The fruits of the plants have the shape of pear, oval or sphere and reach the size 5-20 cm weight ripe fruit can reach 2 kg. of avocado on Top covered with a tough rind, dark green or black in color and the inner flesh can be green with a yellowish tinge.
There are over 400 different varieties of avocado. Taste reminiscent of avocado butter with herbs and hints of nuts. For its nutritious fruit in 1998 was listed in the Guinness Book of records.
Avocado (eng. alligatorpear – alligator pear) is a tall evergreen tree with large fruits of the same.
Avocado as a crop began to grow in the third Millennium BC, the Birthplace of the avocado is Mexico and South America. The Indians living in these areas, this fruit is called “butter of the forest”. In Europe, avocados were brought by the Spaniards, after one of sea voyages to America.
When buying avocado it is necessary to check whether the fruit ripened. If the avocado is firm and the rind is not pressed, it means the fruit is not ripe, and if it is pressed too deeply, it is overripe. You should also pay attention to the presence of dark spots and cracks. This may indicate that avocado has started to deteriorate. However, most often on the shelves of the stores you can find unripe fruit. That avocado is ripe, it is necessary to leave for a few days at room temperature.
To peel the avocado, you need to make an incision lengthwise and both halves turn in opposite directions. The fruit should easily split into two parts. From the inside to remove the seeds, clean the pulp from peel or scraping it with a spoon. After cleaning, the avocado should immediately eat or use in cooking. This is due to the fact that the air, the flesh quickly loses its external properties and begins to darken. Sometimes to slow down this process the fruit is moistened with lemon juice.
Avocados used in cooking soups, salads, snacks, sushi, sandwiches and other dishes. Particularly well avocado goes well with seafood. People who hold food of vegetarianism, use avocado as a substitute for eggs and meat.
In the industrial-scale avocado made cosmetic masks, shampoos, conditioners, creams and other. For this avocado make extracts and oil.
Depends on their grade. So California raw avocados contain 167 calories per 100 g of product and are characterized by high content of fats. Florida raw avocados contain less fat and 120 calories. Avocado oil contains 884кКал per 100 g of the product, so people suffering from excess weight, should eat moderately, and this fruit, and its derivatives.
The composition and availability of nutrients
Food uses the flesh of the avocado, which contains large amounts of vitamins(E, b, A, C, K, PP, folic acid), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, sulfur, copper, chlorine, iodine, magnesium, boron, cobalt, manganese, etc. ) and monounsaturated fat which are very well absorbed by the body.
Useful and healing properties
Avocado has a large number of properties has a positive effect on the body. Introduction in the diet of this fruit reduces the risk of diseases of the heart, in particular myocardial infarction; vascular – atherosclerosis, hypertension; blood – anemia. Nutritionists prescribe this product to people who suffer from chronic constipation, cataract, diabetes, GIT diseases, which are accompanied by high level of acidity. Also the avocado should be consumed in the postoperative period in the recovery period after infectious diseases, as well as in regular heavy physical exertion.
Mannoheptulose contained in avocado, has a positive effect on the nervous system, reducing irritability, fatigue, drowsiness, increasing concentration and efficiency.
High content of vitamin A and E and has a positive effect on the skin, smooth wrinkles, reduce the size of inflamed areas from psoriasis, acne and eczema. Due to the antioxidant properties of avocados protects cells from the effects of radicals and rejuvenates them.
The use in cosmetology
Avocado is used to prepare facial masks. His substance to moisturize, soothe, heal and nourish the skin. For dry skin you can prepare a mask of mashed avocado (1/2 fruit), vegetable oil (olive better). Mix the ingredients, slurry apply on face and leave for 15-20 minutes.
Then rinse with warm water. For oily skin, use a mixture of mashed avocado (1 tbsp), egg white and lemon juice (1 tbsp). All thoroughly and apply on skin for 10-15 minutes.
Wash off the mask with cool water should. To restore Shine and strength to hair you need to use a mask based on avocado. To do this, mix the pulp of the avocado halves with olive oil. If your hair is oily, then to the mixture add Apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp). Apply a mask on hair and leave for 30 minutes. After the procedure, the mixture is washed off with warm water with shampoo.
The record for the presence of aluminum
Avocados have a number of negative properties. Substances that can cause serious damage to health, as are contained in the fruit and leaves. Once in the body,these toxic substances can cause problems with the digestive system and cause allergies. Should not eat avocado in food to nursing mothers, because due to him, the infant may begin diarrhea.
