Tree in natural conditions up to 6m of height in the room far below. Unlike some other anon is an evergreen tree. Leaves oval or oblong, glossy, leathery, dark green, up to 15 cm They have a slightly spicy smell, especially when crushed.
Flowers fragrant, large (up to 4. 5 cm in diameter), consists of three yellow-green fleshy outer petals and three pale yellow interior, may appear in different places on the trunk, branches and small twigs. The flowers never fully open.
The fruit is oval or heart-shaped, often irregularly shaped, up to 30 cm in length, 15 cm in diameter and weighing up to 3 kg, dark green color, when ripe is yellow-green. The rind is thin but tough, has a mesh pattern. Juicy pale creamy pulp like custard cream, divided into segments, containing in some cases, one smooth oval dark seed. The pulp is aromatic, with low acidity, has a unique aroma, a bit like a pineapple. The fruit contains a few dozen seeds.
The fruits are harvested when they are still firm, but changed its color from dark green to slightly yellow-green. If you allow fruits to ripen on the tree they can fall to the ground and break if dropped. After collection, they can remain strong for several days at room temperature. Ripe fruit is soft enough, it can be felt when pressed with your finger. Ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Peels may turn black but the flesh remains good.
The pulp is eaten with a spoon straight from the fruit, it can be preserved for future use. Prior to mechanical treatment of the pulp is necessary to remove all the seeds, as they are somewhat toxic. The pulp is used for juice, cocktails and other drinks, mashed potatoes, ice cream. In Indonesia, unripe fruits are used as vegetables.
Product with high carbohydrate content, its calorie content in cheese – 94 calories per 100 g. Canned nectar Annonas contains 59 kcal per 100 g. In moderation of Annona will not bring harm to neither the figure nor the people suffering from overweight.
Useful properties of Annonas
The flesh is soft, used for making juices, extracts, is a source of vitamins (C, b), mineral salts (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus), proteins, carbohydrates, volevi acid.
Due to the rich vitamin content is used in diseases of the colon, supports the intestinal flora, improves liver function, promotes weight loss, normalizes the acidity of the stomach, promotes the excretion of uric acid, so it is recommended for people suffering from rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
A large set of vitamins of group “b” provides a therapeutic effect for degenerative diseases of the spine, neurological disease.
According to studies, the substances contained in this plant have anti-cancer properties. Unlike chemotherapy, which destroys all cells, these substances selectively affect only foreign cells.
Acetogenin is an inhibitor of enzymatic processes in the tumor tissues.
A large number of foreign papers devoted to the effect of the acetogenins as anti-tumor agents. The results of the evaluation of the antitumor activity of Soursop compared to the chemotherapeutic drug adriamycin.
Shows benefits in antineoplastic activity of Soursop and its selectivity against tumor cells. The drug from Soursop has no toxic effect on healthy cells and is widely used in the treatment of diabetes. .
The Soursop extract revealed antiviral effect. Is antimalarial, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiparasitic agent.
The bark and leaves are used as antispasmodic and sedative, used for coughs, flu, asthma, asthenia, hypertension.
Tea from the leaves can be used as a sleep aid and sedative.
The leaves can be put in a pillowcase, or to put next to my pillow.
Soothing tea from the leaves of Annonas muricata.
Leaves Annonas muricata
Method of preparation:
1. Bring the water to a boil.
2. Carefully rinse the leaves Annonas muricata and place them in a clean teapot or Cup.
3. Pour the leaves in boiling water, using approximately 3 leaves per Cup.
4. Close the teapot and allow to infuse for 5-10 min.
5. Remove the sheets.
6. Add the sugar and a slice of lemon to taste.
This tea is a relaxing drink that will help your kids sleep soundly. You can use it as a sedative, it also has a cooling effect.
Dangerous properties of Annonas
In addition to a number of useful properties of the Annonas and is harmful. Sugar Apple seeds have a sharp taste. Consumption will inevitably lead to poisoning with possible severe consequences. Avoid getting juice from the seeds of Annonas in the eye, in some cases it can cause blindness!
Also remember that should not be much to get excited about eating the flesh of this fruit, all should know the measure, so as to avoid undesirable consequences. Due to the high content of calcium in Annonay it should not be eaten by pregnant women.
