September 16, 2024


Apple – the fruit of the tree which are eaten fresh, used as raw materials in cooking and for drinks. Apple – genus of deciduous trees and shrubs in the family Rosaceae, with globular sweet or sour-sweet fruits. This is the most common fruit crop in our gardens.

The great flowering of these gardens in the spring and abundant fruit in the fall, make Apple trees the most favorite tree.

Apple is the most undemanding tree with good care she can give a bountiful harvest and in full sun and in the shade. She does not like only the lowlands, depressions and closed basins, where during flowering, late spring frosts can damage the flowers. Many types of Apple are grown as ornamental plants in gardens and parks. All species are good honey plants. Wood from the tree is dense, strong, easy to cut and well polished; suitable for turning and joinery, small craft projects. The greatest distribution was received by the home Apple. Today, there are many varieties of this species of Apple grown in different climatic conditions.

The most famous varieties of Apple trees in our band: White filling, Melba, kalvil Apple snow, glory to the winners, Lobo, Borovinka, Spartan, Antonovka, and Renet, Simirenko, Jonathan, McIntosh and others.

Homemade Apple – a durable plant can grow up to 100 years, and the wild – growing species up to 300 years.

Begins to bear fruit for 4 to 12 year productive period of 40 – 50 years. Blooms in April-may. Flowering lasts 8 to 12 days. Pollination – cross. Bloom with abundant ties and develops to Mature fruits of nearly 30% of the ovaries, the rest crumble (unfertilized ovaries, and in June – fruits). The Apple tree is winter hardy and frost resistant (withstands up to -42 °C), grows on different soils. The lack of moisture, mineral nutrition and other adverse factors lead to a significant shedding of the ovaries.

Homeland of the Apple is Central Asia, although some scientists believe that the first edible sweet apples on the Ground appeared in the mountainous regions of present Kazakhstan at the border with China at a height of more than two thousand meters. This discovery came as a surprise to many scientists: until now it was assumed that the apples are hybrids of various fruits. The ancestors of modern fruit still grow in the “historic homeland”, but they left a bit and you can find them only with the help of experts, the scientists said Barry juniper, author of “the History of apples. ”

Spread of Kazakh apples, according to juniper, first the bears, choosing the largest and sweetest fruits and raznositsya their seeds. Then partially cultivated fruit has become to “move” to the West. The bronze age apples “arrived” to the Persian Gulf, where were orchards. In Europe, including to Britain, they brought Roman legionaries.

Apples are low in calories. In 100 g of fresh Apple contains only 47 calories. The product is practically devoid of fat, however, is composed of carbohydrates that allows the person who has used Apple for a long time to maintain satiety. Great dieters and those who are dieting. 100 g baked apples contain about 66 calories and also will not bring harm to the figure. But 100 grams of dried apples 253 kcal, so get involved with them is not worth it, if you want to maintain your weight.

The beneficial properties of apples

Apples contain 80% water, the remaining 20% of useful substances: cellulose, organic acids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, and vitamins a, B1, B3, PP, C, etc.

Apples contain few calories, so is a great diet for those who want to lose weight.

Apples contain such an important natural acid, such as malic, tartaric and citric, and the complex with the same tannins these acids stop the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine, give the ability to not feel flatulence, bloating, promote natural cleansing and restoring the intestines. A healthy gut is the key to longevity and health.

Thanks to the pectin in apples act as a very easy and absolutely safe laxative.

To prevent constipation it is best in the morning fasting to eat one or two sour apples. Moreover, it is proven that apples contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the intestine and liver. So if you have problems with the intestines in addition to 1-2 apples on an empty stomach will be useful during the day to eat 1-2 apples. No less useful will be every 2-3 weeks to arrange a discharge day of the Apple (the mini-Apple mono-diet).

Apples are beneficial to everyone – both healthy people and those suffering various diseases. In apples (especially in the newly plucked) quite a lot of vitamins. For example, vitamin A in apples is 50% more than oranges. This vitamin helps to protect yourself from colds and other infections and supports the vision at a good level.