The juice from avocado has a high degree of infection by the bacterium Listeria Monocytogenes. Children, aged people and people with a weakened immune system, this organism can cause serious infectious disease that is accompanied by fever, headache, nausea, abdominal pain. A particular danger listeriosny the infection presents for babies and new moms. The fault of this infection can be a miscarriage or the birth of a stillborn child and threatens the newborn sepsis and pneumonia.
Avocados (English alligatorpear – alligator pear) is a tall evergreen tree with large fruits of the same name.
The fruits of the plant have the shape of a pear, oval or ball and reach a size of 5-20 cm. By weight, the ripe fruit can reach 2 kg. Above the avocado is covered with a hard skin of dark green or black, and the inner flesh can be green with a yellowish tinge. There are more than 400 different varieties of avocado. The taste of avocado it resembles a butter with greens and a taste of nuts. For its nutritional value, the fruit was entered in the Guinness Book of Records in 1998.
Avocados as an agricultural crop began to grow back in the third millennium BC. The native land of the avocado is Mexico and South America. Indians living in these areas, call this fruit “oil of the forest. ” In the countries of Europe, avocados were brought by the Spaniards, after one of the naval expeditions to America.
How to choose
When buying an avocado, you need to check whether the fruit is ripe. If the avocado is solid and the skin is not extruded at all, then the fruit is not ripe, and if it is pushed too deeply, it is overripe. Also, attention should be paid to the presence of dark spots and cracks. This may indicate that the avocado began to deteriorate. However, most often on the shelves of shops you can meet immature fruits. To avocado ripe, it should be left for several days at room temperature.
How to eat avocado
To clean the avocado, you need to make an incision along and simultaneously to both halves turn in opposite directions. In this case, the fruit should be easily divided into two parts. From the inside take out the stone, clean the pulp from the peel or scrape it with a spoon. After cleaning, the avocado should be eaten immediately or used in cooking. This is due to the fact that in the air the flesh rapidly loses its external properties and begins to darken. Sometimes, to slow down such a process, the fruit is moistened with lemon juice.
In cooking
Avocados are used in the preparation of soups, salads, snacks, sushi, sandwiches and other dishes. Especially good are avocados combined with seafood. People who eat vegetarian food, use avocados as a substitute for eggs and meat.
On an industrial scale, cosmetic products are made of avocado: masks, shampoos, balms, creams and others. For this, the extracts and oil are made from avocado.
Caloric content of avocado
Directly depends on their sort. So California raw avocados contain 167 kcal per 100 g of product and are characterized by high fat content. Florida raw avocados are less fatty and contain 120 kcal. Avocado oil contains 884kal per 100 g of product, so people who are overweight should moderate this fruit and its derivatives.
Nutrition information in 100 grams:
Proteins, Fats gr, gr Carbohydrates, Zola gr, gr Water gr Calories, kcal
2 1. 8 1. 6 14. 7 72. 2 160
The avocado grows on a tree
Useful properties of avocado
Composition and availability of nutrients
Avocado pulp is used for food, which contains a large amount of vitamins (E, B, A, C, K, PP, folic acid), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, sulfur, copper, chlorine, iodine, magnesium , Boron, cobalt, manganese, etc. ) and monounsaturated fats, which are very well absorbed by the body.
Useful and medicinal properties
Avocado has a lot of properties that have a positive effect on the body. Introduction to the diet of this fruit reduces the risk of heart disease, in particular heart attack; Vessels – atherosclerosis, hypertension; Blood-anemia. Nutritionists prescribe this product to people who suffer from chronic constipation, cataracts, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, which are accompanied by a high level of acidity. Also, avocados should be consumed in the postoperative period, during recovery from infectious diseases, as well as with persistent heavy physical exertion.
Mannoheptulose, contained in avocado, favorably affects the state of the nervous system, reducing irritability, fatigue, drowsiness, increasing concentration, working capacity.
The high content of vitamin A and E favorably affects the skin, smooths small wrinkles, reduces the size of inflamed areas from psoriasis, acne and eczema. Due to its antioxidant properties, the avocado protects the body cells from the effects of radicals and rejuvenates them.
Use in cosmetology
Avocado is used to make face masks. Its substances moisturize, soothe, heal and nourish the skin. For dry skin, you can make a mask of avocado puree (1/2 fruit), vegetable oil (preferably olive). Mixing the ingredients, pour on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. For oily skin should be used a mixture of avocado puree (1 tbsp. ), Egg white and lemon juice (1 tbsp. ). Mix thoroughly and apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water. To restore the brilliance and strength of hair, you need to use a mask based on avocado. For this it is necessary to mix m