We live in a happy time, when a woman can choose the means of hygiene, which is more suitable for her habits and lifestyle. Some still found times when books on housekeeping offered their readers the patterns for making homemade pads.
Now, about the choice between the gasket and the swab, spears are broken at every women’s forum. A new round in this dispute was the sale of menstrual cups, which gynecologists prefer to speak with caution. In the pros and cons of basic hygiene means, the correspondent of SHE.
Female doctors say that our genital tracts constantly interact with the environment, so there is always the possibility of infection with bacteria or viruses. That is why constant hygiene should include not only washing hands, but also a regular shower. The choice of hygiene products on critical days is also extremely responsible, because our precious health depends on it. For example, pads with flavors can cause allergies, and not a tampon removed in time leads to infection.
Therefore, gynecologists recommend that on the days of menstruation often look at the clock, visit the toilet room in a timely manner, and with anxious symptoms, immediately appear to your doctor. “We do not have as many healthy women as we would like,” complains Zhanna Khodyreva, a gynecologist at the international medical center “ExtraKlinik. ”
Price:from 50 rubles per package, “natural” – from 170 per package.
How often to change:depending on the intensity of the discharge. When menstrual discharge, it is advisable to update the gasket every 3-4 hours, more dense – 5-6 hours. Daily pads are recommended to be changed 2-4 times a day.
Pros:Pads seem to be the simplest means of feminine hygiene. Gynecologist-endocrinologist ZNMT Zhanna Popova approves their use:
“The gaskets observe the mechanism, which is provided by nature: they do not prevent the outflow of excretions from the body. And if there is no stagnation of blood, then there is no ground for infection. ”
The most useful gaskets are considered to be “breathing”, they let in air. A variety of types of gaskets helps with any abundance of discharge.
Cons:Gynecologists have not found any contraindications for conventional pads. But flavored pads can cause itching and burning, that is, an allergic reaction. The fighters for the ecological environment warn us that the synthetic elements of the gaskets slowly decompose. A “natural” analogues, made without plastic and synthetic, are not cheap. However, women are unlikely to return to grandmother’s hygiene. And the gaskets themselves are not very convenient when you want to wear tight clothes.
Price:from 50 rubles per packing.
How often to change: it isoptimal every 2-4 hours, at night use up to 8 hours is allowed.
Pros:Tampons are convenient in those days when we have to go out into the light in tight clothes, active physical activity or going to the beach. Zhanna Khodyreva recommends using tampons 1-2 days of menstruation, when this is most necessary, but not always.
Minuses:The process of introducing a tampon is unpleasant to the ardent guardians of hygiene. Others are confused by the likelihood that an incorrectly installed tampon will leak. Gynecologists also warn us against the long-term finding of a hygienic means in the body. Stagnation of menstrual blood is very harmful, as it is a good breeding ground for microbes, explains Zhanna Khodyreva.
If a woman has an infectious disease, then use tampons is prohibited, so as not to aggravate the disease.
Also, gynecologists refer to the minuses of the tampon the fact that it is difficult to notice the excessive abundance of secretions. Zhanna Popova warns: “Abundant bleeding is an important symptom in some diseases. And if a woman is forced to change gaskets every hour and a half, you need to see the doctor immediately. But with tampons it is difficult to track the amount of excreta. ”
Menstrual cups
Price:from 800 rubles for one menstrual cap.
How often to change:2-4 times a day to empty or change to a second cap, at night you can stretch the time to 12 hours. Depending on the silicone used, the cap serves from 1. 5 to 5 years.
Menstrual cups, or kapy, are silicone reservoirs that are placed in the vagina, held by muscles and collect secretions. Once in a few hours the cap is emptied, rinsed and returned to the place. There are two sizes: one for nulliparous women and the second for mothers and women over 30. At us this kind of hygienic means while is not so extended. Olesya Strizhova, the official distributor of Diva cup in Russia, says that she sells at least 10 menstrual cups a month. According to her, pharmacies sell only one type of Femmecup, which received a Russian certificate, while the rest have only an international certificate. But the calls of SHE correspondent to a single reference pharmacy and several pharmacy chains did not yield a result: this product was not in their assortment. Zhanna Popova also admitted,
Pros:Distributors of capes assure that with menstrual cups it is convenient to swim, sunbathe and go camping. And the muscles of the vagina, constantly holding the cap, are in a tonus. Defenders of the environment and the budget can also be calm, because the cap does not contain harmful chemicals and is for several years.
Cons:As in the case of tampons, contraindications are infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract.
Gynecologist Zhanna Khodyreva critically reacted to the fact that when using excretory tapes, in fact, stay inside. Also embarrassing unhygienic process: emptying and rinsing cups in nature and other unsanitary conditions is not very convenient.
It seems that while the most safe hygienic remedy are gaskets. They are suitable for use in diseases, and at night you do not have to worry about the amount of excreta. Tissons and menstrual cups are suitable for an active day and a more aesthetic appearance. Both of these remedies are good if the girl is sure of the health of her genitourinary sphere and has the opportunity to once again go to the toilet.