April 24, 2024

How to disguise a man, making him attractive, but not hurting his pride

Often a girl can view the beautiful soul of a man through a flannel shirt, dressed in short, narrowed down jeans, rising almost to the armpits. Less often, but can love and learn the prince through rustling material of a sports jacket and training pants in combination with long-nosed suede boots.

However, in any case, after a second date, she really wants to change it – it’s embarrassing to go near. In what, how and why to dress a man, learned the correspondent of SE.

“Anyone who does not decorate a figure, but emphasizes all its shortcomings, makes a fatal mistake,” – says Italian fashion researcher Nicolo Antonjovanni in his book about men’s clothing “Costume”. That is, men need clothes not only to hide from the wind. They, as well as ladies, can use costumes, so that others will be pleased to look at him, a man. What for? For many reasons, the main one is communication, without which to live badly.

Hint him that a well-dressed person who does not irritate the look always has more weight in the eyes of others, and ridiculously inappropriate clothing greatly reduces shares, even degrading his dignity.

Consider the main mistakes that allow men who dress unattended.

“The main problem of the stronger sex – inattention to its appearance, – the stylist Elena Vayman is sure. – And from it flow: the selection of clothes of a non-conforming figure, the wrong combination of elements and the irrelevance of style in this or that situation. ”

It’s good that to the place

If the size is simple – you need to allow a woman to measure herself and not to depart from the set parameters, then another needs to be explained. Let’s start with the latter – the lack of style. Surprisingly: it has been said so many times to the world that in a sports suit you can only come to trainings, but – here and there young people walk “in sports”. In general, they do not enter offices, so we will not consider this extreme.

There is a veiled version of it – half-sport: olympians, semi-cracks, T-shirts. All this is appropriate on vacation, in the design studio, where there are rules of the dress code (not all of them, by the way, polussport is welcome), but not in the office. Unexpectedly arising among working everyday life on the feet of a young man, half-cadets of a silvery shade do not give his figure of weight in business matters.

“To date, the dress code has a great deal of importance in business life,” says Yelena Vayman. “And a bad tone is considered non-compliance with it – the invariability of the style, both on vacation and at work. ”But this is important even for the person himself – changing the image helps to reorganize themselves, relax after hard work, and vice versa – to get together, buttoned up with all the buttons.

Be more modest

In addition to polsporta to mistakes in the business style can be attributed to bright, flashy colors. “The diversity, when there are 5-7 colors in the suit, does not allow us to see the person behind the clothes,” Elena Vaiman explains. – A person in a monochrome allows you to focus the attention of the interlocutor on the thoughts that he wants to convey to him.

” This should be remembered and in moments of relaxation – extravagance in clothes must necessarily be maintained charisma and the brightness of nature. Otherwise, others will simply be disappointed in the person who deceived their expectations.

Undoubtedly, choosing a conservative classics, both the woman and the man will always look good. The question of boredom of this style is removed with the help of accessories – glasses, belts – and high quality of things.

But not necessarily business style should focus on costume – jumper with shirt and tie is quite suitable as a change of jacket. This way it is easy to fulfill one more rule of business style: “During the week, 2-3 alternations of clothes should be alternated, and not put on the same set in a row,” warns the stylist.

Returning to jumper, we hasten to inform that it is necessary to wear it with trousers made of soft fabric, but not with jeans, which should be used in the wardrobe for a limited period. Here begins the second point – the wrong combination of clothes.

They do not fit together

Acting according to the rule “the bottom is covered, the top is covered, and okay, and how it fits together is not important”, the man, as reported above, commits a fatal mistake. First, do not mix styles – almost no one can successfully combine sports and classics. In addition, jeans often make a figure of squat. And in combination with a jacket – it is clear that it should not be classical, but rather soft, out of wool, free cut, – fit only to high people who need to give weight to the appearance.

People of average height and below should not choose this kit as a favorite. Well, if someone finds ridiculous reminders that the jacket can not be worn with a suit, but only with jeans, and a business style to leave a coat, but looking at pedestrians, you might think that some simply do not know.

This includes the wearing of sandals and other open shoes with socks – this is strictly prohibited, as well as the lack of socks with closed shoes. Purely black suit in combination with a white shirt – the uniform of guards and porters. Black suit requires a colored shirt. A man’s beginning in clothes, the lack of unisexuality is always a plus for a man. Hence it follows that blindly following fashion trends, excessive elegance is a big risk.

“He is not a gentleman – he dresses too well,” said the famous English philosopher Bertrand Russell about the elegant British Prime Minister Anthony Eden. That is, simplicity, modesty, lack of flashy details and bold decisions in clothes for a man is rather a plus: he still does not have to look like he has tried on all this for a long time in front of a mirror – this is the prerogative of women.

Patience and delicacy

Now, small secrets are only for ladies. At once to dress up a man, without hurting his feelings, it is difficult – he can be offended and obstinate. Start small – give him new clothes, then a tie or shirt, which will gradually require a new design. You do not need to buy everything at once from the cap to the laces – first pick up the base wardrobe.

So, for work and rest, a man needs to have in the closet:

• a good wool suit of beneficial color,
• to him – several shirts,
• a pair of three ties,
• a woolen vest,
• jumper with V-neck (preferably monophonic, without Oxford cells),

• woolen coat,
• one, but expensive pair of classic shoes (try not to take with a sharp toe) – this is for work,
• classic blue jeans (not tight) ,
• loose cut shirt,
• loose sweater (can be with a throat),
• jacket,
• soft shoes (for rest).

Do you think it’s boring? Good colors, the right accessories, interesting cuts will make your prince attractive. But also you do not forget to keep the brand, so that at one point he did not ask you to change your clothes.

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