Black currant is a perennial shrub belonging to the family of gooseberry, reaches up to 1. 5 m high with drooping yellowish-gray shoots by late summer, brownish.
The leaves are alternate, petiolate, three-, five-lobed, glabrous above, with Golden glands on veins, with aromatic smell, of a width up to 12 cm Flowers with a length of 7-9 mm, purple or pinkish-grey, five-membered, collected at 5-10 in drooping brush with a length of 3-8 cm Fruit – polyspermous black or dark purple fragrant shiny round berries 7-10 mm in diameter. Flowering in may – June, fruits ripen in July – August.
Distributed in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Western and Eastern Siberia, partly in Central Asia. Grows along rivers, in moist forests and forest edges, alder thickets, edges of swamps, and wet meadows. Widely cultivated.
Used the leaves and fruit, and sometimes the kidneys. Fruits preserved mostly cultivated currant.
Black currant is considered a low calorie product, since cheese , it contains 63 calories. However, it is not desirable to abuse her people are overweight because of the content of sugar in it.
Useful properties of black currant
Black currant is considered a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins, as its berries contain vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9, D, E, K, R, A, pectin, carotenoids, sugars, organic and phosphoric acid, tannins, essential oil, vitamin K, salt of phosphorus, iron and potassium.
The leaves of black currant contains in addition to vitamin C, volatile, magnesium, manganese, silver, copper, lead, sulphur, essential oil.
Fresh fruits of currant juice and a decoction of them is an irreplaceable source of vitamins, their use in cases of vitamin deficiency as a delicious remedy for gastritis with low acidity, ulcerative disease of the stomach, bowel diseases. Pureed currants and sugar mixed with buckwheat flour (1:1) used to increase hemoglobin in the blood.
Currants are used as a tonic, vasodilator, improves metabolism, blood purifier, blood, vitamins, anti-inflammatory, appetizing, diuretic, diaphoretic.
The plant improves the function of adrenal glands, tones the cardiovascular system, boosts immunity, reduces blood sugar in diabetes, it is recommended for diseases of the lymph nodes, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, anemia and radiation injury.
In addition, when you add black currant leaves turns a wonderful tea that has a restorative effect, leaves have healing properties thanks to the contained in them biologically active and tanning substances, essential oils, vitamins and phytoncides.
The leaves of black currants contain more vitamin C than berries, making used as a tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, Antirheumatic, diuretic and cleanser. The leaves are also used in cardiovascular diseases, gastritis and gout. For therapeutic purposes usually apply the extracts on the leaves. Infusion of leaves of black currant, displays the body of excess purine and uric acid is also used as a mild laxative diaphoretic, impaired metabolism and bleeding. Also, if diarrhea recommended a decoction of dried fruit.
Folk medicine recommends decoctions of leaves, buds and twigs of black currant in the treatment of dermatitis, exudative diathesis and diseases of the eye. In the old days it leaves black currant was treating scrofula in children.
A decoction of the berries helps with hypertension, anemia, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, bleeding gums. If you suffer a bad cough, take a mixture of black currant juice, eggs and sugar. Being a strong antiseptic, black currant, will help to cope with sore throat if you gargle it with juice, diluted with water.
Decoctions, infusions calming effect in neurological diseases, headaches, sleep disorders. Gout, polyarthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases, rashes, allergies decoction is taken internally.
Infusion of leaves and twigs used as a diuretic for edema, diseases of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, incontinence of urine with kidney stones disease, as anti-inflammatory, a diaphoretic for colds, coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough. In diseases of the throat, hoarseness, sore throat infusion make a gargle or drink as a tea, preferably with honey.
Black currant is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, increased stomach acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, hyperacidity gastritis.
Despite the fact that fresh berries and black currant juice are allowed if you have problems with the liver, they should not be taken with hepatitis.
While a long and unrestricted consumption can lead to increased blood clotting.