Quite rare vitamin G in apples more than any other fruit. It is called the “appetite vitamin” and provides normal digestion and growth. Rich apples and vitamins C and group B. In the ripe fruits of some varieties of apples iodine 8 times more than in bananas, and 13 times more than in oranges. Therefore, apples are considered useful for prevention of goiter disease. But the more apples are stored, the vitamins becomes smaller.

It is best to consume fresh fruit in its natural form or rubbed on a large grater. Most useful small, sour and wild apples. They contain ten times more nutrients than the glossy fruit.
Fresh apples always cause abundant secretion of gastric juice, therefore, particularly useful to eat during lunch an Apple for those who always somewhere in a hurry and therefore not very carefully chews food.

Sour apples are richer in vitamin C, they have a beneficial effect on the immune system, strengthen blood vessel walls, reduce their permeability to toxins, relieve swelling, promote rapid recovery of strength after a long illness. Apples contain natural antibiotics – volatile, which in itself is detrimental effect on pathogens of influenza virus, Staphylococcus aureus, help with acne on the face, destroys pathogens of dysentery.

Tannins in perfect combination with the potassium contained in apples, help prevent gout and kidney stones. They do not allow to precipitate the salts of uric acid, so urate diathesis, they not only treatment but also prevention of larger problems kidney stone disease.

So, if you have a lot of urine uric acid salts, if you want to get rid of kidney stones – chew apples!

Apples help to prevent gallbladder disease: having a mild choleretic action, they help to prevent cholelithiasis and cholecystitis. If you already have problems with the gall bladder, do not forget to apply freshly squeezed Apple juice – half a Cup or glass of water 15-30 minutes before eating.

Apples have on the body tonic, stimulating, refreshing effect. Fruits with low sugar content affect fluctuations in blood sugar, they are shown for patients with diabetes. In addition, apples reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Apple diet reduces cholesterol in the blood by 30%.

Apple prevents the formation of uric acid and enhances the collapse of the ant. Therefore, it is applied suffering from rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis, chronic eczema and other skin diseases. Apple is useful for enhancing vision, skin, hair and nails, as well as to eliminate diseases of a nervous character.

Apples are beneficial for low blood pressure and hardening of vessels because they are a powerful blood purifier. They are also useful for the lymphatic system.

It is believed that regular consumption of apples and Apple juice helps to prevent the process of destruction of brain cells leading to memory loss.

A study conducted by the Nottingham research Institute, showed that weekly consumption of 5 apples reduces the incidence of respiratory diseases (including asthma).

Scientists have noticed another benefit from fruits: they are completely replaced by toothpastes and powders, one Apple in the morning and teeth clean and healthy. Apples protect them from destruction.

And finally, the baked apples are good for chronic constipation, fresh – gastritis and colitis, vitamin deficiency.

Scientists believe that Apple seeds contain biologically active substances, vitamins and enzymes that help prevent cancer. It is also believed that 5 – 6 Apple seeds completely cover the daily requirement of iodine. Opponents of this theory yet, but doctors warn of the danger that may be lurking in those brown seeds.

In Apple seeds contains extremely hazardous substance – glycoside amygdalin! In the stomach it is broken down with the release of prussic acid, the strongest poison. It is especially dangerous to children. To reduce the effect of poison can be cooking and adding sugar. It is believed that the risk of bones are greatly exaggerated, as the total concentration of toxic substances is very small. But in any case to abuse the eating of fruit seeds should not be. Is considered to be safe, no more than 5-6 Apple seeds per day.

The record for the presence of boron, Nickel

Apples are harmful to the health of your teeth. Especially the southern varieties with high sugar content. Sour varieties are not used for ulcer disease of stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.

Overeating apples may cause diarrhea.

Apple – the fruit of the apple, which is eaten fresh, serves as a raw material in cooking and for making drinks. The Apple-tree is a genus of deciduous trees and shrubs of the Rosaceae family with spherical sweet or sour-sweet fruits. This is the most common fruit crop in our gardens. The magnificent flowering of these gardens in the spring and the abundance of fruits in autumn make the apple tree the most favorite tree.

