February 16, 2025

14 facts about the manicure winter

Towhich treatments soften the skin in cold weather and how “Whitey” choose sudovye lucky? Experts talk about the specifics of hand washing in the winter and suggest your favorite tools.

1. Properly wash your hands in the winter

Due to temperature changes wash your hands using lukewarm water because cold makes the skin rough, hot and very dry.

2. Apply cuticle oil after hard water

Know it all, but there is an important point. If the cuticle is dry, apply oil several times a day. It is also necessary to do if washed hard water or alkaline soap.

3. Use nourishing cream

Используйте питательный крем

Autumn and winter slim using a moisturizer, applying it on the hands only at home, if you are sure that in the near future will not go out. Put your emphasis on skin nutrition. Before leaving the house , use a nourishing cream, but wait until it is completely absorbed. And at night you can apply a more dense fat means. Ideally, solid oil-butter.

4. Lucky with the “healthy” additives do not improve the condition of nails

Not Veyrier varnishes and bases for gel Polish on which is written “with keratin”, “vitamins”, “calcium”. All of these components will not be absorbed into the nail. Is marketing clean water!

5. Cold paraffin

In the winter it is advised to do the paraffin treatment. The procedure nourishes the skin, creates a protective film – hands longer remain soft. There are two types of paraffin: hot and cold. First and second you can do at home. But for home use a more convenient option – cold paraffin. For example, from the brand Aravia. The process uses special creams, scrubs, and don’t need a warming apparatus for wax. You can do a mask with a cream-wax, causing the composition directly from the jar.

Холодная парафинотерапии

6. Hot paraffin

During the hot paraffin is used a special formula based cosmetic wax (important: not the one used for manufacture of candles), which is melted in an electric bath. The master handles hand scrub and then lowers them in warm paraffin wax (50°C does not cause discomfort). The next step is to wait until the paraffin film will harden, wear gloves and sit with the mask for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, a paraffin mask is removed along with gloves and applied to the skin cream.

7. Winter nails can stratify due to lack of vitamins

In my opinion, the bundle of nails is not directly related to the season. In most cases, it’s the internal processes of the body. But in the winter we do not get enough essential vitamins, and this can cause separation of nails. If this happens, most likely you are missing in the body of calcium, zinc, vitamins A, B and C, iron.

If the nails exfoliate, use a soft nail file with small abrasiveness – 200-240 grit. Then I told about their favorite tools.

8. In winter, the nails may grow slower

This is due to slowing of blood circulation, when your hands freeze. But the rate of nail growth decreases insignificantly, and this happens very rarely.

9. Look at the composition of the “winter” hand cream.

The main task of the cream in the winter to replenish the lipid balance. Here the working component is allantoin. Do not be redundant and vitamins a and E in creams for the hands, and also waxes which create a protective film. In many of the creams have herbal oils (avocado, jojoba, etc. ) – they make the cream more thick, nourishing and soften the skin.

Смотрите на состав «зимнего» крема для рук.

Every day I use a hypoallergenic cream for sensitive skin “Velvet Handles”. The cream nourishes and personally, I always save in the winter. In the composition of avocado oil and Shea (so the cream has a dense texture) and almond and castor oil.

10. Herbal ingredients in the cuticle oils

Растительные компоненты в составе масла для кутикулы

When choosing a cuticle oil, look the part. For example, in winter I choose oil for nails and cuticles Solar Oil from CND. As in the case with the hand cream, it is important that the ingredients was vegetable oil. Solar Oil is almond oil, jojoba and rice bran.

11. Peeling skin in winter

Скрабирование кожи рук зимой

Skrabirovanie skin in the winter, but don’t overdo it. Once a week is enough. If your skin is prone to dryness and you’re afraid of irritation, use peels. They are less aggressive due to fine particles in the composition. I like the “Magic clay” from L’oreal. Generally it is a face mask, but they do care two in one: apply the mask on the face and on hands, leave for five minutes and wash off. In the composition – a mix of different clays and seaweed extract. After using the skin becomes very soft.

12. Balm Lucas Papaw Ointment – against peeling

Бальзам Lucas Papaw Ointment – против шелушений

The first and most important advice, which will protect hands from dryness and peeling, – wear gloves (and going outside, and during the harvest). If peeling is already there, I suggest paraffin, scrub, peeling, or salon Spa for hands.

If peeling appear on hand locally, can help and care. For Example, Lucas Papaw Ointment. Despite the fact that it is marketed as a lip balm, it can also be used as protection from dryness and flaking. So I bravely put his rubbing motions on the face and sometimes problematic skin. For softening and healing meets natural papain, derived from papaya. The balsam only two components: papain and pharmaceutical vaseline.

13. Winter shades of nail Polish. good

I encourage clients to follow their preferences in choosing varnishes. If your winter wardrobe designed in black or beige, and bright polishes will look great! The most popular winter colors rich colors: Burgundy, red, eggplant. Some prefer cool colors: pale pink, light blue, blue, white. Separately say about a matte manicure. There are advised to choose dark colors, because the matte coating gets dirty and nodoby Matt varnish will quickly have to upgrade. The most on-trend shades see the link.

14. Shade Nude pick the color of the skin

Оттенок нюда подбирайте под цвет кожи рук

In the winter most of the girls skin is pale with blue and pink shade. This would suit a more light, neutral Nude. If you have recently returned from vacation, we can safely paint your nails a beige paint with a warm undertone. Hands will look different.

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