries – 92 kcal. Excessive consumption of this product may cause excess weight.

The beneficial properties of the BlackBerry

BlackBerry contains full range of nutrients and medicinal substances, including sucrose, glucose, fructose (5%), citric, tartaric, malic, salicylic acid and other organic acids, b vitamins, C, E, K, P, PP, provitamin a, mineral substances (potassium, copper and manganese), tannins and aromatic compounds, pectin substances, cellulose and other macro – and micronutrients.

Also, the blackberries are minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, Nickel, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, barium, vanadium, cobalt, strontium, titanium.

BlackBerry leaves are rich in tannins (to 20 %), (mainly leucoanthocyanidin and flavonols), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), amino acids and mineral substances.

The seeds of BlackBerry contain 12 % fatty oil.

In folk medicine, fresh blackberries used to strengthen the body and saturate it with vitamins.

When atherosclerosis useful to eat blackberries in any form.

Eating blackberries helps to improve blood composition.

The leaves stimulate digestion. Their broth treat eczema and skin inflammation, when applied in pathological climax, caress the throat with angina, stomatitis. A decoction of the branches drink at a heart neurosis. Helps BlackBerry in adhesive diseasethat occurs as a result of operations.

Infusion of the leaves has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and diuretic properties. It is also used in disorders of the nervous system and heart diseases.

Of BlackBerry leaves, herbalists have prepared a wonderful tea: fresh leaves were placed in a closed enameled ware, was kept until complete wilting and Browning, after which they were air-dried and brewed with boiling water.

Crushed into mush leaves of BlackBerry can be applied to wounds, boils, bruises, they treat the herpes, eczema, trophic ulcers and other skin diseases.

Infusion of leaves is also useful for gum disease, in this case it is used as a rinse.

Healing and decoction of the roots of BlackBerry. It is believed that its use gives good effect as a diuretic in dropsy.

It is recommended to drink per day in three divided doses infusion of the leaves of the plant. Prepare it as follows: 2 teaspoons dried minced raw infuse for 20 minutes in 1 Cup of boiling water and filtered.

Diarrhea, gastritis as an additional tool in dysentery, food poisoning, ulcer disease stomach and duodenal infusion of the leaves is cooked a little differently: 1 tablespoon dried minced raw pour 1 Cup boiling water, insist 3 hours in a thermos. Take 1/2 Cup 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. For gastrointestinal haemorrhage and enterocolitis infusion should be taken every 2 hours.

When inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and pulmonary bleeding, it is useful to drink a decoction of the roots or leaves of BlackBerry: 20 g of dried minced raw pour 1 Cup boiling water and boil for 20 minutes, then infused for 3 hours, strain and bring the volume to initial boiled water. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times daily before meals.

For a gargle in pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis use a decoction of the roots of BlackBerry. For this purpose, 20 g of dried minced raw material is boiled in 1 Cup water for 20 minutes, then insist 3 hours, strain and bring the volume of the liquid to the original boiled water.

With stomatitis mouth rinse infusion of leaves of plants. It is prepared as follows: 4 tablespoons of dried minced raw pour 2 cups boiling water, insist half an hour and filtered. To strengthen the gums you can chew fresh BlackBerry leaves.

In the ascites use a decoction of the roots of blackberries: 15 g dried minced raw boil in 11/2 cups water for 15 minutes, strain and bring the volume of the liquid to the original boiled water. Take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours.

For kidney stone disease with medical and preventive purposes, especially in the preoperative period, when no type is set the stones, take a decoction of the roots or leaves of BlackBerry: 20 g of dried minced raw material is boiled in 1 Cup water for 20 minutes, then insist 3 hours, strain and bring the volume of the liquid to the original boiled water. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times daily before meals.

Climacteric neurosis drink tea made from fresh blackberries.

Diabetes good to eat blackberries in any quantity. In addition, you can take an infusion of leaves, which is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons dried minced raw pour 1 Cup boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. Drink filtered per day in three divided doses.

Juice is prepared from ripe juicy BlackBerry fruit and young leaves. Very effective the juice from the blackberries in the tracheitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, fevers, anemia, gynecological diseases, colitis, dysentery, diarrhea. BlackBerry juice has a tonic and soothing effect. Juice from leaves used to treat wounds, dermatoses, trophic ulcers, herpes, eczema, diseases of the gums, sore throat, pharyngitis and stomatitis. Inside the juice of fresh leaves taken as a diaphoretic and diuretic, as well as gastritis, diarrhea, anemia and as a sedative.