The apple tree is the most unpretentious tree, with good care it can yield a plentiful harvest both in a sunny place and with shading. She does not like only the lowlands, hollows and enclosed basins, where, during the flowering late frosts can damage flowers. Many species of apple trees are grown as ornamental plants in gardens and parks. All species are good honey plants. The wood of the apple tree is dense, strong, easily cut and well polished; Suitable for turning and carpentry, small crafts. The apple tree is home. To date, there are many varieties of this kind of apple trees that grow in different climatic conditions.

The most famous varieties of apple trees in our strip: White pouring, Melba, snow Calville, Glory to the winners, Lobo, Borovinka, Spartan, Antonovka, and Renet, Simirenko, Jonathan, Mekintosh and others.

Home the apple tree – a durable plant can grow up to 100 years, and wild species up to 300 years.

Begins to bear fruit for 4-12 years, a productive period – 40 to 50 years. Blooms in April-May. Flowering lasts 8-12 days. Pollination is cross. With abundant flowering, about 30% of the ovaries are tied and developed to mature fruit, the rest are showered (unfertilized ovaries, and in June – fruits). Apple tree is winter-hardy and frost-resistant (up to -42 ° C), grows on different soils. The lack of moisture, mineral nutrition and other unfavorable factors lead to a significant shedding of the ovaries.

The homeland of the apple tree is Central Asia, although some scientists believe that the first edible sweet apples on Earth appeared in the mountainous regions of present-day Kazakhstan at the border with China at an altitude of more than two thousand meters. This discovery was a surprise to many scientists: until now it was assumed that apples are hybrids of various fruits. The ancestors of modern fruit still grow on the “historical homeland”, but they are few and can be found only with the help of specialists, says scientist Barry Juniper, author of the book “The History of Apples. ”

Spread the Kazakh apples, according to Juniper, the first bears who chose the largest and sweetest fruits and their seeds are carried. Then the partially cultivated fruit began to “move” in a western direction. By the time of bronze apples “got” to the Persian Gulf, where fruit gardens were broken. In Europe, including in the UK, they were brought by the Roman legionaries.

Calorie content of apples

Apples are low in calories. In 100 g of fresh apple contains only 47 kcal. The product is practically devoid of fats, but it contains dextrose, which allows a person who consumes an apple to maintain a sense of satiety for a long time. Great for those who want to lose weight and those who are on a diet. 100 g of baked apples contain almost 66 kcal and also will not harm the figure. But in 100 grams of dried apples 253 kcal, so you do not want to get involved if you want to keep your weight.

Nutrition information in 100 grams:

Proteins, Fats gr, gr Carbohydrates, Zola gr, gr Water gr Calories, kcal
0. 4 0. 4 9. 8 0. 5 86. 3 47
Useful properties of apples

The apple contains up to 80% of water, the remaining 20% are useful substances: fiber, organic acids, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, as well as vitamins A, B1, B3, PP, C, etc.

Apples contain few calories, so it is an excellent diet for those who want to lose weight.

In apples contain important natural acids such as apple wine and lemon, and in combination with the same tannic substances these acids stop the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine, make it possible not to feel flatulence, bloating, promote natural cleansing and recovery of the intestine. A healthy bowel is the key to longevity and health.

Thanks to pectin, apples act as a very light and absolutely safe laxative.

For the prevention of constipation is best in the morning on an empty stomach to eat one or two sour apples. Moreover, it is proved that apples contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the intestine and liver. So if you have problems with the intestine, except 1-2 apples on an empty stomach will be useful during the day to eat 1-2 apples. It will be equally useful to arrange an unloading apple day every 2-3 weeks (mini-apple mono-diet).

Apples are useful to everyone, both healthy people and those who suffer from various diseases. In apples (especially, in recently ripped off) quite a lot of vitamins. For example, vitamin A in apples is 50% larger than in oranges. This vitamin helps to protect yourself from colds and other infections and keeps your eyesight at a good level.

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