April 25, 2024

Five Ways to Occupy Yourself on New Year’s Holidays

What would you do? This issue rarely arises on working days, but during the Christmas holidays it can be very relevant. Ten days for a busy woman – a gift of fate, a gift from heaven, the opportunity to sleep an extra four hours, watch a bunch of favorite films on TV and then sleep again – about ten hours.

Five Ways to Occupy Yourself on New Year's Holidays

But what to do after? How to spend a vacation with benefit for the cause and with interest for yourself? Of course, ladies, burdened with a family that smears saucers and squirts linen, will find something to do without our help. But sometimes they want to take a break.

1. Change of scenery

Are you tired of the monotonous situation? Are you tired of stepping over a cat rug and skirting chairs? Festive season – it’s time to change the situation. And let it be not a design number of a five-star hotel, but a one-room apartment in Khrushchev, but you will finally find time to make your home cozy and comfortable for life. Ten days is enough to move sofas and cupboards, buy boxes for ever scattered disks and boxes for disheveled magazines. After all, a cozy interior does not necessarily have to be expensive. The main thing is that both the owner and each thing should have their own place.

2. Creative in the kitchen

What do you eat for dinner in the middle of a work week? Few people have enough time and energy to culinary experiments. And to realize all the ideas on the eve of the holiday is physically impossible. Yes it’s pointless – salads, meat, fish and snacks on the third day of “eating” cease to please the eater with its special taste and mix in the mouth in an unattractive porridge. It is much more pleasant to use exclusive without garnish in the load. When you relax from the pre-holiday preparations, and the fridge is empty, please yourself and your loved ones with an unusual dish. Fondue, mulled wine, strudel or Guryev porridge – no matter what it will be. Do not be afraid to experiment and add author’s notes to classic recipes. Gastronomic innovation allows the chef to be proud of himself, and his relatives – to enjoy a new unusual taste.

Five Ways to Occupy Yourself on New Year's Holidays

3. Soap opera

Rectangular bars of soap, natural and wondrously smelling, have long appeared in the shops of our city. Inclusions of grasses and flowers make it clear that the soap was actually made by hand. If you are bored and have nothing to do on the long weekend, you can master this interesting and useful thing. A painstaking work with molds and fillers may suit your taste and become a hobby. Hobby is, incidentally, both exciting and useful – you can not only provide yourself with the necessary natural soap, but also make unusual, exclusive gifts for loved ones. Recommendations and advice on soap making can be found on the Internet.

4. The Ice Age

Recently, skating has become no less fashionable than skiing. And the lack of the need to travel far away makes this sport more popular and popular. Regularly broadcast television shows can assure even the most cautious girl that you can teach anyone to skate. Therefore, even if you stood on the ice only in school, and then without skates, this is not an excuse to give up such a glorious pastime. In addition, in the worst frost, you can go to a closed ice rink and ride there in warmth and comfort. Do not forget to call a pair of friends with you – then even falling will be more fun.

5. Passion for clothes

If you daily puzzle over what you wear to work and constantly come across the fact that you have nothing to wear, despite regular shopping trips, it’s time to take action. Black jacket, gray skirt and a wonderful red blouse for the second year hanging out in the closet without work. In the store they looked much better than at home. And about to throw out new things, you are afraid to think. Establish order is very useful, but not for everyone.

The order in the closet is another matter: it can be turned into a pleasant process of fitting out, using not only a mirror, but also the next of kin as judges and advisers. Sort things out by format and try different combinations. You can even make a photo catalog – looking from the outside, you can understand what you can wear with something that has long languished on your shelves,and from what you have to get rid of. By the way, photos can help you not only in clothes, but also in shoes – so as not to look for the right pair, break all the boxes, photograph it and paste the photo on the side of the box.

We often complain about the lack of free time. But when it falls on us in large numbers – we do not know what to spend it on. Combine business with pleasure – then at the beginning of the working week you will not have to regret the days wasted.

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