April 19, 2024

3 Ways To Strengthen Your Vagina For Better Sex

Your workout routine is likely a solid mix of arms, abs, and ass, but there’s one body part you’re likely not paying enough attention to when you exercise: your vagina.

There are a variety of reasons women may want to consider vagina exercises, including postpartum changes and medical conditions like urinary stress incontinence, but its ability to heighten sexual sensations should make it appealing to all.

“Vaginal exercises can help create more dexterity of the important muscles that influence pleasure, orgasm, and sexual response,” says Allison Moon, founder of Girlsex101. “Part of the pleasure from orgasms comes from muscle contractions. ” Stronger vaginal muscles can create stronger contractions and subsequently greater release, she explains, adding that muscles also help draw more blood to the pelvis, increasing sensation.

Not only can a stronger vagina lead to stronger orgasms, but it can also help ease pain associated with intercourse. “In some cases, people who experience pain during sex can find some relief by toning their muscles and developing the ability to both contract and relax them,” says Moon.

Sure, six-packs are great, but better orgasms? Now that’s a workout perk worth getting behind. Read on for three ways to tone and tighten your vaginal muscles. Trust me, your sex life will thank you.

Keep up with your kegels

Chances are, you’re familiar with kegels, but most of us aren’t doing them the right way (or at all). By squeezing the PC muscles, these exercises target the muscles that support your pelvic floor and help maintain the strength of the vagina.

“The easiest way to learn to identify these muscles is by practicing cutting off the flow of urine while peeing,” says Moon. “Once you’ve mastered the ability to cut off the flow and then relax the muscles to resume the flow, you can use this technique any time. ” Consider it private training.

Try a toy

The best way to keep it tight? Take a page out of Gwyneth Paltrow’s book and add in a vaginal weight. Sex and relationships expert Kim Anami advises against doing kegels without weights, noting that they likely aren’t as effective.

“Doing kegels without weight is the equivalent of going to the gym, staring at the weight rack, and then flapping your arms wildly in the air,” she says. She suggests using a jade egg with a string through it and a light-weight object tied to the other end, then using the muscles of your pelvic floor to lift it. “If you’re interested in a toy to help with your exercises, I recommend reaching out to a feminist sex toy company to find body-safe toys that work for you,” adds Moon.

Mix up your masturbation

Remix your masturbation methodsfor a workout that’s both fun and effective. “Variety helps your genitals appreciate a range of different sensations, which can make both solo and partnered sex more pleasurable,” says Moon, who suggests giving yourself plenty of time to relax and experience the different range of sensations.

“For folks who have a hard time orgasming, it’s often a good idea to take orgasm off the table, so to speak, and just focus on generating pleasurable sensation,” she says. Look for toys that will give you both penetration and clit stimulation, and experiment to figure out what you actually enjoy.

But don’t overdo it

After reading this, you may be tempted to spend the next 36 hours strengthening your lady parts for the sake of a stronger O. Resist the urge. Experts caution that overdoing your vaginal exercises can be even worse than not doing them at all. “It’s great to do vaginal exercises for your own pleasure and comfort. However, just like any kind of exercise, it’s possible to do it too much,” says Moon.

“Your muscles need time to relax and heal after working them out. ” Just like all other workouts, how/when/if you do vaginal exercises is completely up to you, but if you experience pain or muscle fatigue, take a break for a while. “If you don’t enjoy the workout, don’t feel like you have to do it,” Moon adds.

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