February 6, 2025

30 questions to a dermatologist about facial masks

Inthe Racha-dermatologist Victoria Britco (@dr. viktoria_13_) told me the mask is different from masks for home use, what to look for in media make-up for oily skin and why before you start using better prokonsultirovatsya with a specialist.

Is it true that facial masks help to cope with age-related changes such as deep wrinkles?

Alas, no. Mask facility for additional care. They are applied for 10-20 minutes and affect only on the surface layer of skin – the epidermis.

They can actually cope with some problems: dryness, redness, flaking, moisturize and eliminate small wrinkles. But serious problems masks can’t handle. When you need to work on the deeper layers of the skin, the necessary hardware and injection techniques.

What is the difference between masks for salon and home care?

Often salons offer masks as extra care after certain procedures. For example, massage or laser techniques to calm the skin.

In the Arsenal of cosmetologists nourishing, moisturizing, algae, algal, toning, soothing, paraffin, clay masks, and masks with fruit acids.

Unfortunately, we prefix Professional can use almost any manufacturer. In Europe, the development of tools marked as such are engaged in research laboratory, but their efficacy needs to be confirmed by the research.

Work on professional cosmetics involves the training of a beautician. You can’t just start using any brand. Advertising professional cosmetics, you will not see on TV and hear on the radio. It is designed for a narrow professional circle.

Is it possible to find a mask for home care yourself or better consult a dermatologist?

Можно ли подобрать маску для домашнего ухода самостоятельно

A homemade mask will only work if they are chosen correctly and not “fight” with the basic means to care. For example, there is the ingredients-antagonists that inhibit the action of each other. What kind of performance can be discussed in this case? Mask is better to use a pattern which you developed a dermatologist or esthetician-aesthetics. Remember that any cosmetic product may contain allergens or ingredients that have a negative impact on the skin exactly in your case.

Than it is better to apply mask?

Special spatula, brush, appliaction. If a bottle without a dispenser, no need to take the remedy with your fingers. The masks are most often the expiration date is lower than that of serums and creams. A bacteria in a bottle, make it even smaller. Ensure that the jars were tightly closed and they did not get wet. From this point of view the safest – cloth masks. They are implemented in a sealed, vacuum Packed and intended for single use only.

Is it true that masks are more effective than serums?

True. The concentration of active substances masks are really higher. That is why they are recommended for use once to twice a week.

Does the use of masks seasonality?

It is very conditional. In the summer it is best to choose funds with a calming, cooling and anti-inflammatory ingredients in the composition: panthenol, aloe, hyaluronic acid, chamomile, mint. Autumn and winter looking in the nutrients: Shea butter, vitamin E. For Mature skin collagen mask.

Are there universal mask that will suit any type of skin?

Существую ли универсальные маски, которые подойдут любому типу кожи?

If your skin is prone to allergies, carefully read the composition. Even in “universal” masks can be a component that will lead to a negative reaction. Any skin type can use it with hyaluronic acid and vitamin complexes. Dark circles and swelling rescue mask with caffeine – stimulate blood circulation and reduce the swelling.

How to apply a mask?

Masks are applied on clean skin of the face. Read the user manual. Re all the tools used in the periorbital region. For application better to use a brush or spatula.

Looks like the standard scheme of using masks?

In most cases, beauticians prescribe several masks that solve specific problems. The first, and the binding is chosen according to skin type. It is the “main wife” in this “harem”. Additional masks are used to solve specific problems. For example, if you have oily, prone to rash skin with small age-related changes, the first tool must cope with the hypersecretion of sebaceous glands, the second to deal with fine wrinkles. Of course, they need to use on different days.

What to look for in masks for oily skin?

The main aim of these masks is the elimination of excess sebum and normalize work of sebaceous glands. They should provide anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. For advanced training you can use gommage(no inflammatory cells) or a light scrub will enhance the effectiveness of the mask. Good sorptive properties of the coal and clay. But such funds need to be careful – can dry up, leaving “legacy” a feeling of tightness.

About terms of use and the ingredients in masks for skin jirou read here.

What kind of mask suitable for dry skin?

Какие маски подойдут для сухой кожи?

Dry skin type is much rarer at a young age than oily, normal and combination. Characterized by narrow pores (even in the T-zone), early onset of wrinkles – especially in the periorbital area, no greasy, peeling, sensitivity to sunlight. Winter dry skin needs special care and extra moisture, not only external but also internal. After 30 years everyone’s skin is approaching the dry type is fine. Due to adverse environmental conditions, improper care, insufficient supply of water in the body it can start to peel off before. Looking in the masks natural oils, hyaluronic acid, thermal water, ceramide.

What should be the ingredients of face masks?

As in any other media, in masks should not be ingredients that cause allergies,clogging the pores (silicones, mineral oil), strong fragrances, dyes, harsh preservatives, alcohol (even if you have oily skin type).

How effective is “grandma’s” recipes of masks?

Homemade recipes of face masks is a vestige. They may not be as efficient as beauty tools. To affect the skin, the active ingredients must pass through the epidermal barrier. To do this, they gidrolizuut. At home masks the molecules are too big – they can’t get to the point “B”. Do not expect miracles!

Is it true that some Maxi to leave for the night?

Правда ли, что некоторые макси можно оставлять на ночь?