Black currant is a perennial shrub belonging to the family of gooseberry, reaches up to 1. 5 m in height with the lowered yellowish-gray shoots, by the end of summer brownish. Leaves are alternate, petiolate, three-, five-lobed, naked above, beneath – with golden glands along veins, fragrant with a specific odor, up to 12 cm wide. Flowers 7-9 mm long, lilac or pinkish-gray, five-membered, 10 in drooping brushes 3-8 cm in length. Fruit is multi-seeded, black or dark purple fragrant shiny round berry with a diameter of 7-10 mm. Blossoms in May – June, fruits ripen in July – August.
Distributed in the European part of Russia, in Ukraine, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in part in Central Asia. It grows along the banks of rivers, in moist forests and along their edges, in alders, on the outskirts of bogs, on wet meadows. Widely cultivated.
Used leaves and fruits, sometimes of the kidneys. Fruits are harvested mainly by cultivated currants.
Caloric content of black currant
Black currant is considered a low-calorie product, since in raw form it contains 63 kcal. However, it is not advisable to abuse her people are overweight because of the sugar content in her.
Nutrition information in 100 grams:
Proteins, Fats gr, gr Carbohydrates, Zola gr, gr Water gr Calories, kcal
1 7. 3 0. 4 0. 9 83. 5 63
Useful properties of black currant
Black currant is considered a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins, since its berries contain vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9, D, E, K, R, A, pectins, carotenoids, sugars, organic and phosphoric acid, tannins, Essential oil, vitamin K, salts of phosphorus, iron and potassium.
In the leaves of black currant, in addition to vitamin C, phytoncides, magnesium, manganese, silver, copper, lead, sulfur, essential oil are contained.
Fresh currants, juice and decoction of them – an indispensable source of vitamins, they are used for beriberi, as an appetizing remedy for gastritis with low acidity, gastric ulcer, bowel diseases. Currant berries Rubbed with sugar and mixed with buckwheat flour (1: 1) are used to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood.
The currant is used as a tonic vasodilating, improving metabolic processes, blood-purifying, hematopoietic, vitamin, anti-inflammatory, appetizing, diuretic, diaphoretic.
The plant improves the function of the adrenal cortex, tones the cardiovascular system, increases immunity, lowers blood sugar in diabetes, it is recommended for diseases of lymph nodes atherosclerosis, with high blood pressure, anemia and radiation damage.
In addition to the addition of black currant leaves, a wonderful tea with a fortifying effect is obtained, the leaves have medicinal properties due to the biologically active and tanning agents contained therein, essential oils, vitamins and phytoncides.
Black currant leaves contain more vitamin C than berries, so they are used as a tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, diuretic and cleanser. Leaves are also used for cardiovascular diseases, gastritis and gout. For medicinal purposes, they usually use infusions on leaves. Infusion of black currant leaves, removes excess purine and uric acid from the body, is also used as a soft laxative sweatshop, with disrupted metabolism and bleeding. Also, for diarrhea, a decoction of dried fruit is recommended.
Traditional medicine recommends decoctions of leaves, the kidneys and branches of black currant in the treatment of dermatitis, exudative diathesis and eye diseases. In the old days it was the leaves of black currant that were treated for scrofula in children.
Decoction of berries helps with hypertension, anemia, gastritis, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, bleeding gums. If he suffers a severe cough, then take a mixture of black currant juice, honey and sugar. Being a strong antiseptic, black currant will help to cope with sore throat if you gargle with her juice, diluted with water.
Decoctions, infusions act soothingly for neurological diseases, headaches, and sleep disturbances. With gout, polyarthritis, rheumatism, skin diseases, rashes, allergies, the decoction is taken orally.
Infusion of leaves and branches is used as a diuretic for edema, kidney diseases, bladder inflammation, urinary incontinence, with urolithiasis, as anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic for colds, coughs, bronchitis, whooping cough. With diseases of the throat, hoarseness, angina from the mouth rinse or drink like tea, preferably with honey.
Dangerous properties of black currant
Black currant is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis, increased acidity of the stomach, gastric and duodenal ulcer, hyperacid gastritis with.
Despite the fact that fresh berries and black currant juice are allowed for problems with the liver, they can not be taken with hepatitis.
A long and unlimited consumption of it can lead to increased blood clotting.