April 25, 2024

Probability to acquire obesity in obese parents is great, but it is not related to genes

Family photo at the festive table: ruddy chubby kids, tough little cheeky teenage girl, loosened Kustodievsky type mom, big daddy with bulging tummy, grandmother, on whose dress it took three meters …

Question: what is the probability that the teenage girl will grow and not fade ? The answer on the table – if it breaks from fat and sweet, then the girl has every chance to grow fat and become what her mother, grandmother, and perhaps great-grandmother were. And it’s not about genes, but about how they used to live. How inevitable is the hereditary fullness, the correspondent of SE recognized.

In dietetics there is such a term – “family obesity”, it means a certain regularity: full parents are grown up by non-sticky heirs. This term is an excellent loophole for lazy people: “I have genes, I can not do anything,” some people with obesity take themselves off responsibility.

However, their approval is not confirmed: “The gene that determines obesity does not exist exactly,” expose the myths Yakov Novoselov, director of the Siberian Federal Center for Healthy Nutrition, but immediately stipulates: “However, there are hereditary factors that create conditions for gaining excess weight, for example , the body poorly processes fat. ”

That is, the risk is quickly transferred to obesity, but obesity itself can not be hereditary.

Another genetically programmed feature of the body is, according to Natalia Shmachkova, a doctor-therapist TsSM “Zdravitsa”, the number of lipocytes, that is fat cells. It does not change, but the size of these cells depends on their owner. That is, predisposition is not equal to inevitability: the risk is greater, but the possibilities to keep oneself in a normal body are not limited.

Then the question arises: what is a normal body? At once we will make a reservation: the constitutional features are handed down by inheritance. “Such moments as the so-called” wide bone “, high growth, the general structure of the body, most often depend on the parents,” notes Yakov Novoselov. But a large one does not mean fat, and excess weight for each constitutional type is calculated independently. But it is obvious that if the reached size is far from 42, and there is simply nothing to lose weight, then it’s time to stop. Similarly, the presence of excess weight can be easily determined visually – it often does not hide, but crawls out folds. The same applies to the common areas for the whole family of fat deposits: the mother, grandmother and daughter fat is deposited in the same place, most often there are so-called ears on the hips.

There is no mysticism here, however, like geneticists, it’s just the usual obesity on a female type, on the buttocks and hips. It should be more attentive if the woman is obviously obese in the male, “upper” type, also called abdominal. “Numerous studies have shown that a large amount of abdominal adipose tissue is associated with a high risk of dyslipidemia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease,” the endocrinology.ru website said. Propensity to these diseases can be inherited, and a similar type of obesity in the mother and daughter indicates that they can develop disease on equal terms.

Often from predictive mothers, predictions based on experience can be heard: at the age of the daughter she was an inch, but after giving birth or after 30 she broke up – and the same misfortune would befall her daughter. Again, inevitability? In no case. Forewarned – means armed, and if it’s clear that the risk is spread out (you need to believe my mother! ), Then you just need to make more efforts to maintain a normal figure after childbirth or with age:

“Gaining excess weight after childbirth is not a verdict at all, still depends on the person who needs, perhaps, to revise food habits, way of life, “explains the director of the SFCF.

But if excess weight is a thing to buy, then why does the term “family obesity” exist? Because the connection with the parents is not interrupted with the cord cutoff, but lasts many, many years, and the way of life of the parents enters the flesh and blood of the child in the same way as the genetic tendencies transferred to it. “Full parents leading an incorrect lifestyle have an 80% chance to pass on their eating habits to children,” said Yakov Novoselov. “And those, respectively, imitating their parents, have a chance to acquire obesity. ” Sometimes there are exceptions – eating behavior of parents who love huge portions, multiple changes of dishes, eating, overeating, Sunday geese and late evening dinners, can cause rejection in children, and they will chew a leaf of salad all their life. But most often about family feasts are the most rosy memories, and the child, becoming an adult,

According to WHO statistics, children who have only one parent who is overweight will inherit a propensity to obesity with a probability of 40%. For children with both parents obese, the probability of obesity grows to 80-90%.

But this is not a reason for panic. Let us repeat that probability is far from inevitable. Yes, if your mother and father are overweight, then your wrists will not become aristocratically thin, but if your father loves your mother, then your type will also have connoisseurs. However, obesity, in addition to the aesthetic problem, is primarily a health issue, so you need to take more tests for diseases that have become apparent with parents with age. And remember that the opportunity to blur like a mother, you have more than a friend, whose parents still go skiing in winter, and in the summer like hiking.

And the risk is great not only because her parents are thin, but your full, but rather because of why her parents have maintained a normal weight – because of the acquired from childhood propensity to a healthy lifestyle. What it is, it’s no secret:moderate correct timely nutrition (do not know how to design a regimen and a table, go to a dietician), physical activity (at least walk), and do not allow habits in alcohol and smoking to become masters of your life. For this, in some cases, a reassessment of the values ​​inherent in childhood is needed. Here the choice is yours – will and determination are not inherited.

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