Fashion night face masks dictate the Koreans. A few years ago they began to produce “set to sleep” (often their position on the market). In them the concentration of active ingredients is slightly higher than in serums and creams, but lower than in conventional masks. There may also be components that greatly benefit during sleep. For example, vitamin C or retinol. It is due to this you can leave them for a long time.

Based on what the action of the whitening masks?

Bleaching masks for face are applied in complex therapy in the treatment of acne scars, eliminate freckles and age spots. Most often they are composed of fairly aggressive components (hydroquinone, arbutin, kojic acid).

Who should not use whitening mask for the face?

Treatment of pigmented spots – goal of a cosmetologist. Some of them are absolutely pointless to remove the masks. For example, deep pigmentation (melasma). In this case, need other therapy.

What is alginate mask and to whom are they suitable?

Half a century ago exteriro iodine from brown seaweed, Moore Stanford as a side product, the consistency resembling rubber – alginate. Its main feature – the content of salts of alginic acid and hyaluronic acid have a positive effect on the skin. The opening of Stanford immediately adopted by the representatives of the beauty industry, releasing a range of alginate masks. They are implemented in the form of a powder that must be mixed with water in a strictly prescribed ratio.

Alginate mask quickly freeze should apply promptly. They promote the removal of toxins, have a slight vasoconstrictive and antibacterial effects.

Indications: pigmentation, the first signs of aging, dryness, hypersecretion of sebum. As with any other modelling mask based on skin type and perform particular tasks. What? Read the label – producers of painted detail (the list of running originalnih masks, see here).

Can I use peel off mask at home?

Можно ли использовать альгинатные маски в домашних условиях?

It is possible, but quite difficult to apply. It is better to use a special spatula. Remember: the eye area is not applied! One more thing. To provide the lifting effect, the mask should be applied in a horizontal position. So, better ask “help” from a friend.

Do Express Facials?

The effect of such masks is explained by the presence of substances stimulating metabolic processes, has a light lifting effect, smoothing the terrain by removing dead cells. Before an important event or activity they are sure to be useful.

How long does the effect of Express masks?

The blush on the cheeks and smooth skin without wrinkles will stay with you for five or six hours – the average time from the Express masks. Remember: they’re not meant for daily use. Express-masks have contraindications: open wounds, active acne, skin hypersensitivity, rosacea, hypersensitivity.

Is it possible to use a mask based on clay at home and what they have contraindications?

Можно ли использовать маски на основе глины в домашних условиях

Any kind of clay has a drying and adsorbent effect. They contain a lot of minerals, beneficial effect on the skin. Pure clay masks is better to use after the course moisturizing. Owners of dry skin it is best to avoid clay may cause skin dryness or violation of hydro-lipid barrier.

Whether the mask of the film?

Comedones and acne, as in advertising, you sure they were not “lift” is marketing. The mask of the film differ in composition, texture and time of exposure. They are implemented in a transparent or translucent gel, which is applied to the face in a thick layer. Drying up, this mask tightens the skin and after time can be easily removed by pulling at an upper part of the grease tube. After them few days, the skin actually looks clearer, until then. They are contraindicated in thin, dry skin, active acne, dilated blood vessels.

Why is it important to keep the mask a certain time?

Mask – concentrated product. The skin requires only 10 to 15 minutes to take out of it everything you need. If the mask is not designed for application at night, do not try to leave her. A chance to Wake up with redness and swelling.

Why a mask is not recommended causes for the periorbital region?

The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive. In this area there is practically no subcutaneous fat layer and kletchatki very close vessels. The active ingredients in the masks can cause burning, redness and swelling.

Is it possible to strengthen the action of the mask?

Можно ли усилить действие маски?

Cloth masks, for example, work better in the bathroom. Steam and high temperature help the active ingredients to work better. Before the application of any means can make a scrub or a gentle massage.

Do I need to wash away the sticky layer after the fabric mask?

Some beauticians advise to leave a sticky layer. I am of the opinion that it is necessary to wash off. Masks should not be on the face longer than necessary time. Some of them contain ingredients which may oxidize and negatively affect the skin. After the mask, apply the serum or cream.

To fit the mask c coal?

Mask with activated carbon became very popular. They are in the lineup almost every brand. Charcoal is a good absorbent. It absorbs sebum, clearing pores. That is why coal is added in care products for oily skin. In the same way as clay, coal can dry up – be careful.

How to wash off?

Как правильно смывать маску?

Most masks are washed off with plain water. If the stock is oil, it should be warm. After that, use the normal cream. Tonic is not needed – pH is not violated.

Can I store the masks, which are diluted with water?

No. Such funds should be used immediately. The resulting composition is an excellent substrate for the growth of pathogens and bacteria – is the first argument. Second: the active ingredients in the product, oxidize, become ineffective and can have a negative effect.

The role of masks for problem skin enzymes play whey?

Most manufacturers use lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase. These ingredients do not irritate skin and help to increase local immunity.

Why mask add AHAacid?

Alpha-hydroxy acids used in cosmetics for more than twenty years. But use them with caution. AHA updates the stratum corneum, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, lighten superficial age spots. Their main function is exfoliating. Therefore, masks with fruit acids to use when you need to update the stratum corneum. Often to apply them is not worth it – can cause more dryness, breaking the hydro-lipid barrier.

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