Blackberries are not recommended for diseases of the stomach and small intestine (it is better to drink the juice). At high acidity of gastric juice drink no more than one glass of fruit juice a day. BlackBerry is also dangerous for kidneys.

Known cases of individual intolerance of the BlackBerry, as evidenced by the appearance of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and edema of the mucous membranes, and allergic reaction to the product, rash.

Blackberry – a long half-shrub of the genus rubus, belonging to the family of Rosaceae. The plant is widespread in the northern and temperate latitudes of the Eurasian continent, in coniferous and mixed forests in the floodplain of rivers, in the forest-steppe zone. Garden blackberries are almost none, so lovers of this berry have to rely on the favor of nature and wait for a good harvest of this wild berries.

The plant blooms in mid-June and blooms all summer. On the same plant at the same time there are flowers, immature and mature berries. Blackberries are much more productive than wild raspberries. In the midst of the summer branch from the ezon, the plants bend under the weight of ripe bunches with large berries. Experienced beekeepers know that a blooming blackberry is an excellent honey plant. Blackberry berries sweets are not enough, so they like lovers of “sour”.

Blackberry Calorie

Blackberry is a diet and low-calorie product, since in its raw form it contains only 31 kcal. Frozen blackberries have an increased content of carbohydrates, and its caloric value is 64 kcal per 100 g of product. The energy value of canned blackberries is 92 kcal. Excessive use of this product can cause excess weight.

Nutrition information in 100 grams:

Proteins, Fats gr, gr Carbohydrates, Zola gr, gr Water gr Calories, kcal
1. 5 0. 5 4. 4 0. 7 88 31

Useful properties of blackberry

Blackberry contains a full range of nutritional and medicinal substances, including sucrose, glucose, fructose (up to 5%), lemon, tartaric, malic, salicylic and other organic acids, vitamins B, C, E, K, R, PP, provitamin A , Mineral substances (salts of potassium, copper and manganese), tannic and aromatic compounds, pectin substances, fiber and other macro – and microelements.

Also in the blackberry fruit there are mineral substances such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, nickel, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, barium, vanadium, cobalt, strontium, titanium.

Blackberry leaves are rich in tannic substances (up to 20%), (mainly leucoanthocyanides and flavonols), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), amino acids and minerals.

Blackberry seeds contain 12% fatty oil.

In folk medicine, fresh berries of blackberries are used to strengthen the body and saturate it with vitamins.

When atherosclerosis is useful to eat blackberries in any form.

Eating blackberries helps to improve blood composition.

Leaves intensify digestion. Their decoction treats eczema and inflammation of the skin, is used in pathological menopause, caresses the throat with angina, stomatitis. Broth of branches is drunk with a neurosis of the heart. Helps the blackberry in the adhesions that result from surgery.

Infusion of leaves has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and diuretic properties. It is also used in disorders of the nervous system and heart diseases.

From the leaves of the blackberry, herbalists prepared a wonderful tea: fresh leaves were placed in closed enameled dishes, kept until completely wilted and darkened, after which they were dried in air and boiled with boiling water.

Crushed blackberry leaves can be applied to wounds, abscesses, bruises, they treat lichen, eczema, trophic ulcers and other skin diseases.

Infusion of leaves is also useful for gum disease, in this case it is used as a rinse.

Healing and decoction of blackberry roots. It is believed that its use gives a good effect as a diuretic in dropsy.

It is recommended to drink a day in three doses of infusion of leaves of the plant. Prepare it this way: 2 teaspoons of dry shredded raw materials insist 20 minutes in 1 cup of boiling water and filter.

With diarrhea, gastritis, as an additional remedy for dysentery, food poisoning, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, the infusion of leaves is prepared somewhat differently: 1 tablespoon of dry minced raw is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, insist 3 hours in a thermos bottle. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. With enterocolitis and gastrointestinal bleeding, the infusion should be taken every 2 hours.

With inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and pulmonary hemorrhage, it is useful to drink a decoction of roots or leaves of blackberry: 20 g of dry minced raw material is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes, then insisted for 3 hours, filtered and brought to original volume with boiled water. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

To rinse your throat with pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis use a decoction of blackberry roots. For this purpose, 20 g of dry powdered raw material is boiled in 1 glass of water for 20 minutes, then it is insisted for 3 hours, filtered and the volume of liquid is brought to the initial level with boiled water.

With stomatitis, the mouth is rinsed with the infusion of the leaves of the plant. Prepare it as follows: 4 tablespoons of shredded dry raw material pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist half an hour and filter. To strengthen the gums, you can chew fresh leaves of blackberries

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