Climate change anxiety is crippling the nation so Generation Z and activist groups like Extinction Rebellion are hoping to make serious change with their responses to environmental degradation.
When it comes to climate change, there’s a lot of rhetoric taking centre stage. The UK is the first major economic power to commit to ending all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and it’s a lot to deal with.
Intending to play their part in responding to climate change, Goldsmiths University in South East London has just introduced various measures to make positive sustainable changes.
The University is removing all beef products on sale starting from next month in attempts to become carbon neutral by 2025. Adding to this, there will also be a 10p charge on bottles of water and single-use plastic cups when the academic year starts in late September.
Under the direction of a new University warden, Professor Frances Corner, establishing these restrictions is a part of a more hands on approach to climate change. “Though I have only just arrived at Goldsmiths, it is immediately obvious that our staff and students care passionately about the future of our environment and that they are determined to help deliver the step change we need to cut our carbon footprint drastically and as quickly as possible. ” says Frances.
“Declaring a climate emergency cannot be empty words. I truly believe we face a defining moment in global history and Goldsmiths now stands shoulder to shoulder with other organisations willing to call the alarm and take urgent action to cut carbon use. ”
Criticising this move, the National Farmers’ Union are of the position that stopping the sale of beef is an inadequate response to climate change. “Tackling climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time but singling out one food product is clearly an overly simplistic approach. ” says Vice President of the Union Stuart Roberts.
“Our standards of beef production in the UK are among the most efficient in the world, with British livestock grazing in extensive, grass-based systems – meaning a greenhouse gas footprint 2. 5 times smaller than the global average. ”
This activists’ letter to world leaders prior to the G7 summit in September highlights just how important it is that we raise awareness and consider changes.