Latin American scientists are of the opinion that the abuse of guanabana can cause disease Parkinson. Besides this, Annonas produce a kind of herbal medicine called Theamazon. This medicine is not licensed, therefore its effectiveness is very questionable and not yet confirmed.
The tree in natural conditions reaches 6 m in height, the room is much lower. Unlike some other annon, this is an evergreen tree. The leaves are oval or oblong, glossy, leathery, dark green, up to 15 cm long. They have a slightly spicy smell, especially noticeable when rubbed.
Flowers are fragrant, large (up to 4. 5 cm in diameter), consisting of three yellow-green fleshy outer petals and three pale yellow internal ones, can appear in different places on the trunk, branches and small twigs. Flowers are never fully revealed. Fruits are oval or cordate, often irregular in shape, up to 30 cm in length, 15 cm in diameter and weighing up to 3 kg, dark green in color, become yellow-green when maturing. The flesh of the fruit is thin, but stiff, has a mesh pattern. The juicy pulp is light creamy like a custard, divided into segments containing in some cases one smooth oval dark seed. The pulp is fragrant, with a slight sourness, it has a unique aroma, a bit like pineapple. The fruit contains several dozen seeds.
The fruits are harvested when they are still solid, but have already changed their color from dark green to slightly yellow-green. If you allow the fruit to ripen on the tree – they can fall to the ground and be damaged by falling. After collection, they can stay strong for several days at room temperature. The ripened fruit is soft enough, it is felt when you press your finger. Ripened fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. The rind can blacken, but the flesh remains edible.
The flesh can be eaten with a spoon directly from the fetus, it can be mothballed for later use. Before machining the pulp, all seeds must be removed, since they are to some degree poisonous. The pulp is used for making juices, cocktails and other beverages, puree, ice cream. In Indonesia, unripe fruits are used as vegetables.
Annonia caloric content
A product with a high carbohydrate content, raw, its caloric content is 94 kcal per 100 g. The canned nectar of annona contains 59 kcal per 100 g. In a moderate amount, annona will not harm neither the figure nor the people suffering from excess weight.
Annona (Guanabana) on the tree
Useful properties of annona
Flesh pulp is soft, used for making juices, extracts, is a source of vitamins (C, B), mineral salts (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus), as well as proteins, carbohydrates, folic acid.
Due to the rich vitamin composition it is used for diseases of the large intestine, supports the flora of the intestine, improves liver function, promotes weight loss, normalizes the acidity of the stomach, promotes excretion of uric acid from the body, so it is recommended for people suffering from rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
A large set of vitamins of group “B” provides a curative effect in degenerative diseases of the spine, neurological pathology.
According to the research, the substances contained in this plant have anti-cancer properties. Unlike chemotherapy is, which destroys all cells, these substances selectively affect only foreign cells.
Acetogynine is an inhibitor of enzymatic processes in tumor tissues.
A large number of foreign articles are devoted to the action of acetogenin as an antitumor substance. The results of the study of the antitumor activity of guanaban are presented in comparison with the chemotherapeutic drug adriamycin.
Advantages in the anti-tumor activity of guanabane and its selectivity against tumor cells are shown. The drug from guanaban has no toxic effect on healthy cells, and is also widely used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus . .
The extract of Guanaban revealed an antiviral effect. It is antimalarial, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiparasitic.
Bark and leaves are used as an antispasmodic and sedative, used for cough, flu, asthma, asthenia, hypertension.
Tea from leaves can be used as a hypnotic and sedative.
Leaves can be put in a pillowcase or spread out next to the pillow.
Soothing tea from the leaves of the Murikata Annonas.
Leaves of Annotia Murikata
Cooking method:
1. Bring the water to a boil.
2. Thoroughly rinse the leaves of the Murnote annonas and place them in a clean teapot or cup.
3. Pour the leaves with boiling water, using about 3 sheets per cup.
4. Close the kettle and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
5. Remove the leaves.
6. Add sugar and a slice of lemon to taste.
This tea is a pleasant soothing drink, it will help your children to sleep soundly. It can be used as a sedative, it also has a cooling effect.
Hazardous properties of annona
In addition to a number of useful properties, annonas also have harmful properties. Seeds of sugar apple have a sharp taste. Eating them for food will inevitably lead to poisoning with possible severe consequences. Avoid juice from the seeds of annona