September 9, 2024

Apple juice

Apple juice is far and away the most popular juice in Russia. Apple juice is pressed or digested from the apples.

Calorie content of Apple juice is 42 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition of Apple juice

The composition of Apple juice consists of carbohydrate, sugar, organic acids, dietary fibers, proteins and fats. From vitamins group, vitamin C, E, PP, RV a Variety of minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, fluorine, phosphorus and sodium and other.

Useful properties of Apple juice

It is low in calories, contain a lot of iron (helps with anemia), fruit acids (prevent aging), pectin (cleanse the body of toxins).

Apple juice boosts the body’s resistance to colds and infectious diseases, helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, lung problems, prevents the formation of kidney stones, improves digestion and stimulates the intestines.

Apple juice is used in atherosclerosis, liver, bladder, kidney, urolithiasis disease. Pectin from Apple juice with pulp normalizes the bowels. The high content of sugars and organic acids contributes to accelerated recovery after physical exertion. Apple juice can be drunk without damage to health in fairly large quantities – up to one liter per day. The juice is useful to those people who have problems with light, frequent bronchitis, and smokers.

In diabetes should use the juice of green apples, and obesity is recommended a mixture of Apple, tomato and lemon juice in the ratio 4:2:1.

Contraindications of Apple juice

Not recommended Apple juice. And also contraindicated in acute exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and pancreatitis.

Apple juice in cooking

Apple juice can be mixed with other fruit and vegetable juices – carrot, beet, celery juice, peach, grape. In addition, the juice from green and red apples – one of the most important ingredients of cocktails. It can be jelly, mousse, jelly, sorbet. From fermented Apple juice make cider, spirits and Apple vinegar.

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