April 19, 2024

How to wear fashionable boots, without becoming like a corrupt woman or a brave soldier

Among the trends that have passed in the coming winter from autumn, are high boots, including those that close the knee. Treads in the zero years (a wonderful time, when something is in vogue and something is included, but little of it radically comes out) have already become familiar.

But they still have questions. Surely they are warm. And in general, long legs packed in tall boots are beautiful. But there are too many comic associations. The most innocent observers giggle over the similarity of the boots with the costumes of the movie musketeers and pirates.

Observers poglayu commemorate prostitution. Especially often come to mind the lacquered black boots, packed in which went to Richard Gere for a handful of dollars Julia Roberts in “Beauty”. The most sophisticated are discussing the working uniform of professional dominatrix. SHE understands how to wear boots, without causing ridicule.

The Princess and the Warrior

“Originally, the boots were men’s shoes, which women wore, only changing into a man to do something like that. For example, to escape to his lover, – thinks Mikhail Tyrnev, commercial director of the Casanova sex shops network. – That is, it’s the same fetish as a cylinder or a cigarette mouthpiece …

A fetish that a woman borrowed from a man, demonstrating that she is a vamp, she is ready to break the rules. ” The sexologist Igor Pereperchny also connects the provocative nature of the boots with the role of a woman intent on playing in the male territory, and recalls that the female leg is a phallic symbol, and the tight leather of her boots only emphasizes: “You can jump in puddles, and in general no dirt is terrible , – one modern fan of jackboots rejoices. – And I love them because, yes – it’s porn-chic, it’s funny.

Why sexy? So it’s practically stockings on show, on top of clothes! “.

Initially, it was not about sex, but in the mud. Like cloaks and trenches, boots are a legacy of war, whose front-line past has long been forgotten. Bottes Fortes (translated from the language of the three musketeers – “strong boots”) in the late Middle Ages were part of the officer’s uniform. The shank, in the unfolded form, closed the knee, protected the pants from the annoying spots of dirt and enemy blood. More importantly, the boots made it easier to ride long, hard fixing the leg (at first they were really “strong boots” – almost stiff) and protected from injuries. In equestrian clubs, high – true, no fanaticism, knee-high boots – and today are registered in safety techniques.

In ladies fashion, boots above the knee came rather late – in the early 60’s. And immediately received a reputation for fetish shoe scandalous.

In the 60s, a sex bomb of the universal defeat of Barbarella from the movie of the same name with Jane Fonda was circling in the boots, they were photographed on a motorcycle by Brigitte Bardot. In the 1970s and 1980s, the status of shoes for a strong and brave girl was intercepted by the Martens and other shoes with a military bias – the boots were forced into the sex industry of alleys and movies and magazines for adults.

Treads remain to winter

Postmodern zero years equaled in rights all kinds of footwear. Treads were a hit last season, autumn-winter – and retained positions this year. In most stores there are one or two models of winter boots in fur. Most often, these are models with an ankle that comes slightly above the knee – fetishist ultra-high models will have to be looked for. Heels – from the hairpin for definitely evening options to a stable middle heel (such boots will be good with both dress and jeans) and flat soles.

In “Askania” on the Soviet for 7-8 thousand rubles there are black suede boots (with a round toe on a high hairpin under a tree or with a slightly narrowed toe on the minimum heel of a rider). In the store Carnaby boots of black suede with a valve that closes the front of the knee, on a flat sole, with a slightly narrowed nose – an excellent, not too arrogant option for beginners – cost about 10 thousand rubles. In the store Hogl for 12 thousand rubles sold jackboots of black suede, with a sheepskin inside, which can be flaunted, turned off the boot, with a round toe and a five-centimeter wedge.

Laws of composition

When choosing boots, two things must be considered. First, observance of the proportions of the figure. Secondly, their actual provocation, so as not to look ridiculous and vulgar. Purely geometrically it is believed that the boots are not the best option for a short girl: they can not only extend their legs, but make the figure completely disproportionate. However, slim and miniature can look great in high boots, if they match in color with leggings and have a wedge or a heel. Also, with a general miniature, it is better to avoid pronounced large lapels on top of the boots that will give the inch the look of a snail that lives in its boots, like in a sink. “Full girls may well wear boots, most importantly, avoid light options,” comments fashion stylist-image maker Milan Plekhanov, head of the studio “Fashion image. ”

Impeccable reputation

As for reputation, the boots can be turned into stylish shoes with easy brutality, balancing them with clothes that lacked erotic appeal. Day to day, boots can be worn with tight jeans or leggings, supplemented with a tunic, a long sweater or a jacket on top. The jacket can be neat, finishing the jockey image. And maybe (especially now, this style is relevant), on the contrary, a conservative male “bigish” cut.

“If you put on boots with a skirt, it should cover their top, allowing the imagination to finish missing, leaving no gap for show,” says Milan Plekhanova.

Also, the provocative nature of the jackboots can be mitigated by the conservatism of clothing materials. If the shorts, then tweed and in combination with thick pantyhose. If the dress is that of a good coat of a noble shade. Brilliant, tight and black lace is best reserved for darkness, and even better – until the next Halloween. And, finally, the rule “As little as possible of bare skin” works for the boots, that is, short sleeves are better to prefer long ones. Well, a deep decollete in combination with the boots – especially on the heel – is definitely a taboo.

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